CVs at the ready! Today is the last day to apply for the role of Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Lead at NHS England. With a salary between £70,000-£80,000, you’ll certainly be well remunerated.

One of the key responsibilities is ‘influencing stakeholders to foster a commitment to initiatives that advance the EDI agenda’. What’s more, you are only required to work from the office for 40% of the time.

If you were worried about not being accepted for who you are, fear not. The NHS will “welcome your talent and enthusiasm irrespective of age, disability, neuro-divergence, sex, gender identity and gender expression, race or ethnicity, religion or belief, sexual orientation, or other personal circumstances.”

According to the Keep Our NHS Public website, the UK’s health service is “deliberately underfunded”. Well, there may be a few places where cutting costs won’t prove deadly…