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Timothy Baker
Timothy Baker
4 months ago

A company I worked for had a small supermarket on Marsh Farm. It was regarded as a penal colony. Being sent there meant that your career was on hold. I was asked to go there for six months to get a grip on the fresh food departments. Staff were worried about being accosted by feral youths, shoplifting was rife, any bins left outside at night were liable to be set on fire. I was told by a police officer that if Marsh Farm estate and Graham Park estate near Edgware could be surrounded by a brick wall then half the car crime and half the burglaries in Herts, Beds and North London would be prevented. A few of the store staff lived on the estate, and their main ambition was to move somewhere else.

Ethniciodo Rodenydo
Ethniciodo Rodenydo
4 months ago
Reply to  Timothy Baker

I lived on Marsh Farm for 5 years and remember the riots well.
In my time there were a lot of decent people living on Marsh Farm who had bought their own houses.
The problems stemmed from those living in the social housing. Also, there were 3 tower blocks where they housed single mothers that was like a honey pot for nerd-o-wells from miles around.

Charles Hedges
Charles Hedges
4 months ago

Pre mid 1960s one had to prove good behaviour to obtain social housing and one could be evicted if one broke the rules. Some trusts still operate strict behviour rules which if broken lead to eviction and they have few problems. Selling of keys by employees of social housing leads to a lack of control of properties by authorities. One block of flats I know of was demolished because it was cheaper than evicting all those who illegally lived in them. Strict control to prevent bad behaviour would do much to improve crime infested areas which has adverse impact on the weak and poor living in continual fear of being attacked. Those evicted could live in containers of the type the construction/oil/mining industries use to house employees.

Don Lightband
Don Lightband
4 months ago

ANOTHER inane article from Unherd that cannot, or refiuses to, tell the difference between a violent rapist and what is simply a person with paedophilic orientations. (Some would say ipso facto the entire culture) And the part about the person on bus”staring at children” is about the most ridiculous thing Unherd editors have let pass yet!

Please may we have a little insight someday?