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Pride is no place for homosexuals The gay community has better things to do

'Today’s Pride, to me, feels so overblown and excessive'. West Hollywood's Gay Pride 1991 march. Credit: Joan Adlen/Getty Images

'Today’s Pride, to me, feels so overblown and excessive'. West Hollywood's Gay Pride 1991 march. Credit: Joan Adlen/Getty Images

June 2, 2023   6 mins

How are you spending Pride month? I myself am gearing up to run the second annual Viner Award. A kind of Golden Raspberry for corporate wokery, it’s awarded via a public Twitter poll to the company or institution that most beclowns itself in the season of alphabet sanctimony. 

Last year’s contenders included the bank Halifax, which told customers to close their accounts if they disagreed with staff being asked to wear pronoun badges, and the Natural History Museum, which decided it was progressive to liken homosexuals to self-cloning lizards. The winner, though, was Nottingham City Council, which celebrated Pride by banning the lesbian activist Julie Bindel from giving a talk on violence against women, her “crime” (entirely unrelated to her talk) being her belief that humans can’t change sex.

Setting up the award — it’s named after Guardian editor Kath Viner, who knows a thing or two about trashing a treasured brand by pandering to gender extremists — was my way of giving vent to the frustrations that many lesbians and gay men of the old-fashioned sort feel at this time of year. Pride used to be a riot, an opportunity to commemorate our achievements since the Stonewall Inn uprising, and shout about the equalities we still had to fight for. Now it’s a bloated month of pinkwashed flummery, of re-imagined company logos, empty sloganeering and corporate parade float sponsorships — and it’s a drag. 

The only fighting lesbians and gays do these days is among ourselves. Some people don’t think the T belongs with the LGB — Get Over It! If only we could. Those of us who insist that the trans movement can be homophobic, because it encourages young people to think they were born in the wrong sex if they are gay or lesbian, have found ourselves marginalised. Told by Pride organisers that we will be thrown out — in the name of inclusion, obviously — if we dare show up to the season’s events, we have little option but to snark from the sidelines. If we haven’t already been blocked by them on Twitter. 

When I worked on the London paper Capital Gay in the Nineties, a colleague used to call Pride “all our birthdays and Christmases rolled into one”. Back then, it was one day of the year, not an entire season. I have in front of me the last edition I edited of that paper, from June 1995, which reported on a march of 75,000 lesbians and gay men through central London, followed by a party with a record turnout of 200,000 people at Victoria Park. In the previous year, we had achieved the first legislative victory on our long path to legal equality, when MPs had reduced the age of consent for gay men from 21 to 18; but politicians had voted against reducing it to 16, in line with the heterosexual age of consent, reinforcing our status as second-class citizens in the eyes of the law.

Getting together in a park was a way of feeling that, for one day only, we had just as much right as anyone else to be ourselves in the capital. Nowadays, we no longer need that kind of refuge, because life no longer treats us so cruelly. That’s why today’s Pride, to me, feels so overblown and excessive.

On one level, of course, I’m old and jaded, which may explain my cultural cringe at the BBC’s new boy-meets-boy reality show, I Kissed a Boy. To me, all that hand-flapping and “yaas kween” campery harks uncomfortably back to the Seventies model of male homosexuality on TV, as personified by Larry Grayson and John Inman. Not for the first time, I notice the irony of the generation that believes it is reinventing gender taking such ready refuge in regressive stereotypes.

Meanwhile, the fashion world has decided to portray our lives as a circus freak-show. Consider Calvin Klein’s last Pride campaign, which features a bearded, hairy-chested, plus-sized female model wearing a sports bra over the breasts that she hasn’t yet got round to removing. In another age, Calvin Klein put a topless Mark Wahlberg on giant billboards around the world, and gay men convinced ourselves we, too, could be Marky Mark if we bought Y-fronts.

How did we get here? A decade ago, it wasn’t obvious what the future of Pride should be. The wide array of discriminatory laws had been dismantled, culminating with the legalisation of same-sex marriage. We had achieved everything we’d asked for, and prejudice seemed to fall away, too. Now, surely, we just had to get on with our lives.

At the time, I had a naive idea that we could progress on South Africa’s “truth and reconciliation” model. Having achieved equality, we could afford to be magnanimous about those who had opposed us along the way. Homophobia had been so widespread that there was no point in bearing grudges over past slights. We simply had to embrace the chance to play the full role in civil society that had previously been denied us. And, having won our own campaigns, perhaps we could now turn our attention abroad — to help stop young Iranian gay men being hanged or thrown off rooftops by the state, or the corrective rape of lesbians in Cameroon and elsewhere. Maybe also try to help lesbian and gay communities shrug off UK-inherited anti-gay laws in many Commonwealth countries?

But charities need problems to address, lobbyists need grievances, media publishers need to grow their demographic. In 2015, the lobby group Stonewall — which had surpassed even its own expectations in the effectiveness of its campaigning — extended its remit to campaign on trans issues as well as LGB ones. (It’s a development I satirise in my novel The End of the World is Flat, when a charity set up to correct minor map-making anomalies embarks on a campaign of fully fledged flat-earthery.)

Until that point, the trans movement had been entirely separate, both culturally and politically. As a gay journalist reporting on political developments over two decades, I never met any trans campaigners. But after the passing of the Gender Recognition Act 2004, a merger of the two movements took place, and the rainbow establishment set about pretending that the two camps had already been one.

This new movement, a cuckoo in the nest of the campaign for lesbian and gay rights, suddenly had a whole menu full of demands and an agenda that would end up trying to redefine language, reorganise public toilets and changing rooms, kibosh women’s sport and take control of HR departments. At its most baleful, it would try to root out wrong-thinking heretics — such as the think tank consultant Maya Forstater — from every walk of life.

This year, however, it feels like the tide is turning. Only last week, when British cycling authorities announced that male-bodied riders will henceforth have to compete in their own sex class, the overreaction from the UK’s most prominent trans cyclist made as many headlines as the decision itself. Emily Bridges — who used to compete as a male at junior level — announced that British Cycling’s new policy was “a violent act” which furthered “genocide”. At a less elite level, the news that the women’s record in sport-for-all Parkrun races belongs to a male-bodied trans runner has furthered the impression that men who say they’re women — and retain the physical benefits conferred by male puberty — are snatching prizes unfairly.

And there’s further evidence that sanity may soon prevail. Last month, Baroness Falkner, chairman of the Equality and Human Rights Commission, faced down a palace coup by transactivist staff members. And by keeping her cool in the face of hostility at the Oxford Union on Tuesday, Kathleen Stock has made her antagonists look like a bunch of entitled brats. As Sall Grover, an Australian businesswoman taken to court by transactivists for creating a female-only social media network, observed earlier this week: “It certainly does feel like we’re 90 seconds to midnight for everyone admitting ‘the Terfs were right’.”

With a bit of luck, then, the corporate world won’t be quite so quick to listen to those in their ranks who insist on pursuing marketing campaigns that don’t tally with their actual audiences. One day, the stock price collapses at Bud Light, Target and Gillette, following their various LGBT backfires, will be taught at business schools as cautionary tales.  

Meanwhile, just look at the rest of the world. Only this week, Uganda rubber-stamped a new law establishing the death penalty for “aggravated homosexuality. And in Turkey, a newly re-elected President Erdogan railed throughout his campaign against “LGBT” people — although, once again, the main target seems to be homosexuality, with his interior minister denouncing same-sex relationships and accusing gay people of bestiality.

This, surely, is the stuff that matters. It’s the stuff we once used to care about, before a fragile generation started treating polite disagreement as “genocide” and our rebranded community acquired a reputation for cry-bully tantrums. One day, I hope, the gender wars will end and we can return to those more proportionate values.

Simon Edge is author of several novels, including The End of the World is Flat (Lightning Books)


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Peter Johnson
Peter Johnson
1 year ago

“We had achieved everything we’d asked for, and prejudice seemed to fall away, too. Now, surely, we just had to get on with our lives.” Exactly.

I am a libertarian and even when society was openly homophobic I supported gay rights. But now that ‘pride’ has pushed itself into kindergartens, paediatric medicine, women’s change rooms and women’s sports I find myself very hostile to it. Pride month? Why not Christian month? Or Islamic month? Or heterosexual month? I helped supply the next generation who will pay your pensions. I feel like I deserve a round of applause every time I enter a room. In fact – if you don’t stand up and cheer on my personal lifestyle then you are ‘denying my right to exist’ and engaging in ‘literal violence.’

Last edited 1 year ago by Peter Johnson
Amy Horseman
Amy Horseman
1 year ago
Reply to  Peter Johnson

Great comment! It’s hilarious when the cry-bullies use the term “literal violence” when it is literally NOT violence (to voice an opinion)!

Russell Sharpe
Russell Sharpe
1 year ago
Reply to  Amy Horseman

Bear in mind that the OED recently added the meaning “virtually, as good as” to its definition of “literally¨. So to mouth the words “literal violence” is now to express nothing other than (inarticulate) outrage.

Russell Sharpe
Russell Sharpe
1 year ago
Reply to  Amy Horseman

Bear in mind that the OED recently added the meaning “virtually, as good as” to its definition of “literally¨. So to mouth the words “literal violence” is now to express nothing other than (inarticulate) outrage.

Walter Sarries
Walter Sarries
1 year ago
Reply to  Peter Johnson

” I helped supply the next generation who will pay your pensions”… spot on!

