July 4, 2024 - 7:00pm

→ Has Rishi Sunak admitted defeat?

Even the most optimistic Conservative won’t be predicting a Tory victory this evening. But they’d surely want at least some bullishness from their leader. Three days after claiming he hadn’t given up on maintaining his grasp on power, a glance at Rishi Sunak’s online rallying cries suggests otherwise. Of the Prime Minister’s last 40 tweets, 38 have referred to stopping a Labour “supermajority” — not exactly fighting talk.

Tory comms throughout this election campaign haven’t been especially inspired, but it’s quite something for the Downing Street incumbent to beg the electorate to make his defeat slightly less embarrassing. With his own seat in doubt, will Sunak send a similar appeal to his constituents in Yorkshire?

→ American patriotism hovers near record low

Happy 4 July! Or maybe not so happy. New polling from Gallup has found that national pride among Americans is hovering close to a record low, with 41% of respondents claiming that they are “extremely proud” to be from the US. This marks a slight uptick from the nadir of 38% saying the same two years ago, but as recently as a decade ago around 60% of Americans expressed extreme pride in their country.

Credit: Gallup

Why the drop over the years? Though patriotism declined slightly after Donald Trump assumed the presidency in 2017, the fall had already been steadily progressing during the Barack Obama years. According to the latest figures, 59% of Republicans feel extreme pride in being American, compared to 34% of Democrats and 36% of independent voters. With an infirm president and a challenger plagued by legal controversies, who’d want to be an American right now?

→ Will the Green Party take a realist stance on Ukraine?

At the top of the foreign policy section of the Green Party’s manifesto, it claims that its MPs will “take the lead in upholding the right to self-determination and the enforcement of international law [and] continue to support Ukraine as it resists Russian invasion”. There are clearly limits to this support though, as the party’s Deputy Leader Zack Polanski’s social media feed suggests.

Polanski shared a video from George the Poet endorsing the Greens through the medium of poetry, in which the spoken-word artist asks: “Why is Zelensky still asking for money after Boris Johnson stopped the peace talks?” New polling shows that 47% of Green voters think Britain should help Ukraine until it defeats Russia, while 28% prefer the option of a negotiated peace. Is there a gap between the party leadership and its support base when it comes to Ukraine? Just don’t tell Boris Johnson