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Fraser Bailey
Fraser Bailey
4 years ago

We once mocked the Soviets for anointing one geriatric after another, yet now the Democrats have anointed a man who is clearly in the early or even middle stages of Alzheimers of some form of dementia. And a man who routinely insults his own natural supporters upon meeting them. It is one of the most remarkable stories of our time.

As such, Biden is nothing more than a puppet for the Democrat playbook i.e. send jobs abroad so that young Americans have limited job opportunities and are forced to join the military, where they will fight and die in the insane wars that the neo-liberal Democrats love so much. These people are pure evil.

Fraser Bailey
Fraser Bailey
4 years ago

We once mocked the Soviets for repeatedly anointing old men in poor health. The Democrats have gone one step further and anointed a man who, as we have seen in recent weeks, barely knows where he is or what he is saying. Moreover, he has repeatedly insulted his own natural supporters, telling one construction worker yesterday that he was ‘full of s***’
It really is extraordinary and it demonstrates once again the contempt in which the Democratic establishment holds the American people.

Andrew Baldwin
Andrew Baldwin
4 years ago

If you are going to mention the problems with American voting, you should really mention the serious problem with illegal voting, which clearly will favour Biden over Trump in 2020 if Biden is the candidate. Jesse Richman was one of the co-authors of the peer-reviewed Richman-Chattha-Earnest study that estimated 6.4% of non-citizens voted in the 2008 presidential election of whom 81,8% voted Democrat and 17.5% Republican. Using the same parameters Professor Richman estimated about 1.29 million non-citizens voted illegally in 2016, accounting for about 0.83 million votes in Hillary Clinton’s popular vote margin over Donald Trump. It is easy to see just how fragile these numbers are if one thinks that Richman accepted the highly dubious Census 10% undercount of undocumented immigrants. If one only makes an adjustment for this, the number of illegal voters could rise to as much as 1.52 million and Clinton’s margin over Trump to 0.98 million. This of course ignores the other sources of illegal voting (e.g. voting by felons) which would also tend to favour the Democrats.

Gerald gwarcuri
Gerald gwarcuri
4 years ago

“Despite the hype, Sanders just isn’t turning out the young voters, new voters and Left-wing voters that he was counting on.”

Michigan exit polls:

Biden – 73% voters 65 and over
Sanders – 82% voters under 30

voters 65 and over were 23% of those voting
voters under 30 were 15% of those voting