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Galeti Tavas
Galeti Tavas
2 years ago

From the start it was Russia, back in, if I remember, 1973 the King’s Cousin took control and set up a Socialist government under Russian tutelage. (I actually think the process began in 1965, forming some kind of Parliament under the King) and when it all began to fall apart in 1979 the Failed Afghani gov invited in the Russians Army in to keep control.
And this is where I think we should have let it go. The Russians seemed to handle the ‘Stan’ countries better than others, and under them Mining, Pipelines, Hydro, and all things would have modernized, and in those 40 years I think much progress would have happened…
But instead we used this to bankrupt the Russians for Cold War purposes, I do not think to free Afghanistan, but by funding the Mujahideen, (Via ISI, another trouble maker) and later giving them anti air missiles, we put Russia into a military, very costly, stalemate. So 20 years of that…

Meanwhile Saudi was funding many madrassas in Western Pakistan for the Afghani youth – free religious education, this is Highly revered by the Pashtun, so a great many boys went, very harsh and fundamental religious schools, they taught a Deobandi/Pushtunwali (traditional code of the Pushtu people, the code where one must kill any who strikes you, or a family member even, the code of honour above death, the code of family, tribe, land above all, also the code of the burqua, honour is very much tied up with the women, which was later the issue…)

So all these exceedingly tough Afghani youth (Talib, which means ‘Student’, or Taliban) were trained up to fanatical fighters, and then loosened on the totally corrupt Mujahideen now the Russians had gone. One primary code of Pashtunwali is Hospitality, and the obligations of it once you had granted it… they were life and death obligations –
So Osama had set up there, it was Saudi Salifist Whabbi financed, educated, fighters and the USA told the Talib Osama had to go – but their code would not let them kick him out, and so in we went, and once there the MSM, that Agenda driven force for evil in the West ,began on the girls and women (Pashtunwali) and so we stuck there another 20 years to try to Westernize the Women’s condition as the MSM had the Liberal outrage all worked up…..
42 years, really 45, and for what? Not what they told you it was for. Crazy, Ironic, and expensive – and now China is gearing up to get making some money there….
No one has had luck in Afghanistan after the Parthians (Alexander), Pashtunwali is the code of honour above death, it never ends well to try to make them live in a way which they feel is dishonorable….

Peter LR
Peter LR
2 years ago

I watched the film, Kajaki. I wonder how all those young men who lost limbs there now feel about their sacrifice.
“Older men start wars, but younger men fight them.”
Albert Einstein

Last edited 2 years ago by Peter LR
Peter Francis
Peter Francis
2 years ago

‘But there was a silver lining. The British army, according to Carter, “were never defeated on the battlefield.”’ So Suez in 1956 can now be re-classified as another of our successes.

Al Chapman
Al Chapman
2 years ago

The key comment from the piece is in the final sentence. The Taliban are taxing the Helmandi locals. To rule you must tax. The key reason for the west’s failure was the refusal to rule the country competently. Either directly or with a competent proxy. This infantile fixation with military security was expensive and fruitless. The Taliban know this, the British used to know this. It is and has always been business that matters. The Taliban will tax. There will have to be some corresponding representation along with this taxation and now you get the beginnings of a functioning state. Expecting a functioning state through security measures and a corrupt incompetent state is delusional. It is true in Africa where foreign aid negates the need for local taxation and a competent and representative state.
I imagine Tamerlane and Alexander the great knew this too. The soviet installed civil service is still the only thing holding the country together.

Eddie Johnson
Eddie Johnson
2 years ago

Terrorists win if they don’t lose.
Armies lose if they don’t win.

Geoffrey Simon Hicking
Geoffrey Simon Hicking
2 years ago

Things might have been different if we’d been able to occupy Pakistan as well. Fewer places for the Taliban to run to.

Jonathan Ellman
Jonathan Ellman
2 years ago

surrendered to China … perhaps