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Right-Wing Hippie
Right-Wing Hippie
15 days ago

Another, a Muslim from Sutton Coldfield, had set up a “mujahdeen channel” on Telegram, where he gave a lesson on how to make a Molotov cocktail
Who needs instructions on how to make a Molotov cocktail? All you need is a bottle, a rag, gasoline, kerosene, whiskey, vermouth, chartreuse, and Angostura bitters.

Lancashire Lad
Lancashire Lad
15 days ago

It would appear our response to the threat of teenage terrorism is to be shaken, not stirred.

Sylvia Volk
Sylvia Volk
15 days ago

For the proper final touch, you need to light it with your cigar.

Milton Gibbon
Milton Gibbon
14 days ago

Careful RWH, that might be considered dangerous dissemination of terrorist content no matter how delicious it sounds. I can see a judge taking a very dim view given your stated leanings – GD hippie.

Mike Downing
Mike Downing
14 days ago

Is this a variation on Harvey’s ‘Wallbanger’ ?

mike otter
mike otter
14 days ago

Did you see the Ukrainian recipes bandied about on the MSM a few weeks ago? they added lumps of polystyrene which must greatly enhance the arson and anti-personnel capabilities of the weapon.

Seb Dakin
Seb Dakin
15 days ago

I agree with the writer’s caveats about the figures bandied about.
Might I further make the point that even if the numbers were being counted for roughly the same level of threat, that 25 out of the white non-moslem population of the UK and 16 from the moslem population would indicate that there is a very much higher proportion of the latter getting involved.

Matt M
Matt M
14 days ago
Reply to  Seb Dakin

I think that is Far-right: 1 in 2.25M, Muslim: 1 in 281k.
Or Muslims are 8 times more likely to be picked up for terror offences than white Brits.

Samir Iker
Samir Iker
12 days ago
Reply to  Seb Dakin

And it’s worth pointing out that both categories are “far right”, the muslims (who are disproportionately represented as you point out) are much more so in therms of their beliefs than the whites involved.

Katja Sipple
Katja Sipple
10 days ago
Reply to  Samir Iker

That’s why the alliance between the far left and Islam is so baffling, isn’t it? Ideologically, they are on opposite sides of the spectrum. My take has always been that a) both sides have an “the enemy of my enemy is my friend” view, using the other to topple the status quo, and b) the far left needs victims to justify its existence, and the traditional working class person just doesn’t cut it anymore (white, male, etc.).

Keith Merrick
Keith Merrick
14 days ago

Really good article. Whenever I hear about the threat from terrorism that comes overwhelmingly from the far-right I raise my eyebrows. Yeah, course it does.

Dylan Blackhurst
Dylan Blackhurst
14 days ago
Reply to  Keith Merrick

If you go on Twitter it appears the Tories are far right. So it look like the terrorists have already taken over.

Tom Lewis
Tom Lewis
14 days ago

The truth is……. There is no truth, only narrative.

Mike Downing
Mike Downing
14 days ago
Reply to  Tom Lewis

No, Tom, that train has already left the station; we’re now on the Post-Modernist express and there’s only the narrative about the narrative about the narrative….

Roland Fleming
Roland Fleming
14 days ago

I wouldn’t recommend drawing strong conclusions about a whole population by subdividing a sample of less than 50 into groups.

mike otter
mike otter
14 days ago

Meanwhile real terrorists are free to plan, resource and execute their schemes with little chance of being caught. This seems to validate at least three common observations: The numbers of violent nutters is vanishingly small as a % of UK society. Islam + other theisms are religions of peace in similar proportions. We now have “performative” security services, as we have “celebrity” surgeons, lawyers, psychiatrists, vets, mechanics etc. Literally people “performing” a role not doing a job. IMO only one of these observed facts is a problem.

Dougie Undersub
Dougie Undersub
14 days ago

With such a small sample size, the writer is correct to point out how changing the timeframe can change the results.

Alex Lekas
Alex Lekas
14 days ago

The narrative police are hard at work in defense of their preferred mascots, none of whom are white kids, and certainly none of whom are “far right” white kids, whatever that means. It has become comical, albeit dangerous, to watch and listen to media people and the political class engage in this duplicitous psyop that refuses to acknowledge problems in front of its collective face.
Illegals went to migrants and, more recently, to ‘newcomers’ as if they are invited guests. “Women’s health care” is abortion. Nothing more, not even the conditions that are and have been the leading causes of death for women. And the same is true with crime stories, especially in the US – when race is either not mentioned or buried deep in a story, or no picture is forthcoming, it’s a safe guess that the assailant is a minority.
This is a particularly curious form of anti-whiteness, one that seeks equivalence between people who, as the article notes, commit no acts of violence and people who have harmed others. The sad reality is that eventually, there will be trouble from whites, especially the ones who are low-income and often marginalized. When you browbeat people long enough over an immutable characteristic, they will eventually respond and it won’t be good.

Arthur King
Arthur King
14 days ago
Reply to  Alex Lekas

They hate our young white boys and these boys know it.

Johan Grönwall
Johan Grönwall
14 days ago

The dreaded ”far right” terrorists are miserable loners with no support anywhere but from inside their deranged minds.

Whilst muslim terrorists enjoy broad support from a large part of the muslim community. As seen on 7th October all over the world.

UnHerd Reader
UnHerd Reader
10 days ago

And how shall we treat budding terrorists, given that some of them could be truly dangerous individuals? I think they were given lots of warnings before arrest and conviction.