
Most of the Israel debate is dead wrong

October 23, 2024
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Destiny joins Emily to assess U.S. support for Israel, censorship, and media bias.

Watch the full interview above.


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Essais Online
Essais Online
4 days ago

First impression: Dude’s an idiot! Place a nuc where? Apparently has no concept of a nuclear detonation, nuclear energy. He’s been desensitized and deluded by pretty pictures of mushroom clouds. Still your emotions, man, and get educated. Or be helpful and move to Gaza.
Getting more difficult to keep listening now. This is an armchair activist more interested in being angry than in directing his passions to productive action. Curse, swear, rip, and tear. Ready, fire, aim!
I’m out.

Carlos Danger
Carlos Danger
4 days ago

What a joke.

Cho Jinn
Cho Jinn
3 days ago

I find Destiny often agreeable. Not always, though.

Carlos Danger
Carlos Danger
3 days ago
Reply to  Cho Jinn

I find him unwatchable.

UnHerd Reader
UnHerd Reader
1 day ago

I enjoyed this. I’m about two years too old to be Gen Z, but ‘Destiny’ (Stephen) is a huuuuuge influence on the people I know who are a bit younger than me who lean liberal/progressive, and more or less since October 7th his long, detailed, objective but quite passionate debates about this topic have been an important element in combatting the Iranian propaganda machine.
I enjoyed this one. His thoughts are not contained in or represented by that first pithy bit about a nuclear bomb. Give it a listen. He’s like Shapiro in speaking/thinking fast, but ultimately he’s making really solid and understandable arguments for regarding Israel as a normal nation-state, flaws and all like any of ours has, rather than exceptionalising it, which is what so many antisemites seek to do.
He also did a long and very interesting interview with the famous Israeli historian Benny Morris which you can find on YouTube. I really enjoyed that one because you can tell that he prepared for it and he was genuinely just coming at this as an opportunity to learn as much as he could about all sorts of details or events he didn’t feel he had enough clarity on, so he goes down a sort of bullet list on his notepads of events and battles and figures in history that he wants to just get an answer out of Benny on, and it leads to a pretty uniquely detailed and objective and quite rigorous interview and discussion.

UnHerd Reader
UnHerd Reader
2 days ago

I don’t like the style, but the guy knows his facts and history and seems truly objective, unlike almost anything you read on the topic.