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Sayantani Gupta Jafa
Sayantani Gupta Jafa
1 year ago

Erdogan fancies himself to be a Neo Ottoman type. There is a link with the grain deal which Putin may not renew. There is also something afoot in the tangled skein of West Asian geo politics. It is not as straight as it looks but then with Erdogan when is it ever straight?!

Sayantani Gupta Jafa
Sayantani Gupta Jafa
1 year ago

Erdogan fancies himself to be a Neo Ottoman type. There is a link with the grain deal which Putin may not renew. There is also something afoot in the tangled skein of West Asian geo politics. It is not as straight as it looks but then with Erdogan when is it ever straight?!

Emre S
Emre S
1 year ago

Erdogan knows quite well how to play the West. In fact the main reason he’s in power in the first place is that he played the West successfully more than 20 years ago to get their full support. He got the (proto-)Woke politicians to believe that he was a leader of an oppressed Muslim minority in Turkey who wanted nothing but more democracy and minority rights. At the time I couldn’t believe how the West could fully support such a man who was obviously deceiving them and I kept looking for ulterior motives.
All those years later seeing what’s happening in the West with Woke ideology, I came to accept that many of those idiots probably did believe him at the time after all.

Emre S
Emre S
1 year ago

Erdogan knows quite well how to play the West. In fact the main reason he’s in power in the first place is that he played the West successfully more than 20 years ago to get their full support. He got the (proto-)Woke politicians to believe that he was a leader of an oppressed Muslim minority in Turkey who wanted nothing but more democracy and minority rights. At the time I couldn’t believe how the West could fully support such a man who was obviously deceiving them and I kept looking for ulterior motives.
All those years later seeing what’s happening in the West with Woke ideology, I came to accept that many of those idiots probably did believe him at the time after all.

Steve White
Steve White
1 year ago

Apparently for removing his objection, Biden promised $11-13 billion line of credit from the IMF. Other than arm twisting, lectures and all that, this is how a lot of things happen. Erdogan plays all sides. He is the ultimate pragmatist.

Last edited 1 year ago by Steve White
Steve White
Steve White
1 year ago

Apparently for removing his objection, Biden promised $11-13 billion line of credit from the IMF. Other than arm twisting, lectures and all that, this is how a lot of things happen. Erdogan plays all sides. He is the ultimate pragmatist.

Last edited 1 year ago by Steve White