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Fraser Bailey
Fraser Bailey
3 years ago

Interesting. I have never had the slightest desire to visit these places and I think I am correct in that. (I was once lucky enough to visit NZ but we flew via LA). But that is their way, and it will be our way too if we continue to allow the influence of Islam to undermine the West.

3 years ago
Reply to  Fraser Bailey

Many just pass through doing their duty free shopping at the airport or cocooned in their luxury hotel..

Adrian Smith
Adrian Smith
3 years ago
Reply to  venk.shenoi

Sadly the Duty Free is not particularly good value these days either. Direct flights that skip the entire region are the way ahead. I have been there many times for work and been treated very well, but I would not even think about going as a tourist – it’s all very glitzy but totally fake.

John Gleeson
John Gleeson
3 years ago

When a religion believes a man who fell for a 6 year old who still played with doll, and who used to play children’s game with her and her fellow child friends until she got to 9, where he raped her, and had 9-13 wives including a sex-slave, is the perfect man for all times, this is the result.

I’m afraid a study of the religion in an objective ways shows these people are doing nothing except living identically to the way Muhammad and his cult followers acted.

After watching my favourite sport showcasing UFC fights in Abu Dhabi, I did think, with all the great architecture and modernization taking place there, the Islamic world would be changing.

Sad to hear these stories. Life for women in those countries is truly horrific.

Geoffrey Simon Hicking
Geoffrey Simon Hicking
3 years ago

There are vast number of non-Western nations that are miles ahead of these slave-states in terms of quality of life and respect for human rights.

3 years ago

Things will never change in Islamic countries. If you thought the Gulf States and Saudi Arabia have changed – behind the glitter the dark hand of Muhammad reigns supreme, You have been deluded.

robert scheetz
robert scheetz
3 years ago
Reply to  venk.shenoi

Don’t be simplistic. Not Muhammed, it’s anthropology 101, a people stuck in a nomadic tribal culture phase, …or at least that part of it -the ‘royal’ families- gifted the power after the great wars. There are backwards Xtians who still believe Jehovah sanctioned Solomon’s 700 wives.

robert scheetz
robert scheetz
3 years ago

This is an honest to god patriarchal culture. Note the contrast with ours.

3 years ago

Awash with oil and thus strategically vital to the US, the Gulf monarchies realized they could modernize their countries while retaining their traditional tribal structures. Qatar is a good example of this pattern. A minority of wealthy Qatari sits at the top of the social hierarchy barely interacting with foreigners. Western and East Asian high-skilled workers run the show, acting as the intendants of the system. Finally a mass of Asian and African migrants form the underclass.

What the Gulf monarchs did was to make theirs the material dimension of Western modernity but left out the political philosophy and critical thinking which gave birth to the said modernity.