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3 years ago

My generic knowledge of Russell Brand is based solely on his “celebrity” persona and I have no gauge on his everyday character. I want express that I’m sure more context could be provided to completely justify what is in this article that I disagree with. From what I read it seems the author of this article goes to a church the denomination is beside the point… To each there own I think I have no reason to worry about what other people do with there lives except anything drastically interferes or endangers mine or my loved ones. After all that finally my point of this post is to state that we as a whole the social government if you will is the problem nobody ever seems to wanna fix. I applaud anyone that wants to be a better human not what social or public opinions dictate
How can anyone really argue that there veiws or morals or whatever the case may be judges other people. Instead of social majority policing what’s acceptable. There will always be something to bother us it’s life, unchangeable we’re all in some way or another always changing how we act constantly adapting to everyday situations. Try to be a decent person do whatever the f**k you want as long as it’s not at someone else’s expense. Society is so fucked up and convoluted with how we are expected to be that people end up changing and worrying eventually hating there life’s depressed and beat down mentally causing more social issues repeating the cycle. Stop expecting others to follow the self-righteous control freaks and focus on simply being a good person.
Addicts and homeless people are instantly perceived by the majority as not good or even degenerates bad bla bla bla…the drugs someone does isn’t harming anyone outside there family and themselves who am I to tell them there somehow failing life or whatever. Anyone can go buy gallons of hard liquor and it’s lawfully ok until they drive potentially harming others drugs are suppressed by the gov causing higher cost leading to financial ruin then criminal behavior. Quit worrying about other people and how they choose to live laws control the people that get out of hand same as the drunks breaking the laws. Sorry for this ridiculous unreadable rant just sick of people that honestly think the have the right to tell people how they should be or that there way of life is the right path……..KA-White

P.s. sorry again lol