Britain’s immigration system is “built on a White supremacist colonial legacy”, according to a new report. The “Hostile Office” — entirely impartial, of course — report from the Migrants’ Rights Network claims that the UK’s immigration system is “racist by design” and “explicitly designed to both prevent [immigrants] from coming or remaining in the UK, or extract their labour for economic gain [sic]”.

It concedes that although this racism isn’t always explicit, everything is informed by racist assumptions and White supremacist ideas. Anyone familiar with university humanities courses will find the language eerily familiar: it goes on at some length about “racialised people”, the “construction of identities”, and the “Other”. But unlike critical theory, people in Government might actually read this.

CEO of the MRN Fizza Qureshi claims in the foreword to the report that causing misery for migrants is “one of [the Home Office’s] sole purposes”. One of its sole purposes? Remember, correct grammar is “linguistic racism”…