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Neven Curlin
Neven Curlin
2 years ago

Meanwhile, in the US, the neocons are rubbing their hands.

Ian McKinney
Ian McKinney
2 years ago

Germany has behaved despicably throughout this crisis – if the gas pipe was turned off this war would end in a few weeks as Russia has very little other source of income – but clearly Germany prefers bulging wallets to keeping people alive.

Brendan O'Leary
Brendan O'Leary
2 years ago
Reply to  Ian McKinney

Russia has huge gas exports to China and others to the east.
Check this from 2019:

Anna Bramwell
Anna Bramwell
2 years ago

I thought the aim of the sanctions against Russia was at the very least to shut down their access to foreign currencies and bank accounts, So why is it ‘blackmail’ for Russia to want to be paid in a currency they can use? Childish language.