Donald Trump has a pretty good record as a statesman. Pacified North Korea. Swatted down Iran. Supported Israel (moved embassy to Jerusalem and Abraham Accords). Got out of Afghanistan. Stood up to Russia (reinvigorated NATO and warned Germany of energy dependence). Worked with Mexico to tamped down illegal immigration. Negotiated new NAFTA. Stood up to China.
None of which enriched Donald Trump. He lost billions during his presidency.
He was never a politician but saw America as a business (- same approach by Lee Kuan Yew for Singapore).
He tamed Rocket Man in this way. Wanted to discuss Real Estate opportunity on the coast in North Korea.
A different character entirely but one that didn’t invade, interfere and murder people abroad. *They* hated him from the start. Much can be learned from this.
Donald Trump has a pretty good record as a statesman. Pacified North Korea. Swatted down Iran. Supported Israel (moved embassy to Jerusalem and Abraham Accords). Got out of Afghanistan. Stood up to Russia (reinvigorated NATO and warned Germany of energy dependence). Worked with Mexico to tamped down illegal immigration. Negotiated new NAFTA. Stood up to China.
None of which enriched Donald Trump. He lost billions during his presidency.
He was never a politician but saw America as a business (- same approach by Lee Kuan Yew for Singapore).
He tamed Rocket Man in this way. Wanted to discuss Real Estate opportunity on the coast in North Korea.
A different character entirely but one that didn’t invade, interfere and murder people abroad. *They* hated him from the start. Much can be learned from this.
If deliberately murdering truth can be regarded as a crime against humanity, Trump even outranks Nixon.
Ethniciodo Rodenydo
1 year ago
“After all, virtually every post-1945 American statesman could be accused of crimes against humanity ”
Except Trump
Coralie Palmer
1 year ago
It was the wonderful Tom Lehrer who observed, ‘Political satire became obsolete when Henry Kissinger was awarded the Nobel peace prize.’ Fazi appears to be at one with Niall Ferguson and his recent statement: ‘Happy centenary, Henry. It’s your world, after all. We just live in it’. Yup. Kissinger made a great deal of what was, and remains, utterly rotten about the world we now live in.
People and their institutions and beliefs make the word “rotten” to the extent that it is. Pinning this on one individual, albeit an influential one, is ridiculous. The US is far from being the worst offender, despite its power. Bolsheviks and National Socialists killed millions, Mao, tens of millions.
The US negotiated realistically with Mao’s China, and did not go to war.
The Thirty Years War killed and impoverished vast numbers in Europe – no Kissinger required! Just so many other examples…
People and their institutions and beliefs make the word “rotten” to the extent that it is. Pinning this on one individual, albeit an influential one, is ridiculous. The US is far from being the worst offender, despite its power. Bolsheviks and National Socialists killed millions, Mao, tens of millions.
The US negotiated realistically with Mao’s China, and did not go to war.
The Thirty Years War killed and impoverished vast numbers in Europe – no Kissinger required! Just so many other examples…
Coralie Palmer
1 year ago
It was the wonderful Tom Lehrer who observed, ‘Political satire became obsolete when Henry Kissinger was awarded the Nobel peace prize.’ Fazi appears to be at one with Niall Ferguson and his recent statement: ‘Happy centenary, Henry. It’s your world, after all. We just live in it’. Yup. Kissinger made a great deal of what was, and remains, utterly rotten about the world we now live in.
Last edited 1 year ago by Coralie Palmer
Rod McLaughlin
1 year ago
Niall Ferguson argues that napalming schoolchildren has to be weighed against the defeat of communism. I got that far.
Because the communists would never do anything like starve and torture their population to death, or merely send them to the Gulags? Personally I do not believe the ends justify the means but Ferguson has a point; what horrors would have been carried out had the communists won? We have plenty of data to show what that might have looked like.
True – tis easy to evaluate in hindsight and be sanctimonious regarding a situation that was always going to be tragic . Managing human nastiness is always choosing the lesser of 2 evils….
There is no reason to believe Communist countries like Russia and China of old would not move on from their pograms and trea their citizens decently. Indeed they did just that, didn’t they? .. After all, the USA moved on from its genocide of millions of Native Americans and the brutal enslavement of millions if Africans..
