The Undercover Policing Inquiry was set up by Theresa May in 2015 to look into the conduct of undercover officers who spied on more than 1,000 political groups between 1968 and at least 2010. So far, it has cost £82 million.

But taxpayers definitely got their money’s worth today when a former police officer blurted out something he shouldn’t have. When asked whether he knew anything that would suggest undercover officer Peter Francis had been tasked with smearing the family of Stephen Lawrence, who was murdered in 1993, Trevor Morris said no.

He stressed: “We’re about gathering intelligence not smearing individuals. That’s a security service job. Let them do that…” He then added: “Sorry, I shouldn’t say that.” Shocked giggles broke out in the room while a wry smile came over the lawyer questioning Morris. The broadcast was then immediately suspended. Still waiting on an MI5 response to the claim…