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Bob Rowlands
Bob Rowlands
2 years ago

Putin’s invasion of Ukraine has shaken up the global pack which the western alliance cannot afford to lose. At the same time the more open ‘democracies’ have been far too naive in allowing intellectual property theft. Oxford and Cambridge have been particularly unsophisticated and risible but not exclusively them; it’s happened across the globe under the umbrella of “academic collaboration” but universities have simply sold out to corrupt regimes. Politicians must take responsibility for this and legislate accordingly. EG: We can’t have a ‘researcher’ nipping in for 5 years and pinching the latest quantum physics research and disappearing back to their homeland. Cliché I know however if you want peace prepare for war – time to wake up and it seems Japan has done so!

Vijay Kant
Vijay Kant
2 years ago

Japan is simply preparing for the eventual takeover of Taiwan by China. It will need the backing of the West when that happens.

Warren T
Warren T
2 years ago

Perhaps the real reason for the Japanese, and many other young people around the globe, to be outside protesting anything these days is to create a photo opp to post on social media. That’s all.

Ian Stewart
Ian Stewart
2 years ago

Its been well overdue for the Japanese and the Germans to throw off their mantle of guilt over WW2 and get involved in serious geopolitics. But it’s now rather handy that they can so easily pass the mantle on to the new paragon of evil, Putin.

Jonathan Story
Jonathan Story
2 years ago

Japan, yes. Germany, no. Japan faces China, a very serious opponent, and Japan never went through the German guilt phase from the 1960s onwards. Germany is now militantly pacifist. This simple point is about to become abundantly clear.