Countries do become more civilised as a rule. Uniquely, largely thanks to degenerates like Kissinger et al, the US continued to assassinate leaders, topple governments, invade, bomb and murder people by the millions to this day.. although, to be fair, they are no longer the people within the USA (if we exclude 911, JFK, RFK, MLK etc.) preferring instead the brown, non evangelical, Muslim countries with lots of resources..
And all the while China has been busy eliminating mass poverty and helping African and Asia countries (not by fomenting war and supplying weapons to both sides) but through its highly laudable Belt and Road Initiative. I didn’t speak of Russia because, clearly it is not Communist, is it?
Haha! America airs its dirty laundry for all to see and is penitent. Russia, China, and others murder and enslave millions behind a veil of secrecy and fools like you fall for it.
Haha! America airs its dirty laundry for all to see and is penitent. Russia, China, and others murder and enslave millions behind a veil of secrecy and fools like you fall for it.
True – tis easy to evaluate in hindsight and be sanctimonious regarding a situation that was always going to be tragic . Managing human nastiness is always choosing the lesser of 2 evils….
There is no reason to believe Communist countries like Russia and China of old would not move on from their pograms and trea their citizens decently. Indeed they did just that, didn’t they? .. After all, the USA moved on from its genocide of millions of Native Americans and the brutal enslavement of millions if Africans..
Countries do become more civilised as a rule. Uniquely, largely thanks to degenerates like Kissinger et al, the US continued to assassinate leaders, topple governments, invade, bomb and murder people by the millions to this day.. although, to be fair, they are no longer the people within the USA (if we exclude 911, JFK, RFK, MLK etc.) preferring instead the brown, non evangelical, Muslim countries with lots of resources..
And all the while China has been busy eliminating mass poverty and helping African and Asia countries (not by fomenting war and supplying weapons to both sides) but through its highly laudable Belt and Road Initiative. I didn’t speak of Russia because, clearly it is not Communist, is it?
Because the communists would never do anything like starve and torture their population to death, or merely send them to the Gulags? Personally I do not believe the ends justify the means but Ferguson has a point; what horrors would have been carried out had the communists won? We have plenty of data to show what that might have looked like.
Rod McLaughlin
1 year ago
Niall Ferguson argues that napalming schoolchildren has to be weighed against the defeat of communism. I got that far.
David McKee
1 year ago
“The strong do what they like and the weak suffer what they must.”
Kissinger gets a lot of stick, but as as Fazi suggests, his hand was one of many on the American tiller, and only for a short space of time. Kissinger’s main ‘crime’ is that he explains things that we, nice people in rich countries, would prefer to gloss over. There is nothing particularly evil about the last 30 years of American hegemony. It is, by and large, an improvement on most of history, encapsulated in the quote from Thucydides, written 2,500 years ago. The problem isn’t Kissinger, or the United States. It’s humanity.
You think Kissinger is nasty? Try looking in the mirror, mate.
For the last 2000 years, the antidote has been available, but for the majority it is too unpalatable, too costly. The realpolitik of the Kingdom of God is driven by the understanding that the corruption of the world lies in every human heart.
“But the line dividing good and evil cuts through the heart of every human being. And who is willing to destroy a piece of his own heart?” (Solzhenitsyn)
That Kingdom is won one heart at a time.
As always, the real battle is unseen: Christ v. Antichrist. The Revelation of the Bible is that in the last days, Antichrist appears to gain the upper hand. For a short season.
Yes, the first step to peace is to examine our own hearts.
For the last 2000 years, the antidote has been available, but for the majority it is too unpalatable, too costly. The realpolitik of the Kingdom of God is driven by the understanding that the corruption of the world lies in every human heart.
“But the line dividing good and evil cuts through the heart of every human being. And who is willing to destroy a piece of his own heart?” (Solzhenitsyn)
That Kingdom is won one heart at a time.
As always, the real battle is unseen: Christ v. Antichrist. The Revelation of the Bible is that in the last days, Antichrist appears to gain the upper hand. For a short season.
Yes, the first step to peace is to examine our own hearts.
David McKee
1 year ago
“The strong do what they like and the weak suffer what they must.”
