May 30, 2024 - 7:30pm

→ Ayatollah Khamenei, welcome to The Resistance

America’s beleaguered anti-Israel protesters have been shunned in popular opinion and punished by their own universities, but they’ve recently won over a major ally: the supreme leader of Iran.

“Dear university students in the United States of America, you are standing on the right side of history,” the ayatollah wrote. “You have now formed a branch of the Resistance Front and have begun an honorable struggle in the face of your government’s ruthless pressure – which openly supports Zionists.”

Congratulations to America’s students. There is surely no endorsement more worthy of the movement than Iran’s Ayatollah. Will Bashar al-Assad be next?

→ Is the world moving away from the dollar?

In a foreboding sign for the US, China, India, Russia and Turkey are diversifying away from the US dollar in favour of gold in their reserve portfolios.

The move, brought by countries representing 40% of the world’s population, could usher in a decline in the dollar’s value and in the West’s strength on the world stage. It’s the latest in a series of blows amid rising tensions with Russia and China, with a deepening partnership between the two countries posing a major threat to the West. Will sleepy Joe do anything about it?

→ Farage and Tice take on the barber shops

Barber shops have seen explosive growth in England lately, but it’s not exactly a sign of an economic recovery.

Unless Covid caused accelerated hair growth, there’s likely some nefarious activity driving the sudden, rapid growth of this industry, according to Reform leaders Nigel Farage and Richard Tice. The same, they argued, can be said of the suddenly-ubiquitous candy shops selling counterfeit goods at startling markups.

“You can see high streets with five, six, seven barber shops in them,” Tice told a reporter at the party’s immigration policy launch. “How come they’ve got no customers in them? How come they all want cash only?” Suffice to say, the EU’s money-laundering crackdown may be missing its target.