August 21, 2024 - 6:15pm

→ Kremlin: Ukrainian troops in Russia is the ‘new normal’

The Kremlin is reportedly telling Russian civilians that the presence of Ukrainian troops inside their borders is the “new normal”, according to the independent Russian-language publication Meduza. Kyiv’s forces launched a successful incursion into Russian soil earlier this month, a development that could turn the conflict on its head.

The Russian government apparently does not expect to expel Ukrainian forces in the near future, so it wants its people to adjust to the Ukrainian presence. “This is necessary so that people consider what is happening not an aberration, but a new norm, albeit temporary. This should be reassuring,” a Kremlin-linked source told the outlet. The “new normal” — where have we heard that one before?

→ UK public backs Labour’s deportations plan

Yvette Cooper may be catching flak in the press for her plans to deport more illegal migrants, but the new Home Secretary’s proposed measures are clearly popular with the wider public. New polling from YouGov reveals that 67% of Britons support an increase in deportations, including 58% of Labour voters. The corresponding figures for Tory and Reform UK voters are an overwhelming 92% and 96% respectively, and even a clear majority of Lib Dems — 55% — would get behind the crackdown.

Cooper previously referred to the Conservatives’ Rwanda plan as “damaging” and “unethical”, yet her own reinvention as Theresa May with a red rosette seems to have gone down well with the electorate. Rwanda 2.0?

→ Nancy Pelosi rebranded as ‘The Godmother’

Nancy Pelosi’s devotees at the DNC are wearing pins of her portrait, in the style of The Godfather’s silhouette portrait of Vito Corleone, affixed with the caption: “The Godmother”.

Pelosi has been the subject of countless memes portraying her — perhaps accurately — as the ruthless puppet master of the Democratic Party. Insiders suggest that she pushed Joe Biden out of the presidential race this summer through shadowy string-pulling, the latest example in a long career of running the party from behind the scenes. For this, DNC attendees are apparently grateful. At least it’s better than the Saint Fauci prayer candles