Kissinger gets a lot of stick, but as as Fazi suggests, his hand was one of many on the American tiller, and only for a short space of time. Kissinger’s main ‘crime’ is that he explains things that we, nice people in rich countries, would prefer to gloss over. There is nothing particularly evil about the last 30 years of American hegemony. It is, by and large, an improvement on most of history, encapsulated in the quote from Thucydides, written 2,500 years ago. The problem isn’t Kissinger, or the United States. It’s humanity.
You think Kissinger is nasty? Try looking in the mirror, mate.
B Timothy
1 year ago
The Kissinger strategy of exploiting divisions between Moscow and Beijing while strengthening relations with the Arab oil producers to undercut Moscow could be a model for how to act now. Instead, the USA is forcing Moscow and Beijing together while pushing the Arabs away. Bold strategy. We’ll see how it works out.
The commie scum that have taken power in Cuba, Venezuela, and now Nicaragua (stop romancing the Sandinista dictatorship, por favor) and Peru have shown complete willingness to use machine guns to keep themselves in power. Anyone criticizing Pinochet without acknowledging this reality is a generation out of date. (In reality, Pinochet saved his nation and Kissinger should be given credit for helping save Chile from decades of communist ruin, but we can’t say that in polite company).
Ignoring (when not effectively hiding) the enforced mass rape and genocide that the Muslim half of the Indian subcontinent underwent due to geostrategic concerns does not look so great in retrospect however. Not that he’s at fault for the event, considering it occurred just a couple decades after Indian independence. What did we all expect from that, really? Lucky they haven’t nuked each other yet.
When the British Empire left India they had to divide it up to keep the natives from killing each other over their asinine beliefs. Unfortunately, the Bangladesh half of the Muslim half of that divide had large populations of minorities who the then-Pakistani army ordered to be removed a couple years after the last Brit left. The Pakistanis started a campaign of killings and forced rape of women to encourage them to leave (the numbers of rapes are astoundingly horrific).
The US government was aligned with Pakistan and not the Soviet-adjacent Indians and was happy to let it stay hidden, when not aiding in the coverup.
It was largely former Beatle George Harrison who brought this all to the forefront of the western public (see his song “Bangla Desh”), though it’s never been something the US has been keen to highlight.
When the British Empire left India they had to divide it up to keep the natives from killing each other over their asinine beliefs. Unfortunately, the Bangladesh half of the Muslim half of that divide had large populations of minorities who the then-Pakistani army ordered to be removed a couple years after the last Brit left. The Pakistanis started a campaign of killings and forced rape of women to encourage them to leave (the numbers of rapes are astoundingly horrific).
The US government was aligned with Pakistan and not the Soviet-adjacent Indians and was happy to let it stay hidden, when not aiding in the coverup.
It was largely former Beatle George Harrison who brought this all to the forefront of the western public (see his song “Bangla Desh”), though it’s never been something the US has been keen to highlight.
I agree with second section but I am confused by the last about Muslim genocide etc.
Could you explain, please.
B Timothy
1 year ago
The Kissinger strategy of exploiting divisions between Moscow and Beijing while strengthening relations with the Arab oil producers to undercut Moscow could be a model for how to act now. Instead, the USA is forcing Moscow and Beijing together while pushing the Arabs away. Bold strategy. We’ll see how it works out.
The commie scum that have taken power in Cuba, Venezuela, and now Nicaragua (stop romancing the Sandinista dictatorship, por favor) and Peru have shown complete willingness to use machine guns to keep themselves in power. Anyone criticizing Pinochet without acknowledging this reality is a generation out of date. (In reality, Pinochet saved his nation and Kissinger should be given credit for helping save Chile from decades of communist ruin, but we can’t say that in polite company).
Ignoring (when not effectively hiding) the enforced mass rape and genocide that the Muslim half of the Indian subcontinent underwent due to geostrategic concerns does not look so great in retrospect however. Not that he’s at fault for the event, considering it occurred just a couple decades after Indian independence. What did we all expect from that, really? Lucky they haven’t nuked each other yet.
Nell Clover
1 year ago
Given post-Eisenhower American foreign policy before the influence Kissinger saw the quagmire that was Vietnam and after saw the quagmires of Afghanistan and Iraq, I’m prepared to accept Kissinger was possibly a small moderating influence on the industrial-military complex Eisenhower worried about. It is fair to ask critics of Kissinger to explain what he could have done differently when it is abundantly clear there is a malignancy at the heart of the American state, in an equally malignant world.
