A deeply strange video did the rounds today on X. It showed children in the chamber of Westminster making impassioned speeches in the place of MPs. By recent parliamentary standards, it was hardly a serious dip from the usual poor quality. But it also seems that the kids aren’t all right.

One boy said: “I want to speak on a motion that I believe affects us the most, and yet we don’t know about it: the issue of Kashmir”. Another boy opened with “Salam Alaikum” and said he was proud to be Muslim and proud to be Pakistani. He was met with rapturous applause. Not a peep about being British.

If this is a window into our future, then God help us. A funny anon comment put it so: “Anyone who’s really into politics before the age of 25 and does stuff like this (UN, I’m looking at you) should be banned from politics for a decade or two.” So should the adults who allowed it.