A problem is easier to solve once you know the cause. Thanks to PinkNews, we can now stop discrimination against gay, queer and trans people all over the world. That’s because the site has revealed, in a report listing the 68 countries in which homosexuality is still illegal, that the evil responsible is — drum roll — British colonialism.

Alistair Stewart (no, not that one), head of advocacy at the Human Dignity Trust, told PinkNews many anti-gay laws were exported by Europeans during the colonial era, “imposing them at times [on] diverse indigenous traditions where same-sex activity and gender diversity was not necessarily taboo”.  He added: “The clearest example of this is in the Commonwealth where the majority of the 33 Commonwealth countries that criminalise same-sex activity do so on the basis of laws that stem from the colonial era.”

Around half the countries on the list are Commonwealth members, so we can naturally blame the Britain for those. Just don’t ask PinkNews about the other countries…