Every analysis of Kissinger’s supposed hyperinfluence uses comparisons and alternate histories, which suggests his achievements and failures were heavily influenced by other actors. Men who’ve held real supreme power don’t need comparisons and alternative histories to show that power.
Hundreds of millions have been lifted out of poverty, material living standards for just about every person on the planet are improved by cheap Chinese goods, and China can’t disrupt, let alone challenge, Western hegemony unless the West continues to self-inflict damage to its own economy, its own demographics and its enlightenment heritage.
“unless the West continues to self-inflict damage to its own economy, its own demographics and its enlightenment heritage.”
Well uh, done, done, and really done.
“unless the West continues to self-inflict damage to its own economy, its own demographics and its enlightenment heritage.”
Well uh, done, done, and really done.
Filthy rich American moguls realised they could be even richer by moving to China to avail of its cheap labour, abandoning the US workers and its industrial base. There was nothing altruistic about it. As you sow, so shall you reap.
Hundreds of millions have been lifted out of poverty, material living standards for just about every person on the planet are improved by cheap Chinese goods, and China can’t disrupt, let alone challenge, Western hegemony unless the West continues to self-inflict damage to its own economy, its own demographics and its enlightenment heritage.
Filthy rich American moguls realised they could be even richer by moving to China to avail of its cheap labour, abandoning the US workers and its industrial base. There was nothing altruistic about it. As you sow, so shall you reap.
I mostly agree with you, but what about China?
Whatever was Kisinger reasoning at the time, opening to China was terrible mistake.
Nell Clover
1 year ago
Given post-Eisenhower American foreign policy before the influence Kissinger saw the quagmire that was Vietnam and after saw the quagmires of Afghanistan and Iraq, I’m prepared to accept Kissinger was possibly a small moderating influence on the industrial-military complex Eisenhower worried about. It is fair to ask critics of Kissinger to explain what he could have done differently when it is abundantly clear there is a malignancy at the heart of the American state, in an equally malignant world.
Every analysis of Kissinger’s supposed hyperinfluence uses comparisons and alternate histories, which suggests his achievements and failures were heavily influenced by other actors. Men who’ve held real supreme power don’t need comparisons and alternative histories to show that power.
We also say: You can’t kill a bad thing! ..and another: The devil looks after his own!
David Jory
1 year ago
The good die young.
Peter B
1 year ago
An article that needed writing. And raises a question which really deserves some thought.
It’s hard to know if America could have done better with different policies during the Cold War. But not entirely clear that America’s policy in Latin America was really that different in the 1970s (under Kissinger) than it was in the preceding decades.
And is was those sort of policies which generated much of the legacy of anti-Americanism that remains today. Support for ugly, anti-democratic regimes, whilst ostensibly supporting democracy around the world.
But as ever with this author, some quite needless, ridiculous assertions are dropped in. So Russia is a “civilisation super-state” ? Get real, Mr Fazi.
But what was alternative to these regimes?
Surely communism (Tupamaros, Montoneros, Sandinistas etc)?
With South Vietnam conquered, Cubans winning in Angola, Mozambique and Zimbabwe lost as well, Cubans medling in Chile, communism looked like the future to many.
If it was not for communism fermenting revolutions all over the globe USA would not intervine in many cases.
Just look at Venezuela now. USA doesn’t care that lefty nutters are destroying the country.
It is not geopoliticaly significant.
But what was alternative to these regimes?
Surely communism (Tupamaros, Montoneros, Sandinistas etc)?
With South Vietnam conquered, Cubans winning in Angola, Mozambique and Zimbabwe lost as well, Cubans medling in Chile, communism looked like the future to many.
If it was not for communism fermenting revolutions all over the globe USA would not intervine in many cases.
Just look at Venezuela now. USA doesn’t care that lefty nutters are destroying the country.
It is not geopoliticaly significant.
Peter B
1 year ago
An article that needed writing. And raises a question which really deserves some thought.
It’s hard to know if America could have done better with different policies during the Cold War. But not entirely clear that America’s policy in Latin America was really that different in the 1970s (under Kissinger) than it was in the preceding decades.
And is was those sort of policies which generated much of the legacy of anti-Americanism that remains today. Support for ugly, anti-democratic regimes, whilst ostensibly supporting democracy around the world.
