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David George
David George
3 years ago

Or, the Polish people take a good hard look at what is going on in the so called liberal states to their west and say to hell with that.
Traditional family and Christian values versus grovelling on your knees, cancel culture, chicks with dicks, rampaging Marxist revolutionaries; a society lost and unmoored from reality?

Leon Wivlow
Leon Wivlow
3 years ago
Reply to  David George

Beautifully expressed and so true.

Andrew D
Andrew D
3 years ago

51.2% against 48.8%? Countryside against the cities? Over-40s against the under-40s? Oh yes, and: ‘the age breakdown suggests that in five years’ time […] there could be a liberal victor’. Racking my brains as to where I’ve heard such wishful thinking before…

Terry Needham
Terry Needham
3 years ago

“The electoral map of Poland nonetheless offers some signs of hope for the nearly half of the country who support change.”

Ah yes, that liberal, progressive wet dream rears its head again. I’m bored with this guff. No one one has the faintest idea what the future will bring. Only one thing is certain, the future will be full of surprises.

Russ Littler
Russ Littler
3 years ago

You’ve got to admire the unadulterated lefty bias of this author, who scoffs at traditional family values and conservatism, whilst lamenting the loss of that huge, (nay, gigantic,) portion of the population who need gay marriage. Or could it be that all free-thinking people are just sick and tired of globalism, and everything it stands for?

Pete Kreff
Pete Kreff
3 years ago

Perhaps the author might be correct in Poland’s case, but it’s incredible how often people gloat about the upcoming triumph of a particular brand of politics because it is supported by young people.

Do they really not understand that young people are – unless I’ve missed some major scientific breakthrough – going to succumb to the ageing process, just like their predecessors did?

By their logic, all conservative parties should have ceased to exist within two generations after they were founded.

Dave X
Dave X
3 years ago

The “Liberals” have got to ditch their support for the Old Comrades and German interests!
Vowing to stop construction of the major airport in central Poland, designed to serve the whole country … on the grounds as Trzaskowski said that “We have Berlin” is lunacy. A supine approach to promoting German interests at the expense of Poland’s??
Similarly with the Vistula canal, which will give the port of Elblag free and easy access to the sea instead of a long detour through Russian waters – Trzaskowski is against, because he wants to butter up Putin!!

Andrew Baldwin
Andrew Baldwin
3 years ago

Mary writes that “the UK’s departure from the EU leaves those countries, such as Poland, unhappy with what they see as interference from the EU, without their biggest ally”. One issue where this is particularly likely to play out is adoption of the euro. The UK was much the largest economy in the EU that was not part of the euro area. Now it is gone, Poland is much the largest economy of the countries that remain, with a real GDP more than double that of the next largest, Sweden. With the exception of Denmark, none of these have the same Masstricht Treaty exemption that the UK had; they are also supposed to adopt the euro sooner or later. Bulgaria, which has had a currency board with a euro peg for some time now, entered ERM II on 10 July 2020, so within two years, Poland is likely to be the largest of just seven EU countries left that are not part of the euro area. The pressures on Poland to meet the conditions required to join the ERM II could be intense, and would imply not just a loss of sovereignty in terms of monetary policy, but also in the conduct of fiscal policy. Whether the gains would be worth it on the other side maybe depends on your view, not only of the euro, but of the general conduct of monetary policy by the ECB.

Terry Needham
Terry Needham
3 years ago

What word or words did I use that require approval?

3 years ago
Reply to  Terry Needham

Pretty much every comment needs approval, Terry. I wouldn’t want about it.

Jeffrey Shaw
Jeffrey Shaw
3 years ago

OK….I read it twice. I am assuming that Mary os either gay, or was once a man.