A major worry voiced about a potential Trump second term, apart from another “insurrection” and the end of the world as we know it, is his isolationist tendencies when it comes to foreign policy. In February, some Atlanticists went into meltdown when Trump said that the US contributes too much to Nato proportionately, and that Russia can “do whatever the hell they want” to any Nato country that doesn’t pay its fair share.

He’ll no doubt ruffle some feathers with his latest promise that no American troops will ever set foot on Ukrainian territory. Speaking to the All-In podcast, he was asked by host David Sacks: “Can you guarantee that no matter what you’re not going to put American boots on the ground in Ukraine.” The former president was clear: “I would guarantee it. I wouldn’t do it, no.” Trump also said of Ukraine joining Nato: “It’s always been understood that that was a no-no.” On a side note, he said he’ll release the JFK files early on in any second term. Popcorn at the ready…