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Fraser Bailey
Fraser Bailey
4 years ago

I predicted a few weeks ago that the number of deaths would actually fall during the Corona-Crisis due to fewer car accidents etc. I still believe that I may be proved correct. However, I have also said that business collapses and financial ruination may cause more deaths than the virus itself. A sheriff in Idaho (or it could have be Iowa) reported eight or nine suicides in just one week in just one county. He attributed this to the sudden collapse in economic activity.

Ray Hall
Ray Hall
4 years ago

A useful metric. Please keep us posted .
Thank you.

Daniel Smallwood
Daniel Smallwood
4 years ago

Yes, but the graph shows that in Weeks 1&2, apparently before the arrival of Covid-19, the death rate was also above the average. And life went on unhindered. So at the very least the graph suggests that the figures for Week 12 are not as significant as he makes out. We do not know the causes of all the deaths in Week 12, or weeks 1&2. So I’m thinking that Freddie Sayers might have re-read his article, realised it meant nothing, and put it in the round file. Unless his agenda is suggestio falsi and suppressio veri.