But as ever with this author, some quite needless, ridiculous assertions are dropped in. So Russia is a “civilisation super-state” ? Get real, Mr Fazi.
j watson
1 year ago
On Ukraine Kissinger recently said only what is almost certainly being discussed privately – that an eventual ceasefire will need a NATO guarantee for Ukraine, and thus almost certain membership.
Kissinger enough of a realist to know Zelensky and Ukraine need the chance first to take back some land as they cannot ‘sell’ the current front-line as an acceptable end to this to their people who have sacrificed so much. But after the coming summer offensive where the line settles will be the ceasefire – and we have Korea 1953 mk 2.
Looking forward too to Fergusson’s sequel. He’s probably re-writing the last chapter now in light of this. Don’t agree with any hagiography about subject matter but first book was really good.
This makes the bold assertion that Ukraine will be able to take any land back rather than losing more land or so many soldiers that they eventually have to sue for peace. Col. MacGregor has a good piece on this possibility in the last week.
Problem with your argument is that Russia started the war not to get some land but to extinguish Ukraine as independent nation.
So if Russia allowed Ukraine to join NATO and eventually EU, they would lose strategically big way.
While Ukraine would have to fold if there was pressure from USA to settle, I can not see USA doing it because it effectively means free for all as far as international borders are concerned.
I guess loss of Crimea could be accepted by Ukraine but Putin can not survive such deal.
This makes the bold assertion that Ukraine will be able to take any land back rather than losing more land or so many soldiers that they eventually have to sue for peace. Col. MacGregor has a good piece on this possibility in the last week.
Problem with your argument is that Russia started the war not to get some land but to extinguish Ukraine as independent nation.
So if Russia allowed Ukraine to join NATO and eventually EU, they would lose strategically big way.
While Ukraine would have to fold if there was pressure from USA to settle, I can not see USA doing it because it effectively means free for all as far as international borders are concerned.
I guess loss of Crimea could be accepted by Ukraine but Putin can not survive such deal.
j watson
1 year ago
On Ukraine Kissinger recently said only what is almost certainly being discussed privately – that an eventual ceasefire will need a NATO guarantee for Ukraine, and thus almost certain membership.
Kissinger enough of a realist to know Zelensky and Ukraine need the chance first to take back some land as they cannot ‘sell’ the current front-line as an acceptable end to this to their people who have sacrificed so much. But after the coming summer offensive where the line settles will be the ceasefire – and we have Korea 1953 mk 2.
Looking forward too to Fergusson’s sequel. He’s probably re-writing the last chapter now in light of this. Don’t agree with any hagiography about subject matter but first book was really good.
Last edited 1 year ago by j watson
JR Stoker
1 year ago
What Kissinger recognised is that the reality of the world is that there were, and are now even more, bad people out there, and no nation, however principled and decent and kindly, can survive if does not adopt ruthless responses to them.
Which is not to excuse some very bad things that were done especially in Indo-China, which have hugely damaged the USA’s reputation. Even that was an inevitable result of a necessary response, the US should have done much more to try to make amends after.
JR Stoker
1 year ago
What Kissinger recognised is that the reality of the world is that there were, and are now even more, bad people out there, and no nation, however principled and decent and kindly, can survive if does not adopt ruthless responses to them.
Which is not to excuse some very bad things that were done especially in Indo-China, which have hugely damaged the USA’s reputation. Even that was an inevitable result of a necessary response, the US should have done much more to try to make amends after.
Nathan Ngumi
1 year ago
Dr. Henry Kissinger had an unparalleled career in American public service, of anybody in the 20th century. Will history absolve him for his part in controversies like the Viet Nam War, support of brutal Latin American dictators in the 70s, etc? No. But as with judging anyone else, one ought to think hard and ask what he would have done in his shoes.
Nathan Ngumi
1 year ago
Dr. Henry Kissinger had an unparalleled career in American public service, of anybody in the 20th century. Will history absolve him for his part in controversies like the Viet Nam War, support of brutal Latin American dictators in the 70s, etc? No. But as with judging anyone else, one ought to think hard and ask what he would have done in his shoes.
Andrew Boughton
1 year ago
Very acute perspective on the realities we now face. My understanding, though, is that Nixon and Kissinger did jointly push back very successfully against enormous forces within the US political class ranged against detente with China. What they appealed to was the public’s innate desire for peace.
