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Tom Lewis
Tom Lewis
3 years ago

“Hopefully books like these will add a much-needed dose of realism to the public debate. “

Not a cat’s chance in hell.
The ultimate irony is the very people who worry about everybody else’s bias, unconscious or otherwise, don’t have a mirror handy. Hell, if the hyper aware can’t see or confront their own prejudices, how an earth is the average joe supposed to ?

Paul Hayes
Paul Hayes
3 years ago
Reply to  Tom Lewis

It’s true that there’s not much chance of the “average joe” becoming a paragon of rationality, and even the “hyper aware” will sometimes err, but let’s not be too pessimistic. There’s plenty of scope for substantial improvement.

Galeti Tavas
Galeti Tavas
3 years ago

OK, so you make this anti-implicit bias training mandatory from kindergarten to pension, and even after, by it being in every TV show and MSM output.

Now in 2 more generations no one is Racist, or biased, But… still the races still stratify in trends in achievement, still the bell curve remains stubbornly, What Then?

There is no leveling up, but there can be leveling down, is this what implicit bias means we must do?

Galeti Tavas
Galeti Tavas
3 years ago
Reply to  Galeti Tavas

PS, took the African American/European test, showed moderate bias towards White, which is correct. I have worked a great deal with Black people on my crews (construction) and because I fish a lot very many of my fishing friends were Black men, and I live in a half Black town, my neighbor is Black, I get along with Black people, and like them, I also get along with muslims and like them, and other groups.

But then I am White, I have seen a very great amount of the world and people, and know a very great deal of history. I believe the Europeans created most of the best parts of the world, from science, philosophy, politics, freedoms and rights, rule of law, justice, charity, industry, suffrage, ending of slavery and servitude, arts, medicine, literature, education, intellectualism, The extrodinairally enlightened and Intellectual Christianity as it formed us, and we it, in the West, I like the European people a lot for all this.

Is it desirable for people to be trained into defying the ability of personal discernment based on one’s life and personal experiences and thought and understanding if it does not fallow the correct way of thinking?