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Stephen Follows
Stephen Follows
4 years ago

As with most things, this is the fault of the media. The liberal-left anyone-but-Boris faction spent so long, especially during the election campaign claiming that Boris was some form of fascist that he is now bending over backwards not to seem like one. You people are reaping what you sowed.

Gerald gwarcuri
Gerald gwarcuri
4 years ago

Liberal democracies operate on the principle that the people – not the government – decide their own fate. I think Johnson hit the right note. Of course, those who prefer to live in a surveillance state like the UK might want more of a wet-nurse approach to their lives, but not everyone does.

Totalitarianism can get certain things done, but at what cost? Let’s take the case of how Communist China ( yes, it is still Communist ) responded to the Coronavirus outbreak. We will never fully know the repressive tactics they used in failing to contain the spread of the virus or fully alert the world of the threat on a timely basis.

Liberty has costs and responsibilities. Grown-up citizens only need a word to the wise to respond. The alternative is to treat everyone like morons and pawns.

Gerry Fruin
Gerry Fruin
4 years ago

i’m reasonably sure the government is doing what’s best in this crisis. Clarity and facts are vital. This is an opportunity for the media to accept that the majority of us do understand an issue and that they should change their attitude to suit the gravity of the situation. Instead of the constant misleading and hysterical drama scenario’s we have grown so weary of.
Clarity; self isolation – does that mean we can’t walk in the park, keeping away from others? Go caravaning? Soon I hope many of the myriad of questions will be answered. Meanwhile let’s all be positive and pro-active.

Mark Bretherto
Mark Bretherto
4 years ago

Can you imagine the headlines if Boris and the Conservatives did actually ban public gatherings or order pubs/clubs to close? They get called Nazi’s as it is.