As Rishi Sunak is beset by wet speeches, unfortunate historical metaphors and a noticeable lack of sporting tekkers, it’s a good time for his electoral rivals to gloss over their own pratfalls. Such is the fortune of the Lib Dems, who’ve received comparatively little attention for their own embarrassing moments in the last couple of days.

First, party leader Ed Davey managed to fall off his paddle board and into Windermere several times during a photo op in Cumbria, though he’s since claimed that it was intentional. This afternoon, the Lib Dems had to contend with a somewhat odd campaign video from former BBC journalist John Sweeney, who is their candidate for the constituency of Sutton Coldfield in the West Midlands. Wearing his lucky orange beanie, as well as a yellow rosette, Sweeney was filmed walking down a dilapidated high street, before moving to a field where he bemoaned the loss of “our green and pleasant land” and solemnly walked out of shot. With polling from today seemingly cementing the Lib Dems’ position as Britain’s third party, perhaps all publicity is good publicity…