Martin Terrell
Martin Terrell
1 year ago
Reply to  Peter Johnson

Very neat comment. I hope some of us realise that we can’t keep the good bits of the old order with its harsher edges removed; we need to tear everything down for a make believe rainbow future. At some point we may work out that a liberal social order only works if the broad majority get on with the old business of making and rearing decent kids. The future otherwise looks more and more fragmented with the risk of a less liberal backlash.

Amy Horseman
Amy Horseman
1 year ago
Reply to  Peter Johnson

Great comment! It’s hilarious when the cry-bullies use the term “literal violence” when it is literally NOT violence (to voice an opinion)!

Walter Sarries
Walter Sarries
1 year ago
Reply to  Peter Johnson

” I helped supply the next generation who will pay your pensions”… spot on!

Martin Terrell
Martin Terrell
1 year ago
Reply to  Peter Johnson

Very neat comment. I hope some of us realise that we can’t keep the good bits of the old order with its harsher edges removed; we need to tear everything down for a make believe rainbow future. At some point we may work out that a liberal social order only works if the broad majority get on with the old business of making and rearing decent kids. The future otherwise looks more and more fragmented with the risk of a less liberal backlash.

Peter Johnson
Peter Johnson
1 year ago

“We had achieved everything we’d asked for, and prejudice seemed to fall away, too. Now, surely, we just had to get on with our lives.” Exactly.

I am a libertarian and even when society was openly homophobic I supported gay rights. But now that ‘pride’ has pushed itself into kindergartens, paediatric medicine, women’s change rooms and women’s sports I find myself very hostile to it. Pride month? Why not Christian month? Or Islamic month? Or heterosexual month? I helped supply the next generation who will pay your pensions. I feel like I deserve a round of applause every time I enter a room. In fact – if you don’t stand up and cheer on my personal lifestyle then you are ‘denying my right to exist’ and engaging in ‘literal violence.’

Last edited 1 year ago by Peter Johnson
Amy Horseman
Amy Horseman
1 year ago

I absolutely loved this article – the content and the writing style – and can’t wait to read your book. You sum up all the thoughts and feelings of the vast majority of people I speak to. The “trans movement” has nothing to do with supporting the rights of gay people or even transsexual people, it is short for the “transhumanist movement”, which is a eugenics movement, a movement with the aim of “breeding out” the genes that it doesn’t like. It is unethical and murderous. And they have the gall to co-opt the term “genocide” (as in suggesting anyone not acknowledging that a person’s “new identity” as the opposite sex has effectively “killed” that person) when destroying human life and severing blood lines is exactly what THEY aim to do. The latest aberration can be seen on the cover of “Glamour” magazine. Go look it up. The tide must change and people must start to find the courage to speak out, especially in schools. The damage this nonsense is doing to the minds of children is horrific.

Julian Farrows
Julian Farrows
1 year ago
Reply to  Amy Horseman

Absolutely 100% agree with you on this. It is indeed an eugenics movement. While I know that many weak-minded people went along with this movement just to show how ‘kind’ they are, we really need to take the ring-leaders to task, many of whom I suspect are very wealthy philanthropists or CEOs of Big Pharma companies.

Richard Craven
Richard Craven
1 year ago
Reply to  Amy Horseman

The “trans” movement is fundamentally a white castration/FGM cult run by and for the benefit of sadistic paedophiles.

Frank McCusker
Frank McCusker
1 year ago
Reply to  Amy Horseman

Yes – and if I may add a shallow observation – most gay people I ever met were good fun, with that sarcastic sense of humour typical of any grouping that has had to deal with real prejudice. But every trans person I read about (or see interviewed) seems by contrast like a whinging headcase.   

Julian Farrows
Julian Farrows
1 year ago
Reply to  Amy Horseman

Absolutely 100% agree with you on this. It is indeed an eugenics movement. While I know that many weak-minded people went along with this movement just to show how ‘kind’ they are, we really need to take the ring-leaders to task, many of whom I suspect are very wealthy philanthropists or CEOs of Big Pharma companies.

Richard Craven
Richard Craven
1 year ago
Reply to  Amy Horseman

The “trans” movement is fundamentally a white castration/FGM cult run by and for the benefit of sadistic paedophiles.

Frank McCusker
Frank McCusker
1 year ago
Reply to  Amy Horseman

Yes – and if I may add a shallow observation – most gay people I ever met were good fun, with that sarcastic sense of humour typical of any grouping that has had to deal with real prejudice. But every trans person I read about (or see interviewed) seems by contrast like a whinging headcase.   

Amy Horseman
Amy Horseman
1 year ago

I absolutely loved this article – the content and the writing style – and can’t wait to read your book. You sum up all the thoughts and feelings of the vast majority of people I speak to. The “trans movement” has nothing to do with supporting the rights of gay people or even transsexual people, it is short for the “transhumanist movement”, which is a eugenics movement, a movement with the aim of “breeding out” the genes that it doesn’t like. It is unethical and murderous. And they have the gall to co-opt the term “genocide” (as in suggesting anyone not acknowledging that a person’s “new identity” as the opposite sex has effectively “killed” that person) when destroying human life and severing blood lines is exactly what THEY aim to do. The latest aberration can be seen on the cover of “Glamour” magazine. Go look it up. The tide must change and people must start to find the courage to speak out, especially in schools. The damage this nonsense is doing to the minds of children is horrific.

Marcus Leach
Marcus Leach
1 year ago

Legitimate academic studies have found that between 80-94% of children and young people who thought they were “trans”, but remained untreated, simply grew out of it by their early twenties. A majority just concluded they were gay, accepted it and moved on.
The implications of this are obvious. The notion that any child should be able to receive any life-changing, irreversible pharmaceutical and/or surgical treatment, for a supposed “trans” diagnosis almost all of them will grow out of, is monstrous.
But from the point of view of gay people, I wonder how many adults that live life happily as gay men and women would be doing so if they had got in to the clutches of the transgender ideologues when they were confused children and young adults.
We can see by their actions that these ideologues are utterly intolerant and dogmatic. They seem to actively want to find “transgender” children that they can “save”.
With such a high proportion of “transgender” children eventually just accepting they are gay, there is a very good argument to suggest that these ideologues are engaging in their own form of mass gay “conversion therapy”. But instead of a stern talk from the local priest, they are drugging and amputating parts of gay people to convert them in to an absurd parody of the opposite sex.

Last edited 1 year ago by Marcus Leach
Sharon Overy
Sharon Overy
1 year ago
Reply to  Marcus Leach

Yes. The Tavistock Clinic apparently had an in-joke that, soon, homosexuality would no longer exist because they’d have got rid of it all.

There’s a lot of plain old homophobia in this gender-mania.

Frank McCusker
Frank McCusker
1 year ago
Reply to  Marcus Leach

Hear hear

Michael Layman
Michael Layman
1 year ago
Reply to  Marcus Leach

I have read similar studies that a very small percentage(around 10%) ultimately were trans. The rest were ultimately hetero or homosexual. This makes sense and I think the populace is largely OK with this. We should just be supportive and non-judgmental and let the sexuality play out in minors.
The trans-activists are the extremists here and they bring to mind the word fascism on a sexual scale. Imagine that. They are creating a backlash against the hard won acceptance of the LGB community.

Sharon Overy
Sharon Overy
1 year ago
Reply to  Marcus Leach

Yes. The Tavistock Clinic apparently had an in-joke that, soon, homosexuality would no longer exist because they’d have got rid of it all.

There’s a lot of plain old homophobia in this gender-mania.

Frank McCusker
Frank McCusker
1 year ago
Reply to  Marcus Leach

Hear hear

Michael Layman
Michael Layman
1 year ago
Reply to  Marcus Leach

I have read similar studies that a very small percentage(around 10%) ultimately were trans. The rest were ultimately hetero or homosexual. This makes sense and I think the populace is largely OK with this. We should just be supportive and non-judgmental and let the sexuality play out in minors.
The trans-activists are the extremists here and they bring to mind the word fascism on a sexual scale. Imagine that. They are creating a backlash against the hard won acceptance of the LGB community.

Marcus Leach
Marcus Leach
1 year ago

Legitimate academic studies have found that between 80-94% of children and young people who thought they were “trans”, but remained untreated, simply grew out of it by their early twenties. A majority just concluded they were gay, accepted it and moved on.
The implications of this are obvious. The notion that any child should be able to receive any life-changing, irreversible pharmaceutical and/or surgical treatment, for a supposed “trans” diagnosis almost all of them will grow out of, is monstrous.
But from the point of view of gay people, I wonder how many adults that live life happily as gay men and women would be doing so if they had got in to the clutches of the transgender ideologues when they were confused children and young adults.
We can see by their actions that these ideologues are utterly intolerant and dogmatic. They seem to actively want to find “transgender” children that they can “save”.
With such a high proportion of “transgender” children eventually just accepting they are gay, there is a very good argument to suggest that these ideologues are engaging in their own form of mass gay “conversion therapy”. But instead of a stern talk from the local priest, they are drugging and amputating parts of gay people to convert them in to an absurd parody of the opposite sex.

Last edited 1 year ago by Marcus Leach
1 year ago

Pride is an opportunity for heterosexual people to either signal virtue or, for your more ‘spicy straights’ of a narcissistic bent, to indulge in a bit of Look-at-me-ism.

As an uninterested homosexual man, often jumped on and tasked with accompanying such persons, I got increasingly sick of it.

Nowadays I avoid central London in the week leading up to the parade. On the day itself, usually at an Irish boozer on Kilburn High Road, watching greyhound racing.

Last edited 1 year ago by Dumetrius
Andy O'Gorman
Andy O'Gorman
1 year ago
Reply to  Dumetrius

Well said.

