Since becoming Labour leader, and as he strides closer to power, Sir Keir Starmer has made it his mission to expunge the party’s Corbynite influence. The culmination of this process came late last month, when Starmer expelled his predecessor from Labour, leaving Corbyn free to stand as an independent candidate in Islington North. Now, the Leader of the Opposition is rubbing salt in the wound, today accusing the Conservatives of launching an un-costed, “Jeremy Corbyn-style manifesto”.

But what’s that? Online commentators have been quick to remind Starmer that he was once much more enthusiastic about Jeremy Corbyn-style manifestos — or, to be precise, Jeremy Corbyn manifestos. Footage has resurfaced of Starmer, while campaigning to become party leader in 2020, labelling the 2017 plan for power as “the foundational document” which inspired “radicalism and hope” for supporters. Of course, he served in Corbyn’s shadow cabinet between 2015-20, during which time he endorsed the 2017 and 2019 Labour manifestos. What a relief: it’s not just Sunak who’s capable of unforced campaign-trail gaffes…