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James Joyce
James Joyce
2 years ago

What’s the point of this tosh?
Bob Dole was a man of his generation–so is Sleepy Joe–and his greatest accomplishment–truly honorable–was when he was 22 years old. Bravo to him for truly brave service. Sleepy Joe doesn’t have that and would never have been up to it.
But after Bob Dole left Kansas, he succumbed to Potomac Fever, and seemed to stay in Washington forever. A 1996 election slogan was “the White House or home,” but Bob was truly not in Kansas anymore. After he was “out of politics” he became a lobbyist, including lobbying for foreign governments.
In other words, he was a swamp creature since circa 1960. For 50+ years Dole was part of the problem, not the solution. He won’t be missed. Viagra commercials? Lobbying? Putting up his wife to run for President. Washington Power Couple–absolutely! Out of touch with the places that made them, ordinary people–you bet! The entitlement of the elites seems to know no bounds.
The endorsement of this feeble and completely irrelevant old man would have meant nothing to Trump or anyone else. Trump will rise or fall in 2024 on those who voted for Biden believing it would be a return to normalcy, with an avuncular competent, genuinely nice person in charge. Biden is none of those things.
Bob Doles time has long passed, though this will be a time of hagiography for the glory days, the greatest generation. Really? America has been in a steady decline since about 1960 (maybe 1970–you pick a year), but a decline without doubt. For 60+ years, Bob Dole was a large part of the problem, not the solution.