Richard Craven
Richard Craven
1 year ago
Reply to  Dumetrius

V sensible.

Andy O'Gorman
Andy O'Gorman
1 year ago
Reply to  Dumetrius

Well said.

Richard Craven
Richard Craven
1 year ago
Reply to  Dumetrius

V sensible.

1 year ago

Pride is an opportunity for heterosexual people to either signal virtue or, for your more ‘spicy straights’ of a narcissistic bent, to indulge in a bit of Look-at-me-ism.

As an uninterested homosexual man, often jumped on and tasked with accompanying such persons, I got increasingly sick of it.

Nowadays I avoid central London in the week leading up to the parade. On the day itself, usually at an Irish boozer on Kilburn High Road, watching greyhound racing.

Last edited 1 year ago by Dumetrius
Alan Kaufman
Alan Kaufman
1 year ago

I am mystified that anyone would feel “pride” at their sexuality. Why not just live your life normally.

Paul Boire
Paul Boire
1 year ago
Reply to  Alan Kaufman

It was mostly liberal women, a very illiberal group who misapplied their barren mothering instincts when the effects of GRID.. Gay Related Immune Disorder were killing hundreds of thousands in the west. The most murderous cults towards same sex behaving persons are western liberals. They ignore who is killing whom and how. Sodomy. Nothing “Gay” about it.
And I am their friend. I speak truthfully. Up to half are sexually abused minors and other afflictions. Its not genetic.
Fake narcissistic luv in the west. It takes about ten minutes to know the truth about all this. Perhaps the greatest lie ever told in a cult-ure.

R Wright
R Wright
1 year ago
Reply to  Alan Kaufman

It is about ritual humiliation, nothing more.

Kirk Susong
Kirk Susong
1 year ago
Reply to  Alan Kaufman

If you had a persistent, gnawing sense of shame about your sexuality, which just wouldn’t go away, one course of action is to shout ‘pride’ as loudly as you can, and to get everyone else around you to shout ‘pride’ as loudly as they can, in hopes of drowning out the still, quiet voice within.

enyukubele bele
enyukubele bele
1 year ago
Reply to  Alan Kaufman

This comment just goes to show that “pride” month and parades aren’t really needed. Homosexuality has become a norm that most people just accept and don’t see a reason to celebrate (just as a heterosexual pride parade is not needed). Society as a whole has moved on and is generally accepting of others sexuality without it being blasted in their faces. This is the point of the article, really. Pride events in themselves have become some mockery of the original reason people needed to celebrate and single out pride as a gay individual. It’s more about Transgender people and kinks/fetishes now than it ever was about gay people.

Paul Boire
Paul Boire
1 year ago
Reply to  Alan Kaufman

It was mostly liberal women, a very illiberal group who misapplied their barren mothering instincts when the effects of GRID.. Gay Related Immune Disorder were killing hundreds of thousands in the west. The most murderous cults towards same sex behaving persons are western liberals. They ignore who is killing whom and how. Sodomy. Nothing “Gay” about it.
And I am their friend. I speak truthfully. Up to half are sexually abused minors and other afflictions. Its not genetic.
Fake narcissistic luv in the west. It takes about ten minutes to know the truth about all this. Perhaps the greatest lie ever told in a cult-ure.

R Wright
R Wright
1 year ago
Reply to  Alan Kaufman

It is about ritual humiliation, nothing more.

Kirk Susong
Kirk Susong
1 year ago
Reply to  Alan Kaufman

If you had a persistent, gnawing sense of shame about your sexuality, which just wouldn’t go away, one course of action is to shout ‘pride’ as loudly as you can, and to get everyone else around you to shout ‘pride’ as loudly as they can, in hopes of drowning out the still, quiet voice within.

enyukubele bele
enyukubele bele
1 year ago
Reply to  Alan Kaufman

This comment just goes to show that “pride” month and parades aren’t really needed. Homosexuality has become a norm that most people just accept and don’t see a reason to celebrate (just as a heterosexual pride parade is not needed). Society as a whole has moved on and is generally accepting of others sexuality without it being blasted in their faces. This is the point of the article, really. Pride events in themselves have become some mockery of the original reason people needed to celebrate and single out pride as a gay individual. It’s more about Transgender people and kinks/fetishes now than it ever was about gay people.

Alan Kaufman
Alan Kaufman
1 year ago

I am mystified that anyone would feel “pride” at their sexuality. Why not just live your life normally.

Tom Lewis
Tom Lewis
1 year ago

Not to be a pedant, but the author appears to have got some of the words in the wrong order. Surely “are snatching prizes unfairly” should read ‘ are prizing snatches unfairly’ ?

Christopher Barclay
Christopher Barclay
1 year ago
Reply to  Tom Lewis

Er … ‘ are not prizing snatches fairly’.

Nicky Samengo-Turner
Nicky Samengo-Turner
1 year ago

now men can have snatches?

Richard Craven
Richard Craven
1 year ago

I do respect a chap who insists on proper scope distinctions.

Nicky Samengo-Turner
Nicky Samengo-Turner
1 year ago

now men can have snatches?

Richard Craven
Richard Craven
1 year ago

I do respect a chap who insists on proper scope distinctions.

Christopher Barclay
Christopher Barclay
1 year ago
Reply to  Tom Lewis

Er … ‘ are not prizing snatches fairly’.

Tom Lewis
Tom Lewis
1 year ago

Not to be a pedant, but the author appears to have got some of the words in the wrong order. Surely “are snatching prizes unfairly” should read ‘ are prizing snatches unfairly’ ?

Stephen Quilley
Stephen Quilley
1 year ago

I’m not a libertarian. Pride, trans, MAP – are the logical extension of liberalism. Without a sacred order, the social order will devolve into chaos and sin. Decriminalizing homosexuality was one thing. Celebrating an ethic of individualism, narcissism and self-actualization…and sexual identity (what IS that?) over duty, obligation, familial attachment, and place-bound community …has lead to demographic collapse and a behavioural free for all, which (XR and radical green activism not withstanding) depends on both the state and the market – on endless growth. And this latest frenzied bout of iconoclasm that goes under the Trans umbrella….has destroyed any liberal middle ground. We got here incrementally. But having destroyed the taken for granted Judeo-Christian consensus underpinning liberal modernity, we’ve burned that bridge. The road back would involve coercion ..to re-establish those taken for granted norms. We’re all too conscious and self-seeking, self-actualizing now. Screwed in fact. However, there are limits to growth. The economy is about to implode. Globalization is about to go into reverse. Geo-political mess getting worse by the day (tactical nukes imminent so Unherd claims to day)…and when corporate market collapses, and the state contracts …and people have to rely on age old survival units based on family, clan, neighbourhood and community….my guess is that there will be fewer pride flags. We might even see a few more bums on church pews.

Kat L
Kat L
1 year ago

Well stated.

Last edited 1 year ago by Kat L
Judy Johnson
Judy Johnson
1 year ago

Tom Holland stated similar ideas in his book, ‘Dominion.’ Well worth a read.

Kat L
Kat L
1 year ago

Well stated.

Last edited 1 year ago by Kat L
Judy Johnson
Judy Johnson
1 year ago

Tom Holland stated similar ideas in his book, ‘Dominion.’ Well worth a read.

Stephen Quilley
Stephen Quilley
1 year ago

I’m not a libertarian. Pride, trans, MAP – are the logical extension of liberalism. Without a sacred order, the social order will devolve into chaos and sin. Decriminalizing homosexuality was one thing. Celebrating an ethic of individualism, narcissism and self-actualization…and sexual identity (what IS that?) over duty, obligation, familial attachment, and place-bound community …has lead to demographic collapse and a behavioural free for all, which (XR and radical green activism not withstanding) depends on both the state and the market – on endless growth. And this latest frenzied bout of iconoclasm that goes under the Trans umbrella….has destroyed any liberal middle ground. We got here incrementally. But having destroyed the taken for granted Judeo-Christian consensus underpinning liberal modernity, we’ve burned that bridge. The road back would involve coercion ..to re-establish those taken for granted norms. We’re all too conscious and self-seeking, self-actualizing now. Screwed in fact. However, there are limits to growth. The economy is about to implode. Globalization is about to go into reverse. Geo-political mess getting worse by the day (tactical nukes imminent so Unherd claims to day)…and when corporate market collapses, and the state contracts …and people have to rely on age old survival units based on family, clan, neighbourhood and community….my guess is that there will be fewer pride flags. We might even see a few more bums on church pews.

Derek Bryce
Derek Bryce
1 year ago

Pride is now just an opportunity for the cosplayers and imagineers of the trans and ‘new queer’ movement (largely ‘progressive’ straight people with colourful dye jobs) to pretend to be victims. I marched once back in the 90s when it was actually about gay rights – we could be fired or evicted back then in some jurisdictions for who we were. I had to have an HIV test to get a mortgage as recently as 1998. Indeed when we reversed those injustices, there was little point in still marching. Nowadays, gay men and lesbians who insist that we have nothing to do with the trans, non binary, ‘queers’ etc are no longer welcomed at events we originated, shoved aside by these colonists of our lives and achievements. 

Last edited 1 year ago by Derek Bryce
ben arnulfssen
ben arnulfssen
1 year ago
Reply to  Derek Bryce

Well, strictly speaking there is no necessary connection between homosexuality and AIDS. It is endemic on parts of Africa, where it is transmitted by sexual incontinence and promiscuity.

It is largely unknown in the Islamic world, despite the widespread incidence there of homosexuality and pederasty, because of the strictly enforced prohibitions on promiscuity.

