Glaad’s campaign against the New York Times for its coverage of trans issues was perhaps ill-conceived, as the outlet has now exposed gross financial mismanagement within the LGBT pressure group.

Glaad has been using tax-exempt donor money to pay for its CEO’s first class flights, lavish summer vacations and $20,000 home office remodel, per the NYT expose. The CEO and her colleagues reportedly spent half a million dollars on a weeklong rental in Davos. Meanwhile, the organisation penalised a low-level employee for expensing a single coffee.

The question must be asked: what else were they supposed to do with tens of millions in annual revenue? Aside from writing angry public letters to the NYT and strong-arming retailers into painting rainbows on their storefronts each June, Glaad frankly doesn’t have much else to do. There are worse ways to use charitable funds.