A British gender surgeon has claimed that J.K. Rowling makes “ill-informed” comments on “stuff that she doesn’t know much about” in a new interview with LADBible.

The surgeon, James Bellringer, clearly had his own blind spots, touting a dubious claim that one in five trans people will commit suicide “if you don’t offer them the appropriate help, counselling and, in the end, surgery”. He also said trans people are “born with their gender identity” when, really, a substantial portion of transgender people first experience a gender identity at odds with their natal sex in adolescence or later.

Bellringer conceded that “if you’re a woman and you’re beaten by […] a trans woman, that might hurt a bit,” but downplayed this concern by claiming women are routinely beating men in marathons (again, not true).

The most shocking portion of the interview was his scepticism of a different field of trans medicine. “I do worry about giving hormones to teenagers,” he acknowledged. “Are we actually preventing some of them from getting the brain development that would actually make them happy in their birth gender?” He added: “They’re going to be sterilised, they’re going to have operations, and it’s probably best to avoid both of those things.” Hard-hitting journalism from the minds behind “Cleavage Thursdays”