So that’s the connection; the promiscuous, irresponsible sexual behaviour of a significant sector of homosexual men; on that basis, asking for an AIDS test isn’t bigotry, but actuarial arithmetic.

Which is, of course, the whole purpose of the cult of victimhood; it stifles rational thinking.

ben arnulfssen
ben arnulfssen
1 year ago
Reply to  Derek Bryce

Well, strictly speaking there is no necessary connection between homosexuality and AIDS. It is endemic on parts of Africa, where it is transmitted by sexual incontinence and promiscuity.

It is largely unknown in the Islamic world, despite the widespread incidence there of homosexuality and pederasty, because of the strictly enforced prohibitions on promiscuity.

So that’s the connection; the promiscuous, irresponsible sexual behaviour of a significant sector of homosexual men; on that basis, asking for an AIDS test isn’t bigotry, but actuarial arithmetic.

Which is, of course, the whole purpose of the cult of victimhood; it stifles rational thinking.

Derek Bryce
Derek Bryce
1 year ago

Pride is now just an opportunity for the cosplayers and imagineers of the trans and ‘new queer’ movement (largely ‘progressive’ straight people with colourful dye jobs) to pretend to be victims. I marched once back in the 90s when it was actually about gay rights – we could be fired or evicted back then in some jurisdictions for who we were. I had to have an HIV test to get a mortgage as recently as 1998. Indeed when we reversed those injustices, there was little point in still marching. Nowadays, gay men and lesbians who insist that we have nothing to do with the trans, non binary, ‘queers’ etc are no longer welcomed at events we originated, shoved aside by these colonists of our lives and achievements. 

Last edited 1 year ago by Derek Bryce
Ali W
Ali W
1 year ago

The last bit about Uganda and Turkey enacting anti-gay legislation should come as no surprise. More conservative parts of the world are watching what succeeded gay rights in the West. We played directly into conservative rhetoric that condoning sexuality would lead to dismantling of society.
It didn’t have to be this way, but like the author said, charities and lobbyists need problems, so they made up some new ones and shoved their “solutions” down our throats.
I’ve always been supportive of gay rights, and generally allowing adults to do whatever they want with their own bodies, but at this point “traditional family values” political ideology is becoming the lesser evil, and I hate to admit I am ok with supporting anti-gay politicians if it means preventing insanity like child sex-changes and men in women’s prisons.
The pendulum is going to swing hard right again in an aggressive overcorrection of the trans activism of the last decade, here we go again.

Kirk Susong
Kirk Susong
1 year ago
Reply to  Ali W

“It didn’t have to be this way”
I wonder why you think that, or what evidence you have to support that conclusion. It seems to me that it most definitely did have to be this way. Perhaps there was an off-ramp after the pill? But not after Stonewall (so to speak). Once we accepted that the justification for homosexual normalization was that their feelings of same-sex attraction were an integral part of their dignity as humans, there was not going to be any stopping all the rest of the psycho-sexual identity cornucopia… because they believe their feelings are also an integral part of their dignity as humans. What distinguishes them?

Last edited 1 year ago by Kirk Susong
Paul Boire
Paul Boire
1 year ago
Reply to  Ali W

He’s misrepresenting Uganda. The death penalty is for child homosexual rapists. In NYC studies during the GRID, changed to AIDS epidemic , about half reported their first sexual encounter as being effected by older males when they were eleven years old on average. There is nothing at all “gay” about death by AIDS following being sodomized.

Albireo Double
Albireo Double
1 year ago
Reply to  Paul Boire

5 near identical comments from you now. Careful you don’t develop writer’s cramp.

Or haemmoroids.

Paul Boire
Paul Boire
1 year ago
Reply to  Albireo Double

So you’re OK with over a million dead young men of whom up to half were first assaulted at the average age of eleven. And its not something you’re born with as the identical twin studies prove. We’re railroading children here. It takes about ten minutes to discover the brutal truth. Otago U, the NYC AIDS surveys and the Denmark Registry study 2006. all support what I say. Faux liberalism is the railroad for children. The point is well worth repeating and is the sane and compassionate information that requires action.

Paul Boire
Paul Boire
1 year ago
Reply to  Albireo Double

So you’re OK with over a million dead young men of whom up to half were first assaulted at the average age of eleven. And its not something you’re born with as the identical twin studies prove. We’re railroading children here. It takes about ten minutes to discover the brutal truth. Otago U, the NYC AIDS surveys and the Denmark Registry study 2006. all support what I say. Faux liberalism is the railroad for children. The point is well worth repeating and is the sane and compassionate information that requires action.

Albireo Double
Albireo Double
1 year ago
Reply to  Paul Boire

5 near identical comments from you now. Careful you don’t develop writer’s cramp.

Or haemmoroids.

Kat L
Kat L
1 year ago
Reply to  Ali W

I really don’t understand this view and I’ve heard it a lot lately. Just what did you think would happen when you put ssm on equal footing to marriage? Civil unions would have been a good compromise but no, it was not acceptable.

Erika Reily
Erika Reily
1 year ago
Reply to  Ali W

The clock should have stopped right around 1986 or so, when everyone knew about homosexuality and mostly no one wanted to bother them or invade their privacy or arrest them for whatever went on behind closed doors, but also heterosexual marriage and childbearing/rearing was considered the normal way of life for humans and no one was coerced into celebrating abnormality. Tolerance was enough and it should have stopped there.

Kirk Susong
Kirk Susong
1 year ago
Reply to  Ali W

“It didn’t have to be this way”
I wonder why you think that, or what evidence you have to support that conclusion. It seems to me that it most definitely did have to be this way. Perhaps there was an off-ramp after the pill? But not after Stonewall (so to speak). Once we accepted that the justification for homosexual normalization was that their feelings of same-sex attraction were an integral part of their dignity as humans, there was not going to be any stopping all the rest of the psycho-sexual identity cornucopia… because they believe their feelings are also an integral part of their dignity as humans. What distinguishes them?

Last edited 1 year ago by Kirk Susong
Paul Boire
Paul Boire
1 year ago
Reply to  Ali W

He’s misrepresenting Uganda. The death penalty is for child homosexual rapists. In NYC studies during the GRID, changed to AIDS epidemic , about half reported their first sexual encounter as being effected by older males when they were eleven years old on average. There is nothing at all “gay” about death by AIDS following being sodomized.

Kat L
Kat L
1 year ago
Reply to  Ali W

I really don’t understand this view and I’ve heard it a lot lately. Just what did you think would happen when you put ssm on equal footing to marriage? Civil unions would have been a good compromise but no, it was not acceptable.

Erika Reily
Erika Reily
1 year ago
Reply to  Ali W

The clock should have stopped right around 1986 or so, when everyone knew about homosexuality and mostly no one wanted to bother them or invade their privacy or arrest them for whatever went on behind closed doors, but also heterosexual marriage and childbearing/rearing was considered the normal way of life for humans and no one was coerced into celebrating abnormality. Tolerance was enough and it should have stopped there.

Ali W
Ali W
1 year ago

The last bit about Uganda and Turkey enacting anti-gay legislation should come as no surprise. More conservative parts of the world are watching what succeeded gay rights in the West. We played directly into conservative rhetoric that condoning sexuality would lead to dismantling of society.
It didn’t have to be this way, but like the author said, charities and lobbyists need problems, so they made up some new ones and shoved their “solutions” down our throats.
I’ve always been supportive of gay rights, and generally allowing adults to do whatever they want with their own bodies, but at this point “traditional family values” political ideology is becoming the lesser evil, and I hate to admit I am ok with supporting anti-gay politicians if it means preventing insanity like child sex-changes and men in women’s prisons.
The pendulum is going to swing hard right again in an aggressive overcorrection of the trans activism of the last decade, here we go again.

Allison Barrows
Allison Barrows
1 year ago

Another UnHerd article on possible Russian use of tactical nuclear weapons puts this gaudy glitter circus in perspective. I suspect that, should Putin go that route, these Pride people will somehow frame it as an attack on them, because everything else is all about them.

Simon Neale
Simon Neale
1 year ago

Yes, “Nuclear Armageddon: gays and transpeople suffer most!

Allison Barrows
Allison Barrows
1 year ago
Reply to  Simon Neale

Women and minorities have indeed been replaced in the victimhood industry.

Allison Barrows
Allison Barrows
1 year ago
Reply to  Simon Neale

Women and minorities have indeed been replaced in the victimhood industry.

Albireo Double
Albireo Double
1 year ago

Well, I assume they’ll describe it as “literal violence and genocide”.

(Unless they’ve decided that now sounds “too lame” – and they’ve invented yet further hyperbole.)

Simon Neale
Simon Neale
1 year ago

Yes, “Nuclear Armageddon: gays and transpeople suffer most!

Albireo Double
Albireo Double
1 year ago

Well, I assume they’ll describe it as “literal violence and genocide”.

(Unless they’ve decided that now sounds “too lame” – and they’ve invented yet further hyperbole.)

Allison Barrows
Allison Barrows
1 year ago

Another UnHerd article on possible Russian use of tactical nuclear weapons puts this gaudy glitter circus in perspective. I suspect that, should Putin go that route, these Pride people will somehow frame it as an attack on them, because everything else is all about them.

Benjamin Greco
Benjamin Greco
1 year ago

Progressives in the early 21st century witnessed the victory of the rights revolution started in the latter half of the 20th century, then they went bonkers. The means, protest, became more important than any ends, and they needed to invent increasingly dubious things to protest – the war on black bodies, the elimination of transexuals. They created whole movements to protest things that were mere figments of their overactive imaginations. To be ‘Woke’ then is to believe in fantasies, and progressivism is no longer about positive change but about making middle-class progressives feel good about themselves while living comfortable lives in the neo-liberal world order.
In the US, the resulting policies have made Democratic politicians more dangerous than an incompetent orange-haired, octogenarian clown. At least Republicans only harm people by neglecting their needs, liberals’ policies today harm children and have led to a crime wave that has turned cites into war zones.  

