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Art C
Art C
2 years ago

The result is most certainly not love of Manu. The fear of Marine was exaggerated successfully once again by a panic-stricken French political class. But the truth is that many of them despise Macron as much as the ordinary man in the street does. I predict that the empty vessel that is Macron will not fail to disappoint.

Samuel Turner
Samuel Turner
2 years ago

Macron’s LREM has absorbed the French centre-right with his anti-worker neoliberal policies. I don’t see how French conservatism can recover when it’s been cannibalised by the more successful ideologies of nationalism (Le Pen/Zemour) and neoliberal Euro-statism (Macron). Republicanism/Gaulism offers nothing to the French people who are desperate for a radical populist. The only reason Macron won was because the populist vote was split between the radical Left (Melenchon) and the National Populists (Le Pen). So long as the populists remain divided, the neoliberals will continue to win despite public resentment.

Laura Creighton
Laura Creighton
2 years ago

Places who hold between-two candidate elections will always get ‘hold your nose and vote for the one you hate least’ politics.