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Hugh Bryant
Hugh Bryant
1 year ago

He was right about George Floyd, though, wasn’t he? No honest person watching the whole video could possibly conclude that it was murder. Manslaughter maybe, or negligence, not murder. It was a gutsy thing to say.

Steve Jolly
Steve Jolly
1 year ago

Banning Kanye and people like him actually enables them. They get more attention from being banned and crying censorship than if Twitter just ignored them and let them go about their business. Twitter and Facebook invited the backlash when they decided they needed to play information police when nobody asked or expected them to do so. They did it for legal liability reasons. This whole silly debate could be ended with the stroke of a pen, if the government simply passed a law that named social media sites as protected free speech and granted them immunity from civil prosecution for any dissemination of false information.

Vince B
Vince B
1 year ago

Further, JP Morgan, that paragon of virtue, decided to close his accounts and refuse to do further business with Kanye West.
Yes, I get that his comments were weird, and wrong. I understand JP Morgan is a private enterprise. But do we want politics to seep that deeply into our lives? I wonder where Louis Farrakhan banks?

Giles Toman
Giles Toman
1 year ago

Re George Floyd, whatevs, he was no great loss, was he?

joe hardy
joe hardy
1 year ago
Reply to  Giles Toman

That would be St. Floyd the martyr to you, sir.