Kathy Hix
Kathy Hix
1 year ago
Reply to  Benjamin Greco

When charities achieve their original stated goals, such as decriminalizing homosexual behaviors and state recognition of same-sex unions, those charities have to decide to disband or shift in order to keep the money flowing in. This leads to toxic alliances of “follow the money” grifters with narcissists determined to maintain center stage.

Paul Boire
Paul Boire
1 year ago
Reply to  Benjamin Greco

There is no right to sodomize. Over a million dead young men in the west from this behavior that many got into following abuse by an older male at the average age of eleven years old. (New York City AIDS survey data)

Kathy Hix
Kathy Hix
1 year ago
Reply to  Benjamin Greco

When charities achieve their original stated goals, such as decriminalizing homosexual behaviors and state recognition of same-sex unions, those charities have to decide to disband or shift in order to keep the money flowing in. This leads to toxic alliances of “follow the money” grifters with narcissists determined to maintain center stage.

Paul Boire
Paul Boire
1 year ago
Reply to  Benjamin Greco

There is no right to sodomize. Over a million dead young men in the west from this behavior that many got into following abuse by an older male at the average age of eleven years old. (New York City AIDS survey data)

Benjamin Greco
Benjamin Greco
1 year ago

Progressives in the early 21st century witnessed the victory of the rights revolution started in the latter half of the 20th century, then they went bonkers. The means, protest, became more important than any ends, and they needed to invent increasingly dubious things to protest – the war on black bodies, the elimination of transexuals. They created whole movements to protest things that were mere figments of their overactive imaginations. To be ‘Woke’ then is to believe in fantasies, and progressivism is no longer about positive change but about making middle-class progressives feel good about themselves while living comfortable lives in the neo-liberal world order.
In the US, the resulting policies have made Democratic politicians more dangerous than an incompetent orange-haired, octogenarian clown. At least Republicans only harm people by neglecting their needs, liberals’ policies today harm children and have led to a crime wave that has turned cites into war zones.  

Michel Starenky
Michel Starenky
1 year ago

Instead of adding more letter to LGB we should simply use LGBQUERTY. That should cover any more gender additions.

Jack Martin Leith
Jack Martin Leith
1 year ago


Ali W
Ali W
1 year ago

Bring LGBT-9 back!!!

Kathy Hix
Kathy Hix
1 year ago

It would be simpler the simply let the Q stand in for any non-gender-conforming person who wished to be included.

Gordon Black
Gordon Black
1 year ago

A few years ago I used BLIGHT as a useful Mnemonic.

Jack Martin Leith
Jack Martin Leith
1 year ago


Ali W
Ali W
1 year ago

Bring LGBT-9 back!!!

Kathy Hix
Kathy Hix
1 year ago

It would be simpler the simply let the Q stand in for any non-gender-conforming person who wished to be included.

Gordon Black
Gordon Black
1 year ago

A few years ago I used BLIGHT as a useful Mnemonic.

Michel Starenky
Michel Starenky
1 year ago

Instead of adding more letter to LGB we should simply use LGBQUERTY. That should cover any more gender additions.

Derek Smith
Derek Smith
1 year ago

Yet another article where a sexual revolutionary complains about other sexual revolutionaries ‘going too far’.

If you want to know why various countries are introducing harsh anti-gay laws now, just look at the West. They are, and they know it’s coming their way if they don’t act now.

Jim Veenbaas
Jim Veenbaas
1 year ago
Reply to  Derek Smith

You know when it really started? When we allowed lefties to write with their left hand. If we kept forcing them to switch to their right hand, we could have avoided this entire slide into oblivion. Give ‘em an inch and they take a mile.

Peter D
Peter D
1 year ago
Reply to  Derek Smith

The West seems to be the canary in the coal mine for stupid ideas. Look at Hungary, they held a referendum regarding the whole alphabet mess and decided it was a bad idea.

cathy callaghan
cathy callaghan
1 year ago
Reply to  Peter D

I heard from a Hungarian that many wanted to vote in favour of LGB being taught in schools, but against Transgenderism for children. The referendum didn’t give them that choice, though. Force-teaming T onto LGB means more anti LGB legislation.

cathy callaghan
cathy callaghan
1 year ago
Reply to  Peter D

I heard from a Hungarian that many wanted to vote in favour of LGB being taught in schools, but against Transgenderism for children. The referendum didn’t give them that choice, though. Force-teaming T onto LGB means more anti LGB legislation.

Christopher Barclay
Christopher Barclay
1 year ago
Reply to  Derek Smith

So it’s not because they like hanging gays and raping lesbians?

Paul Boire
Paul Boire
1 year ago
Reply to  Derek Smith

Exactly. Its all a massive, massive lie. All of it. The NYC AIDS studies (then called GRID) until changed like Monkeypox for fake reasons, showed that half of those dying from GRID (Gay Related Immune Disease) from practicing sodomy, were first sodomized or interfered with by older males at the average age of eleven years old.
Now we have sick parades of the victims.

Jim Veenbaas
Jim Veenbaas
1 year ago
Reply to  Derek Smith

You know when it really started? When we allowed lefties to write with their left hand. If we kept forcing them to switch to their right hand, we could have avoided this entire slide into oblivion. Give ‘em an inch and they take a mile.

Peter D
Peter D
1 year ago
Reply to  Derek Smith

The West seems to be the canary in the coal mine for stupid ideas. Look at Hungary, they held a referendum regarding the whole alphabet mess and decided it was a bad idea.

Christopher Barclay
Christopher Barclay
1 year ago
Reply to  Derek Smith

So it’s not because they like hanging gays and raping lesbians?

Paul Boire
Paul Boire
1 year ago
Reply to  Derek Smith

Exactly. Its all a massive, massive lie. All of it. The NYC AIDS studies (then called GRID) until changed like Monkeypox for fake reasons, showed that half of those dying from GRID (Gay Related Immune Disease) from practicing sodomy, were first sodomized or interfered with by older males at the average age of eleven years old.
Now we have sick parades of the victims.

Derek Smith
Derek Smith
1 year ago

Yet another article where a sexual revolutionary complains about other sexual revolutionaries ‘going too far’.

If you want to know why various countries are introducing harsh anti-gay laws now, just look at the West. They are, and they know it’s coming their way if they don’t act now.

Kirk Susong
Kirk Susong
1 year ago

I would have found this article much more interesting if the author had been a bit more self-reflective. He laments that the T was added to the LGB, but seems uninterested in the (philosophical) reasons why that happened.
I posit that the reasons it happened are because we decided that (as one commenter here puts it) the feeling of same sex attraction was just as integral to a homosexual’s life as a left handed person using his left hand is. Set to the side for the moment whether that is true, and reflect that this view of human existence has no logical stopping point.
So we have given our feelings (genuine, persistent feelings, to be fair) a certain deference as we decide how to live, act, govern, etc. – even though our inner thoughts about what we want and desire do not in fact determine external reality or what is healthy, either for us individually or for society as a whole. Homosexuals and gender dysphorics both think, feel and do things that result in negative mental and physical health outcomes – this happens when you thumb your nose at nature. Of course that doesn’t mean those feelings should be criminalized! But nor does it mean society should reshape itself to accommodate them, either.
So the author doesn’t realize that by cutting off the T, he’s cutting off the branch that supports the LGB. If he realized that, it would be very upsetting to him, since as he points out, trans-activists might be seen as homophobic for telling young homosexuals they’re actually heterosexuals born in the wrong body. How terrible, he might think, that gays are surrounded by enemies from without and from within.
But that is what happens when multiple deviances compete for social recognition as ‘normal’. Neither homosexuality nor transsexuality can provide a stable resting place, because neither is grounded in the ordered structure of our world.
I am reminded of the young homosexual who, when ‘monkeypox’ was in the news, said something like, “first AIDS, now this! why is it always gays getting this stuff?” That young man is living in profound denial of reality.

Last edited 1 year ago by Kirk Susong
Julian Farrows
Julian Farrows
1 year ago
Reply to  Kirk Susong

Very well said.

Paul Devlin
Paul Devlin
1 year ago
Reply to  Kirk Susong

Exactly why the lgbt lobby must eventually embrace paedophiles as a legitimate part of the club. It might be more taboo but nonces surely suffer from the same predicament

Julian Farrows
Julian Farrows
1 year ago
Reply to  Kirk Susong

Very well said.