Liam O'Mahony
1 year ago
The term “Realist” refers to one who reacts to a currently existing, unchangeable situation by “playing the game”. It is not applicable to the instigator of a new situation who changes it utterly through immoral, cruel and downright evil attacks on decency, morals and accepted principles..
We would not apply the term “realist” to Germany’s fascists would we? The instigators of a “new world order” based on an “ubermench” ideology is not “realism” by any stretch of the imagination.
Kissinger is nothing short of a wicked, evil antichrist, a blight on humanity, a disgusting excuse for a human being and among the worst war criminals in all of history, right up (or rather down) there with Hitler, Stalin, Mao and Pol Pot..
A realist is a person who does not agree that reality is up for grabs.
Liam O'Mahony
1 year ago
The term “Realist” refers to one who reacts to a currently existing, unchangeable situation by “playing the game”. It is not applicable to the instigator of a new situation who changes it utterly through immoral, cruel and downright evil attacks on decency, morals and accepted principles..
We would not apply the term “realist” to Germany’s fascists would we? The instigators of a “new world order” based on an “ubermench” ideology is not “realism” by any stretch of the imagination.
Kissinger is nothing short of a wicked, evil antichrist, a blight on humanity, a disgusting excuse for a human being and among the worst war criminals in all of history, right up (or rather down) there with Hitler, Stalin, Mao and Pol Pot..
UnHerd Reader
1 year ago
”With his reputation largely (and questionably) untainted by Watergate, Kissinger went on to found, in 1982, his own lucrative geopolitical consulting firm, Kissinger Associates, which he continues to run. We know relatively little of the work it carries out. Several attempts have been made, at the congressional level, to get the company to hand over its secretive “client list” — but all have failed.”
He is the snake our Lizard Masters use to do their dirty deeds. I think Watergate was a CIA Coup replacing Nixon with the tame Ford. I think when you hear the name Kissinger it gives good men a shiver in their spine…..
What the ‘Kissinger Associates’ is really about….not even the completely corrupt Politicians can know – because it inevitably works at the top level, the Hideous Strength level, where the strings which make the world dance are pulled.
From the Guardian on this Odious duo…
”Ferguson trivialises his own book: well before mentioning any serious critic, he cites the conspiracy cultist David Icke, who apparently believes Kissinger is one of the human race’s reptile overlords. “No rational people take such nonsense seriously,” Ferguson writes, who nonetheless uses such nonsense to open Kissinger’s life story.”
That is because rational people not only take our Psychopathic Lizard Overlords seriously – but know 100% it is true (even if as a metaphor – only they are so evil – I think they really must be 5th dimensional alien projections into our dimension as Icke, and even Hunter S. Thompson, describe. Or Demonic.) . And now they bring us AI.
I found it curious that as time went by the utterly crazy rants of David Icke somehow became a bit less crazy.. and I wish people would treat the lizard thing as metaphorical.. a cabal of very rich narcissistic, thoroughly evil (if not fully demonic) deluded megalomaniacs.
I found it curious that as time went by the utterly crazy rants of David Icke somehow became a bit less crazy.. and I wish people would treat the lizard thing as metaphorical.. a cabal of very rich narcissistic, thoroughly evil (if not fully demonic) deluded megalomaniacs.
UnHerd Reader
1 year ago
”With his reputation largely (and questionably) untainted by Watergate, Kissinger went on to found, in 1982, his own lucrative geopolitical consulting firm, Kissinger Associates, which he continues to run. We know relatively little of the work it carries out. Several attempts have been made, at the congressional level, to get the company to hand over its secretive “client list” — but all have failed.”
He is the snake our Lizard Masters use to do their dirty deeds. I think Watergate was a CIA Coup replacing Nixon with the tame Ford. I think when you hear the name Kissinger it gives good men a shiver in their spine…..
What the ‘Kissinger Associates’ is really about….not even the completely corrupt Politicians can know – because it inevitably works at the top level, the Hideous Strength level, where the strings which make the world dance are pulled.
From the Guardian on this Odious duo…
”Ferguson trivialises his own book: well before mentioning any serious critic, he cites the conspiracy cultist David Icke, who apparently believes Kissinger is one of the human race’s reptile overlords. “No rational people take such nonsense seriously,” Ferguson writes, who nonetheless uses such nonsense to open Kissinger’s life story.”
