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Matt M
Matt M
15 days ago

If we were to limit annual net immigration to 100k – as Michael Gove’s party manifestos committed to in 2015 and 2017 (and by implication in 2019) – we would not need to build so many new homes.
Before 2003 and the eastern expansion of the EU, the UK population grew by an average of 100k per year. Average house prices were 3 times average salaries.
Since then the population has grown by 450k per year. Average house prices are now 9 times average salaries.
As well as sky high house prices and rents, we have over-extended public services and infrastructure due to the massively increased demand.
You cannot build your way out of this problem, you need to control demand.
We left the EU so the government could control this situation. They have failed to do so. No wonder they are getting such a kicking!

Jeremy Bray
Jeremy Bray
14 days ago
Reply to  Matt M

Agreed. Canada appears to have a similar problem.

Carl Valentine
Carl Valentine
14 days ago
Reply to  Matt M

You are wrong to blame house price rises on immigration, It has more to do with low interest rates implemented by our elites and corporations primarily due to their folly and subsequent self-enrichment. We need people who are prepared to work in this country, not people who would rather be on phones and Netflix all day (and Starbucks). Our country is going downhill and our peoples’ attitudes stink in my opinion.

Matt M
Matt M
14 days ago
Reply to  Carl Valentine

No the problem is excess demand caused by unprecedented immigration. If the demand for housing wasn’t there then no one would be borrowing money to buy properties regardless of the cost.

And where is the evidence that Brits are lazier than foreigners. I’ve worked with people from many countries and haven’t noticed it.

tom j
tom j
15 days ago

If Michael Gove’s ‘folly’ is still standing in 400 years, then I think I’ll take that as a win.
This is such a silly article, just a list of reasons. There are always reasons, for, against, anything. Just get on with it.

Matthew Freedman
Matthew Freedman
15 days ago

Regardless Britain needs more homes. I honestly prefer the idea of having gentle densities of 5 storey mansion blocks than wasteful little detached houses densely packed. Britain is a rainly climate. I’m sure there will be enough water. The bus route out to St Ives has multiple lakes and bogs.

Peter B
Peter B
15 days ago

Nonsense (and I live in South Cambridgeshire).
The reservoir problem is easily solvable. All that is missing is the will.
And why would you not want to build on success ? There’s plenty of space to expand in Cambridgeshire. And huge demand for housing. And plenty of employment. Glancey’s “jobless sprawl” doesn’t exist. But I doubt he’s spent that much time checking on the ground.
I spent Saturday morning with some friends at the London Museum of Steam and Water in Brentford. 100 years ago with inferior technology and in a much less wealthy country, London managed to build and maintain a world class water system so good that it survived bombing in two world wars and lasted (just about) until today, even with a long investment holiday.
There is no practical problem at all in creating new reservoirs needed to grow Cambridge. A quick check on Google earth shows the very low density of building over huge parts of the country north west and north east of Cambridge.
What is missing is the will. A local Lib Dem councillor recently told me that “it’ll take 10 or 20 years to build a new reservoir”. The implication being (that as with nuclear power stations) it wasn’t worth bothering.
It didn’t take 10 years in the 1930s. Probably 1.
The only difference is the clowns now in charge who think their job is to stop stuff getting done rather than doing it.

Emmanuel MARTIN
Emmanuel MARTIN
13 days ago
Reply to  Peter B

Because NIMBY, and because building new homes creates lower housing prices (supply and demand) and more competition for existing public services. So NIMBY it is !

Peter B
Peter B
15 days ago

Hm … my comment got posted and has suddenly just disappeared … what on earth is going on here ?
… it’s back !

Rob Keeley
Rob Keeley
14 days ago

As always, the sinister Gove is several important steps away from reality. How this supposedly intelligent man has so much power is beyond extraordinary.