Americans are sharply divided along partisan lines on nearly every issue, according to new polling from Pew. Among supporters of Kamala Harris, 60% believe one’s sex can be different from the sex assigned at birth, compared to only 7% of Donald Trump supporters. Meanwhile, 80% of Harris supporters reportedly believe slavery still has a significant impact on African Americans, while only 24% of Trump fans agree.

Those planning to vote for Trump are about five times as likely to believe gun ownership makes people more safe and twice as likely to believe the criminal justice system is too soft on criminals, yet are almost three times less likely to feel that openness to people from all over the world is core to America’s identity.

The only policy upon which Americans seem to agree is that the country should continue to bankrupt itself through cash payments to Baby Boomers. Harris and Trump supporters, at 83 and 77% respectively, agree that Social Security should not be reduced in any way. Good that there are still some bipartisan issues…