Paul Devlin
Paul Devlin
1 year ago
Reply to  Kirk Susong

Exactly why the lgbt lobby must eventually embrace paedophiles as a legitimate part of the club. It might be more taboo but nonces surely suffer from the same predicament

Kirk Susong
Kirk Susong
1 year ago

I would have found this article much more interesting if the author had been a bit more self-reflective. He laments that the T was added to the LGB, but seems uninterested in the (philosophical) reasons why that happened.
I posit that the reasons it happened are because we decided that (as one commenter here puts it) the feeling of same sex attraction was just as integral to a homosexual’s life as a left handed person using his left hand is. Set to the side for the moment whether that is true, and reflect that this view of human existence has no logical stopping point.
So we have given our feelings (genuine, persistent feelings, to be fair) a certain deference as we decide how to live, act, govern, etc. – even though our inner thoughts about what we want and desire do not in fact determine external reality or what is healthy, either for us individually or for society as a whole. Homosexuals and gender dysphorics both think, feel and do things that result in negative mental and physical health outcomes – this happens when you thumb your nose at nature. Of course that doesn’t mean those feelings should be criminalized! But nor does it mean society should reshape itself to accommodate them, either.
So the author doesn’t realize that by cutting off the T, he’s cutting off the branch that supports the LGB. If he realized that, it would be very upsetting to him, since as he points out, trans-activists might be seen as homophobic for telling young homosexuals they’re actually heterosexuals born in the wrong body. How terrible, he might think, that gays are surrounded by enemies from without and from within.
But that is what happens when multiple deviances compete for social recognition as ‘normal’. Neither homosexuality nor transsexuality can provide a stable resting place, because neither is grounded in the ordered structure of our world.
I am reminded of the young homosexual who, when ‘monkeypox’ was in the news, said something like, “first AIDS, now this! why is it always gays getting this stuff?” That young man is living in profound denial of reality.

Last edited 1 year ago by Kirk Susong
Grace Note
Grace Note
1 year ago

I loved this article so much that I bought your book. It better be good! Sarcasm, I’m sure it will be. You write so well and with genuine compassion even for the people who are “literally” accusing those of us who don’t agree of “literal” violence and “literal” genocide. It makes me angry but more than that it makes me sad for all of those young people caught in its grip. I preserve my real anger for the like of Stonewall who have turned their backs on the LGB and are happily ruining the lives of young gays and lesbians by insisting they’re actually just in the wrong body. They have gone from an organisation we could all admire to something vile, hateful and deeply misogynistic.

Grace Note
Grace Note
1 year ago

I loved this article so much that I bought your book. It better be good! Sarcasm, I’m sure it will be. You write so well and with genuine compassion even for the people who are “literally” accusing those of us who don’t agree of “literal” violence and “literal” genocide. It makes me angry but more than that it makes me sad for all of those young people caught in its grip. I preserve my real anger for the like of Stonewall who have turned their backs on the LGB and are happily ruining the lives of young gays and lesbians by insisting they’re actually just in the wrong body. They have gone from an organisation we could all admire to something vile, hateful and deeply misogynistic.

polidori redux
polidori redux
1 year ago

Perhaps this journalist has just discovered the blindingly obvious: Associating with the deluded is counter-productive.

Steve Murray
Steve Murray
1 year ago
Reply to  polidori redux

Unnecessary and trite. I doubt very much he’s “just discovered” anything. Your comment, however, demonstrates you’ve just discovered how to make silly responses to a genuine and intelligent article.

Last edited 1 year ago by Steve Murray
Jim Veenbaas
Jim Veenbaas
1 year ago
Reply to  Steve Murray

Agreed. I’m a white man who is proud of his heritage. I don’t share any beliefs of white nationalists, who are proud of their heritage as well.

Kat L
Kat L
1 year ago
Reply to  Jim Veenbaas

I don’t see anything wrong with being white or putting your nations interests over others. Just because Germany screwed up doesn’t mean it’s an intractable outcome for everyone else.

Kat L
Kat L
1 year ago
Reply to  Jim Veenbaas

I don’t see anything wrong with being white or putting your nations interests over others. Just because Germany screwed up doesn’t mean it’s an intractable outcome for everyone else.

polidori redux
polidori redux
1 year ago
Reply to  Steve Murray

I thought my comment was sympathetic.

Steve Murray
Steve Murray
1 year ago
Reply to  polidori redux

In what way does the author “associate” with radical transgenderists? The whole article and his satirical writings point in the opposite direction. You were simply being flippant.

polidori redux
polidori redux
1 year ago
Reply to  Steve Murray

I didn’t say that he was the one associating with radical teansgenderists, merely that he has discovered how counter-productive such an association would be. It was always obvious to me. Wasn’t it to you?

Derek Bryce
Derek Bryce
1 year ago
Reply to  polidori redux

You’ve made a fool of yourself. No big deal – we all do at times. Admit it, (wo)man up and move on.

Derek Bryce
Derek Bryce
1 year ago
Reply to  polidori redux

You’ve made a fool of yourself. No big deal – we all do at times. Admit it, (wo)man up and move on.

polidori redux
polidori redux
1 year ago
Reply to  Steve Murray

I didn’t say that he was the one associating with radical teansgenderists, merely that he has discovered how counter-productive such an association would be. It was always obvious to me. Wasn’t it to you?

Steve Murray
Steve Murray
1 year ago
Reply to  polidori redux

In what way does the author “associate” with radical transgenderists? The whole article and his satirical writings point in the opposite direction. You were simply being flippant.

Jim Veenbaas
Jim Veenbaas
1 year ago
Reply to  Steve Murray

Agreed. I’m a white man who is proud of his heritage. I don’t share any beliefs of white nationalists, who are proud of their heritage as well.

polidori redux
polidori redux
1 year ago
Reply to  Steve Murray

I thought my comment was sympathetic.

Diane Tasker
Diane Tasker
1 year ago
Reply to  polidori redux

He hasn’t ‘just discovered’ anything – try reading his book ‘The End of the World is Flat’

polidori redux
polidori redux
1 year ago
Reply to  Diane Tasker

“Just” as in “merely”

polidori redux
polidori redux
1 year ago
Reply to  Diane Tasker

“Just” as in “merely”

Derek Bryce
Derek Bryce
1 year ago
Reply to  polidori redux

Simon Edge has been working and writing in resistance to trans ideology for years. If there’s a parvenu here, it certainly isn’t him.

polidori redux
polidori redux
1 year ago
Reply to  Derek Bryce

You seem to have a problem with comprehension.

Last edited 1 year ago by polidori redux
polidori redux
polidori redux
1 year ago
Reply to  Derek Bryce

You seem to have a problem with comprehension.

Last edited 1 year ago by polidori redux
Steve Murray
Steve Murray
1 year ago
Reply to  polidori redux

Unnecessary and trite. I doubt very much he’s “just discovered” anything. Your comment, however, demonstrates you’ve just discovered how to make silly responses to a genuine and intelligent article.

Last edited 1 year ago by Steve Murray
Diane Tasker
Diane Tasker
1 year ago
Reply to  polidori redux

He hasn’t ‘just discovered’ anything – try reading his book ‘The End of the World is Flat’

Derek Bryce
Derek Bryce
1 year ago
Reply to  polidori redux

Simon Edge has been working and writing in resistance to trans ideology for years. If there’s a parvenu here, it certainly isn’t him.

polidori redux
polidori redux
1 year ago

Perhaps this journalist has just discovered the blindingly obvious: Associating with the deluded is counter-productive.

james elliott
james elliott
1 year ago

Pride. One of the worst of the Seven Deadly Sins.

james elliott
james elliott
1 year ago

Pride. One of the worst of the Seven Deadly Sins.

Graeme Kemp
Graeme Kemp
1 year ago

‘The Edge of the World is Flat’ is a great, very timely novel by Simon Edge. Excellent satire of modern times.

Graeme Kemp
Graeme Kemp
1 year ago

‘The Edge of the World is Flat’ is a great, very timely novel by Simon Edge. Excellent satire of modern times.

Roland Jeffery
Roland Jeffery
1 year ago

Absolutley spot on, Simon. And very timely.
Lets hear it for old-fashioned gay liberation values and focus – today so desperately needed across the middle east and Africa among other places.
The trickiest question today is: how to support same-sex attracted people in those places? Asylum in the UK for sexuality refugees is grudgingly offered to those affluent or fortunate enough to access the skilled representation needed to jump the hoops. But a one-way ticket out of their own culture isnt the optimal way in the long run for most.
However, Uganda’s Museveni, Putin, Saudi theocratic judges and many others portray same-sex attraction as a foreign import out to undermine their endemic culture (in spite of ample evidence to the contrary). So support from the UK to those at risk of lynchings and judicial killings alike has to be either covert or be very careful not to play to the despot’s agenda.
If metro narcissists in the UK spent half as much time thinking and acting around these issues as they do on ‘policing’ debates, we might see a way to change.

Last edited 1 year ago by Roland Jeffery
Roland Jeffery
Roland Jeffery
1 year ago

Absolutley spot on, Simon. And very timely.
Lets hear it for old-fashioned gay liberation values and focus – today so desperately needed across the middle east and Africa among other places.
The trickiest question today is: how to support same-sex attracted people in those places? Asylum in the UK for sexuality refugees is grudgingly offered to those affluent or fortunate enough to access the skilled representation needed to jump the hoops. But a one-way ticket out of their own culture isnt the optimal way in the long run for most.
However, Uganda’s Museveni, Putin, Saudi theocratic judges and many others portray same-sex attraction as a foreign import out to undermine their endemic culture (in spite of ample evidence to the contrary). So support from the UK to those at risk of lynchings and judicial killings alike has to be either covert or be very careful not to play to the despot’s agenda.
If metro narcissists in the UK spent half as much time thinking and acting around these issues as they do on ‘policing’ debates, we might see a way to change.