That is because rational people not only take our Psychopathic Lizard Overlords seriously – but know 100% it is true (even if as a metaphor – only they are so evil – I think they really must be 5th dimensional alien projections into our dimension as Icke, and even Hunter S. Thompson, describe. Or Demonic.) . And now they bring us AI.
“After all, virtually every post-1945 American statesman could be accused of crimes against humanity ”
Except Trump
Trump may have been President, but he has never been a statesman. He is nothing but a self-aggrandizing, cowardly grifter.
He is also one of the few US Presidents not to have started a war while in office.
Spot on
Donald Trump has a pretty good record as a statesman. Pacified North Korea. Swatted down Iran. Supported Israel (moved embassy to Jerusalem and Abraham Accords). Got out of Afghanistan. Stood up to Russia (reinvigorated NATO and warned Germany of energy dependence). Worked with Mexico to tamped down illegal immigration. Negotiated new NAFTA. Stood up to China.
None of which enriched Donald Trump. He lost billions during his presidency.
And negotiated the Abraham Accords.
And negotiated the Abraham Accords.
If you were Afghan, Iraqi, Syrian, Libyan, Russian etc. you might think differently?
He was never a politician but saw America as a business (- same approach by Lee Kuan Yew for Singapore).
He tamed Rocket Man in this way. Wanted to discuss Real Estate opportunity on the coast in North Korea.
A different character entirely but one that didn’t invade, interfere and murder people abroad. *They* hated him from the start. Much can be learned from this.
He is also one of the few US Presidents not to have started a war while in office.
Spot on
Donald Trump has a pretty good record as a statesman. Pacified North Korea. Swatted down Iran. Supported Israel (moved embassy to Jerusalem and Abraham Accords). Got out of Afghanistan. Stood up to Russia (reinvigorated NATO and warned Germany of energy dependence). Worked with Mexico to tamped down illegal immigration. Negotiated new NAFTA. Stood up to China.
None of which enriched Donald Trump. He lost billions during his presidency.
If you were Afghan, Iraqi, Syrian, Libyan, Russian etc. you might think differently?
He was never a politician but saw America as a business (- same approach by Lee Kuan Yew for Singapore).
He tamed Rocket Man in this way. Wanted to discuss Real Estate opportunity on the coast in North Korea.
A different character entirely but one that didn’t invade, interfere and murder people abroad. *They* hated him from the start. Much can be learned from this.
He did say, “virtually.”
Oh come on. The hair alone…
If deliberately murdering truth can be regarded as a crime against humanity, Trump even outranks Nixon.
Trump may have been President, but he has never been a statesman. He is nothing but a self-aggrandizing, cowardly grifter.
He did say, “virtually.”
Oh come on. The hair alone…
If deliberately murdering truth can be regarded as a crime against humanity, Trump even outranks Nixon.
“After all, virtually every post-1945 American statesman could be accused of crimes against humanity ”
Except Trump
It was the wonderful Tom Lehrer who observed, ‘Political satire became obsolete when Henry Kissinger was awarded the Nobel peace prize.’ Fazi appears to be at one with Niall Ferguson and his recent statement: ‘Happy centenary, Henry. It’s your world, after all. We just live in it’. Yup. Kissinger made a great deal of what was, and remains, utterly rotten about the world we now live in.
Niall Ferguson. Not to be confused with the University College Professor of Doom.
Ta – now corrected!
Curiously both first names are pronounced (almost) the same.. Niall is Irish Gaelic and is properly pronounced Nee-ul, ie similar Neil..
Ta – now corrected!
Curiously both first names are pronounced (almost) the same.. Niall is Irish Gaelic and is properly pronounced Nee-ul, ie similar Neil..
People and their institutions and beliefs make the word “rotten” to the extent that it is. Pinning this on one individual, albeit an influential one, is ridiculous. The US is far from being the worst offender, despite its power. Bolsheviks and National Socialists killed millions, Mao, tens of millions.
The US negotiated realistically with Mao’s China, and did not go to war.
The Thirty Years War killed and impoverished vast numbers in Europe – no Kissinger required! Just so many other examples…
Niall Ferguson. Not to be confused with the University College Professor of Doom.
