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Scott Allan
Scott Allan
4 years ago

Cjildcare has always been seen as work. And valuable work. It may be true 51% of mothers with a child under 11 MAY work part-time compared to 18% of men. But the stated presumtions beyond this are wild and baseless in facts.

In Warren Farrell’s new book “The Boy Crisis” the facts drawn from credible research show that men work longer hours and more dangerous jobs to support these children, while the often younger women do more house chores. Perhaps this sacrifice warrents a little more unpaid house work? Presenting a single side of the equasion, as this article does, is not fair or helpful.

Should parents be given time to care for family commitments? In Sweden both fathers and mothers are given a year for each child. Then fathers usually gift half of their time to mothers. Yes gift. Wisely the gifting is capped at 6 months or half of the fathers time. Because as Warren Farrell explains in his book children need equal contact with fathers to develop intelligence, empathy and social skills. Father absence is the leading contributor to children being 5 times more likely not to graduate high school, 9 times more likely to engage in high risk behaviours and 20 times more likely to be incarcerated. (Low income families have up to 55% father absence in the UK)

Of the “systemically underpaid and undervalued” professions that are of much higher risk jobs, 96% will be male jobs, just stating facts.

When you factor in the compensation for the increased risk jobs there is no “gender pay gap”. In fact until the age of 35 women are paid 8% more than men on average currently. 70% of graduates from university are women. Men’s only advantage in earnings is that they are prepared work many more hours each week, travel long distances for employment and perform more dangerous jobs. 96% of all workplace fatalities and serious injuries are male jobs. Not many fatal house chore injuries recorded last year. In fact not one.

As Warren Farrell stated in his interview with John Anderson, Australian former Deputy Prime Minister in an interview:… “maybe some gratitdue…??” Worth a watch for the brave and open minded. Both advocated for equal opportunity for boys and girls. I know crazy talk like that will get th mob set on you.

4 years ago

Social carers certainly deserve bankers’ bonuses more than the bankers themselves.