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Linda Hutchinson
Linda Hutchinson
1 year ago

France is on the side of Ukraine “until victory”.
Did he say whose victory?

Bruno Lucy
Bruno Lucy
1 year ago

Linda, let s be fair ….we will see the level of resolve of each country once temperatures get below 19 in homes.
Have a look at last UnHerd interview…….down to the money, pragmatic and brillant. None of this emotional nonsense going on right now …….that the weather is warm.

Fran Martinez
Fran Martinez
1 year ago

The author gives no importance to the fact that the anti covid bill was blocked. Macron has put some of tge most draconian and segregationist measures in Europe. The fact that both the right and the left blick his attemot to give himself ectra powers is a huge deal.

Bruno Lucy
Bruno Lucy
1 year ago

Macron is now hailing the word compromise as the key word of his tenure.
The last 5 years were just the opposite and the level of arrogance of Macron MP s was staggering.
Then , all of a sudden, they get spanked in parliament being on the minority on a covid bill. Too bad it is not reported here cuz these guys are still stunned by what hit them.
It is a good thing for democracy in this’country to have a hung parliament.
Journo s are lamenting that France will be ungovernable…….but was it ever ?………totally tosh.Republicans will play umpire and like it or not, Marine Lepen too.
What’s the fuss ? The French are sooooop fixed on their nostril that they don’t even see the kind of bill that is being discussed in Sweden with new police powers. They would be electrified if the same was introduced in the country……even like it is the case, it makes good sense.
As to Melenchon clowns, they do scare a hell of a lot more than Lepen.