Last edited 1 year ago by Roland Jeffery
Andrea Heyting
Andrea Heyting
1 year ago

Damn is it pride month already. Time to avoid my local gay club then, it will be even more full of straight people than usual. Great piece Simon

Andrea Heyting
Andrea Heyting
1 year ago

Damn is it pride month already. Time to avoid my local gay club then, it will be even more full of straight people than usual. Great piece Simon

Diane Tasker
Diane Tasker
1 year ago

Excellent article – as is your book ‘The End of the World is Flat’

Diane Tasker
Diane Tasker
1 year ago

Excellent article – as is your book ‘The End of the World is Flat’

James Kirk
James Kirk
1 year ago

It’s just become a tedious bore. Like someone below says, hetero virtue signalling, like telling everyone you’re involved in ‘charity’.
I would like to hear of an ‘alphabet’ person solving the energy problem, a faster than light space ship drive, or, inventing a time machine, a car that runs on water or some such. Alan Turing springs to mind.
When the human race overpopulates this planet though I wonder if there’ll be much call for other than conventional biology persons to populate the new colonies on far planets, regardless of who invented the means to reach them.
Strange that the H of hetero is not included in the ‘inclusive’ alphabet.

Kat L
Kat L
1 year ago
Reply to  James Kirk

There isn’t going to be any overpopulation happening. There will be a population collapse according to many experts. Should be seeing the effects in about 20.

Kat L
Kat L
1 year ago
Reply to  James Kirk

There isn’t going to be any overpopulation happening. There will be a population collapse according to many experts. Should be seeing the effects in about 20.

James Kirk
James Kirk
1 year ago

It’s just become a tedious bore. Like someone below says, hetero virtue signalling, like telling everyone you’re involved in ‘charity’.
I would like to hear of an ‘alphabet’ person solving the energy problem, a faster than light space ship drive, or, inventing a time machine, a car that runs on water or some such. Alan Turing springs to mind.
When the human race overpopulates this planet though I wonder if there’ll be much call for other than conventional biology persons to populate the new colonies on far planets, regardless of who invented the means to reach them.
Strange that the H of hetero is not included in the ‘inclusive’ alphabet.

Richard Craven
Richard Craven
1 year ago

Everyone’s over the rainbow now.

Richard Craven
Richard Craven
1 year ago

Everyone’s over the rainbow now.

Simon Neale
Simon Neale
1 year ago

all that hand-flapping and “yaas kween” campery harks uncomfortably back to the Seventies model of male homosexuality on TV, as personified by Larry Grayson and John Inman.

In the Catholic wing of the Church of England, that has never gone away. It was quite disconcerting when I first encountered it, as it had quite died away in nearly every other area of life by that time. ( At work, nobody was interested in other people’s sexuality unless they fancied them, and homosexuality was rightly seen as a boring topic of conversation.) Perhaps the camp priests are attracted to all the lace and whispery rituals, or perhaps they are the elite special forces in the long march through the institutions, goading the Africans and Conservative Evangelicals with their exquisite presence. What’s even weirder is how the “Ooooh, get her, ducky!!” rigmarole of institutional bitchiness also spills over and infects heterosexual priests in that part of the CofE.

Paul Boire
Paul Boire
1 year ago
Reply to  Simon Neale

The sexual abuse in the Catholic church in the west, was 80% homosexual as sociologist Fr. Paul Sullins has mapped out. It was the inverse of the abuse stats of the secular state. Francis has stepped down on letting people with significant homosexual leanings into the seminaries, but we still have a problem with the appointees of McCarrick et al.
Life as a norm, legs are for walking. Eyes are for seeing. a truth. Our reproductive organs are just that. It is rightly named a perverted faculty when we do not treat our actual nature according to its actual nature. This is why the “born that way” deception was foisted upon us. Over a million dead young men from the practice of sodomy. Nothing “gay” about that.
It is extremely unhealthy and unhappy behavior. Saner nations are right to resist it. Most of its roots are to be found in early aged abuse of minors as the NYC studies showed. Dr Jerry Satinover is an excellent read on these matters if anyone dares to peep over the trenches of faux acceptance and support. One supports truthfully.

Paul Boire
Paul Boire
1 year ago
Reply to  Simon Neale

The sexual abuse in the Catholic church in the west, was 80% homosexual as sociologist Fr. Paul Sullins has mapped out. It was the inverse of the abuse stats of the secular state. Francis has stepped down on letting people with significant homosexual leanings into the seminaries, but we still have a problem with the appointees of McCarrick et al.
Life as a norm, legs are for walking. Eyes are for seeing. a truth. Our reproductive organs are just that. It is rightly named a perverted faculty when we do not treat our actual nature according to its actual nature. This is why the “born that way” deception was foisted upon us. Over a million dead young men from the practice of sodomy. Nothing “gay” about that.
It is extremely unhealthy and unhappy behavior. Saner nations are right to resist it. Most of its roots are to be found in early aged abuse of minors as the NYC studies showed. Dr Jerry Satinover is an excellent read on these matters if anyone dares to peep over the trenches of faux acceptance and support. One supports truthfully.

Simon Neale
Simon Neale
1 year ago

all that hand-flapping and “yaas kween” campery harks uncomfortably back to the Seventies model of male homosexuality on TV, as personified by Larry Grayson and John Inman.

In the Catholic wing of the Church of England, that has never gone away. It was quite disconcerting when I first encountered it, as it had quite died away in nearly every other area of life by that time. ( At work, nobody was interested in other people’s sexuality unless they fancied them, and homosexuality was rightly seen as a boring topic of conversation.) Perhaps the camp priests are attracted to all the lace and whispery rituals, or perhaps they are the elite special forces in the long march through the institutions, goading the Africans and Conservative Evangelicals with their exquisite presence. What’s even weirder is how the “Ooooh, get her, ducky!!” rigmarole of institutional bitchiness also spills over and infects heterosexual priests in that part of the CofE.

Steven Carr
Steven Carr
1 year ago

Somehow reading about Philip Scofield reminds me that there are many things we should not be proud of.

Steven Carr
Steven Carr
1 year ago

Somehow reading about Philip Scofield reminds me that there are many things we should not be proud of.

Nicky Samengo-Turner
Nicky Samengo-Turner
1 year ago

The great majority of people are bored witless by the constant whining of the sodomite shock troops, not least on this mediums insistence on endless propoganda: they have equal rights, and are not, any more than any other minority, entitled to using media emotional blackmail to obtain superior rights.

Paul Boire
Paul Boire
1 year ago

They are not “rights”. Rights are entailed in one’s nature. They are natural. Sodomy is not which is why we have now over a million dead young men in the west from this behavior. Their friends are fakes. Like the imitative sex act that does not involve the sexes.
Be an honest friend. Indulgences for fatal acts that the CDC among others shows cannot even be performed naturally and safely.
Stop the massive lying people. Be a real friend. A huge number in the parades were early aged abuse victims ,average age eleven as the NYC survey data shows.

Paul Boire
Paul Boire
1 year ago

They are not “rights”. Rights are entailed in one’s nature. They are natural. Sodomy is not which is why we have now over a million dead young men in the west from this behavior. Their friends are fakes. Like the imitative sex act that does not involve the sexes.
Be an honest friend. Indulgences for fatal acts that the CDC among others shows cannot even be performed naturally and safely.
Stop the massive lying people. Be a real friend. A huge number in the parades were early aged abuse victims ,average age eleven as the NYC survey data shows.

Nicky Samengo-Turner
Nicky Samengo-Turner
1 year ago

The great majority of people are bored witless by the constant whining of the sodomite shock troops, not least on this mediums insistence on endless propoganda: they have equal rights, and are not, any more than any other minority, entitled to using media emotional blackmail to obtain superior rights.

B Davis
B Davis
1 year ago

Pride Month? Gay Rights?
What are these things, exactly? Gay people are simply ordinary people with a certain appetite. It is, perhaps, the only appetite honored with its own month, but that appetite does not make those who hold it a special people, distinct from those who yearn, instead, for opposite sexed, sex. It’s just an appetite, like any other. Why does this particular appetite require a special month long ‘celebration and commemoration’? Why do those who hold it insist they are being denied the rights that everyone with any appetite naturally, by birthright, holds? What is being denied them, by whom?
More fundamentally, why would I pride myself on having ANY particular appetite? I like chocolate. I like old movies. I can’t wait till football starts. And I love bacon, lettuce, and tomato sandwiches made fresh! Am I proud of any of that?
I can be proud of the work I’ve done, sure; that required effort & dedication & skill. I can be proud of the children I’ve raised (a full time job if ever there was one). I can be proud of the awards I’ve won; the races in which I’ve triumphed, the trophies on my closet shelf. But proud of the fact that I sometimes crave a handful of Nestle’s chocolate chips? Proud of the fact that enjoy backrubs? Nah. I did nothing; I achieved nothing; I simply exist…and existing I like certain things. I’m not proud of any of them….nor am I not proud of any of them (except maybe snarfing those chocolate chips when no one is looking). They’re just a like or a dislike. I like rainy days…do we need a Rainy Day Pride Month?
And why on earth would I care what anyone thinks about my preternatural fondness for chocolate chips? Why would I want them (or Target or Budweiser or KFC) to help me ‘celebrate and commemorate’ my particular hunger?
As for the extraordinarily perverse campaign to REDUCE the age of consent?? Is that not exactly backwards…especially when we hear constantly that “emerging science about brain development suggests that most people don’t reach full maturity until the age 25.”? 24 yr. olds who commit horrific crimes are now being released from prison because we’re told they were not ‘mature’ enough at 24 to fully recognize that bashing someone’s head in with a hammer was a wrong and illegal thing to do. If we’re letting convicted murderers out of jail because they’re immature at 24….how can we possibly go the other direction and say an 18 yr. old is mature enough to make good sexual choices??
We can’t.
And yet we do.
The whole thing is silly. And it would be funny if the Movement which pushes this nonsense weren’t also pushing for the sexualization of children. That is inexcusable, and it needs to stop. Getting rid of the puerile pride parades & media campaigns would definitely help.

