If Joe Biden exits the presidential race between the Democratic National Convention and the election, his replacement would be determined by a cabal of lobbyists with ties to Big Pharma, weapons manufacturers, and Wall Street, per a report from investigative journalist Lee Fang.

DNC rules would allow superdelegates and the party’s Rules and Bylaws Committee to control candidate selection in this unusual situation. Superdelegates are party insiders, often former elected officials or fundraisers, who make up about 15% of the party’s roughly 4,000 total delegates. These superdelegates happen to be, in many cases, lobbyists with ties to powerful financial interests including Lockhead Martin, Boeing, Koch Industries, Meta and Google.

It’s par for the course for a party that’s largely consolidated the support of corporations over the past decade while losing its command of the working-class vote. Hillary Clinton still has a chance…