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Madeleine Jones
Madeleine Jones
2 years ago

Words such as ‘disinformation’ and ‘misinformation’ are clearly creepy. What ever happened to ‘that’s wrong’ or ‘your statement is incorrect.’ This use of jargon is annoying.
My comment on ‘Is Ukraine Just A White Man’s War’ disappeared. It wasn’t ‘held for moderation’ and I wasn’t alerted to this. Nothing in my statement was against the community guidelines. I’m beginning to think Unherd is ashamed of their original readers.

Jeremy Bray
Jeremy Bray
2 years ago

As you say the whole US proposal and concept is creepy and sinister.

Regarding your experience here I find after an hour or so my submissions tend to come out of moderation or the somewhat absurdly entitled “Awaiting for approval” system – as if Unherd somehow approves of the random comments we submit rather than just suppressing the one’s they find objectionable for some reason.

It is interesting to hear that your comment was vaporised since I don’t regard your comments as particularly inflammatory and I noticed yesterday Martin Bollis posted something that never came through moderation. I think you are right that Unherd do seem ashamed of their original readers and seem to have run some of them off. I don’t see anything from John Jones and Galeti T and from some others who used to post regularly. Moderation certainly seems to have become more heavy handed than in the early days.

As I have frequently said an article from someone in the editorial team on the difficulties they face in running a moderation system would be interesting and directly pertinent to us as unpaid contributors. I not infrequently give more regard to the comments than to the original article where standards can sometimes dip in terms of quality.

2 years ago

Most of the ‘original readers’ have sadly, long gone.

Hardee Hodges
Hardee Hodges
2 years ago

So curious that we hardly heard of MDM prior to learning that Hillary lost because of Russian adverts. Nearly all political adverts contain half-truths as par for the course as we all understand. Various parties including nations sponsor and create psychological campaigns intended to divide and isolate segments of society. Nothing new here at all. Bots arrive to deliver these messages and are hard to police. The best any government agency can do is provide education. They can create their own propaganda to counter other’s campaigns but if not creatively done just look like heavy hands of annoyance. Stopping such messaging is an impossible task.
Not sure what the Biden administration thinks they can do with this new board. By creating it they now have a point person that Congress can attack no matter what the board tries to accomplish. Might create new job opening for the lawyers in court cases that will surely follow.

2 years ago

Biden should be packed off to a retirement home in Ballina, Co Mayo, ASAP.

Ray Zacek
Ray Zacek
2 years ago

DGB will save us from wrongthink.