Paul Boire
Paul Boire
1 year ago
Reply to  B Davis

Sodomizing is nothing to be “proud” of and it is not a natural “right”. Neither is it genetic or “born that way” as the media instructed us with ZERO evidence. About half were sexually interfered with early in puberty. These are abuse parades. Parading victims of sodomy.

Andrea Heyting
Andrea Heyting
1 year ago
Reply to  B Davis

Pride parades had their place when gay men and lesbian women were fighting for equal rights – the same rights straight people had. It didn’t used to be silly.
Pride now is a festival of excess and corporate virtue signalling. I think it’s more nauseating than silly.

B Davis
B Davis
1 year ago
Reply to  Andrea Heyting

Certainly there were certain legalities concerning shared property, insurance beneficiaries, inheritance, etc. which tended to produce outcomes which varied by Gay / Straight…. but I would argue that the changes which eliminated those distinctions did not really come from parades as much as they came from hard-fought court battles.
[I wouldn’t put marriage in that category, that came from the unilateral redefinition imposed by 5 clowns in black robes]
Nauseating would be a very apt description if anyone actually paid attention to the silliness. Unfortunately some do….and tragically some of those are children.

Julian Pellatt
Julian Pellatt
1 year ago
Reply to  Andrea Heyting

Nauseating. Exactly!

B Davis
B Davis
1 year ago
Reply to  Andrea Heyting

Certainly there were certain legalities concerning shared property, insurance beneficiaries, inheritance, etc. which tended to produce outcomes which varied by Gay / Straight…. but I would argue that the changes which eliminated those distinctions did not really come from parades as much as they came from hard-fought court battles.
[I wouldn’t put marriage in that category, that came from the unilateral redefinition imposed by 5 clowns in black robes]
Nauseating would be a very apt description if anyone actually paid attention to the silliness. Unfortunately some do….and tragically some of those are children.

Julian Pellatt
Julian Pellatt
1 year ago
Reply to  Andrea Heyting

Nauseating. Exactly!

Paul Boire
Paul Boire
1 year ago
Reply to  B Davis

Sodomizing is nothing to be “proud” of and it is not a natural “right”. Neither is it genetic or “born that way” as the media instructed us with ZERO evidence. About half were sexually interfered with early in puberty. These are abuse parades. Parading victims of sodomy.

Andrea Heyting
Andrea Heyting
1 year ago
Reply to  B Davis

Pride parades had their place when gay men and lesbian women were fighting for equal rights – the same rights straight people had. It didn’t used to be silly.
Pride now is a festival of excess and corporate virtue signalling. I think it’s more nauseating than silly.

B Davis
B Davis
1 year ago

Pride Month? Gay Rights?
What are these things, exactly? Gay people are simply ordinary people with a certain appetite. It is, perhaps, the only appetite honored with its own month, but that appetite does not make those who hold it a special people, distinct from those who yearn, instead, for opposite sexed, sex. It’s just an appetite, like any other. Why does this particular appetite require a special month long ‘celebration and commemoration’? Why do those who hold it insist they are being denied the rights that everyone with any appetite naturally, by birthright, holds? What is being denied them, by whom?
More fundamentally, why would I pride myself on having ANY particular appetite? I like chocolate. I like old movies. I can’t wait till football starts. And I love bacon, lettuce, and tomato sandwiches made fresh! Am I proud of any of that?
I can be proud of the work I’ve done, sure; that required effort & dedication & skill. I can be proud of the children I’ve raised (a full time job if ever there was one). I can be proud of the awards I’ve won; the races in which I’ve triumphed, the trophies on my closet shelf. But proud of the fact that I sometimes crave a handful of Nestle’s chocolate chips? Proud of the fact that enjoy backrubs? Nah. I did nothing; I achieved nothing; I simply exist…and existing I like certain things. I’m not proud of any of them….nor am I not proud of any of them (except maybe snarfing those chocolate chips when no one is looking). They’re just a like or a dislike. I like rainy days…do we need a Rainy Day Pride Month?
And why on earth would I care what anyone thinks about my preternatural fondness for chocolate chips? Why would I want them (or Target or Budweiser or KFC) to help me ‘celebrate and commemorate’ my particular hunger?
As for the extraordinarily perverse campaign to REDUCE the age of consent?? Is that not exactly backwards…especially when we hear constantly that “emerging science about brain development suggests that most people don’t reach full maturity until the age 25.”? 24 yr. olds who commit horrific crimes are now being released from prison because we’re told they were not ‘mature’ enough at 24 to fully recognize that bashing someone’s head in with a hammer was a wrong and illegal thing to do. If we’re letting convicted murderers out of jail because they’re immature at 24….how can we possibly go the other direction and say an 18 yr. old is mature enough to make good sexual choices??
We can’t.
And yet we do.
The whole thing is silly. And it would be funny if the Movement which pushes this nonsense weren’t also pushing for the sexualization of children. That is inexcusable, and it needs to stop. Getting rid of the puerile pride parades & media campaigns would definitely help.

K Lockwood
K Lockwood
1 year ago

I am entirely in agreement with you Simon, and ache with nostalgia for the lost world of the nineties ✊

K Lockwood
K Lockwood
1 year ago

I am entirely in agreement with you Simon, and ache with nostalgia for the lost world of the nineties ✊

Alan Thorpe
Alan Thorpe
1 year ago

Oscar didn’t need Pride. Get on with life as he did.

Christopher Barclay
Christopher Barclay
1 year ago
Reply to  Alan Thorpe

What? Do hard labour in prison?

Julian Farrows
Julian Farrows
1 year ago

No, just bump uglies with whomever you like without making a song and dance about it.

O. M.
O. M.
1 year ago

Nobody is asked to do this now, are they?

Kat L
Kat L
1 year ago
Reply to  O. M.

Uh yah

Kat L
Kat L
1 year ago
Reply to  O. M.

Uh yah

Julian Farrows
Julian Farrows
1 year ago

No, just bump uglies with whomever you like without making a song and dance about it.

O. M.
O. M.
1 year ago

Nobody is asked to do this now, are they?

Christopher Barclay
Christopher Barclay
1 year ago
Reply to  Alan Thorpe

What? Do hard labour in prison?

Alan Thorpe
Alan Thorpe
1 year ago

Oscar didn’t need Pride. Get on with life as he did.

ben arnulfssen
ben arnulfssen
1 year ago

Do these people know where babies come from?

Do they understand the term “useful idiots”?

ben arnulfssen
ben arnulfssen
1 year ago

Do these people know where babies come from?

Do they understand the term “useful idiots”?

Michael Layman
Michael Layman
1 year ago

Unfortunately trans activists garner more attention than they deserve with their persecution claims. I hope to God the tide is turning against a fringe movement that helps neither hetero nor homosexuals.
I suspect the majority cares little of their claims, until the subject of mutilation of minors is raised. Corporations are whores to profits and cannot be relied on to do the right thing. It will take the constant barrage of journalism exposing the movement and legislative action banning life altering surgery/intervention in minors to continue the push back.
In addition, we rely on the perseverance of people like Kathleen Stock to fight the battle. On the other hand, we must reject the voice of Megan Rapinoe who advocates trans athletes defeat of legitimate women athletes.

Charles Stanhope
Charles Stanhope
1 year ago

Come back David Maxwell Fyfe, 1st Earl of Kilmuir, ALL is forgiven.

Charles Stanhope
Charles Stanhope
1 year ago

Come back David Maxwell Fyfe, 1st Earl of Kilmuir, ALL is forgiven.

Paul Boire
Paul Boire
1 year ago

Homosexual is an invented term describing people who engage in sodomy. Such people, many of whom according to the NYC surveys during the GRID (Gay Related Immune Disease) later changed to AIDS due to lobbying pressure.) had their first sexual experience at the average age of eleven; a critical developmental time.
So too with Otago NZ’s student body study finding that the less than 1% who identified as other than normal, that’s right, normal, were also the same group that had a 300% higher rate of having been sexually and otherwise abused.
In Denmark the Registry study of 2006 found that early parental divorce , death of a same sex parent, and same sex parent alienation were predictors for homosexual behaviors. Unlike genes which have shown nothing. Not “born that way”.
This is the biggest , most smug and condescending lie in the anything but liberal liberal egofest.
To love another is to will their good. Their good will coincide obviously with their actual nature.
The psychotic state that is “trans” as Dr Paul Mchugh shows is just the obvious logical conclusion entailed in ignoring our actual reproductive male and female facts. Facts.
It is an utterly false compassion that lives by lies. Blatant lies that take about five minutes to unearth.

Paul Boire
Paul Boire
1 year ago

Homosexual is an invented term describing people who engage in sodomy. Such people, many of whom according to the NYC surveys during the GRID (Gay Related Immune Disease) later changed to AIDS due to lobbying pressure.) had their first sexual experience at the average age of eleven; a critical developmental time.
So too with Otago NZ’s student body study finding that the less than 1% who identified as other than normal, that’s right, normal, were also the same group that had a 300% higher rate of having been sexually and otherwise abused.
In Denmark the Registry study of 2006 found that early parental divorce , death of a same sex parent, and same sex parent alienation were predictors for homosexual behaviors. Unlike genes which have shown nothing. Not “born that way”.
This is the biggest , most smug and condescending lie in the anything but liberal liberal egofest.
To love another is to will their good. Their good will coincide obviously with their actual nature.
The psychotic state that is “trans” as Dr Paul Mchugh shows is just the obvious logical conclusion entailed in ignoring our actual reproductive male and female facts. Facts.
It is an utterly false compassion that lives by lies. Blatant lies that take about five minutes to unearth.