People and their institutions and beliefs make the word “rotten” to the extent that it is. Pinning this on one individual, albeit an influential one, is ridiculous. The US is far from being the worst offender, despite its power. Bolsheviks and National Socialists killed millions, Mao, tens of millions.
The US negotiated realistically with Mao’s China, and did not go to war.
The Thirty Years War killed and impoverished vast numbers in Europe – no Kissinger required! Just so many other examples…
It was the wonderful Tom Lehrer who observed, ‘Political satire became obsolete when Henry Kissinger was awarded the Nobel peace prize.’ Fazi appears to be at one with Niall Ferguson and his recent statement: ‘Happy centenary, Henry. It’s your world, after all. We just live in it’. Yup. Kissinger made a great deal of what was, and remains, utterly rotten about the world we now live in.
Niall Ferguson argues that napalming schoolchildren has to be weighed against the defeat of communism. I got that far.
Just wait until you read about how we won that last World War
Because the communists would never do anything like starve and torture their population to death, or merely send them to the Gulags? Personally I do not believe the ends justify the means but Ferguson has a point; what horrors would have been carried out had the communists won? We have plenty of data to show what that might have looked like.
True – tis easy to evaluate in hindsight and be sanctimonious regarding a situation that was always going to be tragic . Managing human nastiness is always choosing the lesser of 2 evils….
There is no reason to believe Communist countries like Russia and China of old would not move on from their pograms and trea their citizens decently. Indeed they did just that, didn’t they? .. After all, the USA moved on from its genocide of millions of Native Americans and the brutal enslavement of millions if Africans..
Countries do become more civilised as a rule. Uniquely, largely thanks to degenerates like Kissinger et al, the US continued to assassinate leaders, topple governments, invade, bomb and murder people by the millions to this day.. although, to be fair, they are no longer the people within the USA (if we exclude 911, JFK, RFK, MLK etc.) preferring instead the brown, non evangelical, Muslim countries with lots of resources..
And all the while China has been busy eliminating mass poverty and helping African and Asia countries (not by fomenting war and supplying weapons to both sides) but through its highly laudable Belt and Road Initiative. I didn’t speak of Russia because, clearly it is not Communist, is it?
Haha! America airs its dirty laundry for all to see and is penitent. Russia, China, and others murder and enslave millions behind a veil of secrecy and fools like you fall for it.
Haha! America airs its dirty laundry for all to see and is penitent. Russia, China, and others murder and enslave millions behind a veil of secrecy and fools like you fall for it.
True – tis easy to evaluate in hindsight and be sanctimonious regarding a situation that was always going to be tragic . Managing human nastiness is always choosing the lesser of 2 evils….
There is no reason to believe Communist countries like Russia and China of old would not move on from their pograms and trea their citizens decently. Indeed they did just that, didn’t they? .. After all, the USA moved on from its genocide of millions of Native Americans and the brutal enslavement of millions if Africans..
Countries do become more civilised as a rule. Uniquely, largely thanks to degenerates like Kissinger et al, the US continued to assassinate leaders, topple governments, invade, bomb and murder people by the millions to this day.. although, to be fair, they are no longer the people within the USA (if we exclude 911, JFK, RFK, MLK etc.) preferring instead the brown, non evangelical, Muslim countries with lots of resources..
And all the while China has been busy eliminating mass poverty and helping African and Asia countries (not by fomenting war and supplying weapons to both sides) but through its highly laudable Belt and Road Initiative. I didn’t speak of Russia because, clearly it is not Communist, is it?
Just wait until you read about how we won that last World War
Because the communists would never do anything like starve and torture their population to death, or merely send them to the Gulags? Personally I do not believe the ends justify the means but Ferguson has a point; what horrors would have been carried out had the communists won? We have plenty of data to show what that might have looked like.
Niall Ferguson argues that napalming schoolchildren has to be weighed against the defeat of communism. I got that far.
“The strong do what they like and the weak suffer what they must.”
Kissinger gets a lot of stick, but as as Fazi suggests, his hand was one of many on the American tiller, and only for a short space of time. Kissinger’s main ‘crime’ is that he explains things that we, nice people in rich countries, would prefer to gloss over. There is nothing particularly evil about the last 30 years of American hegemony. It is, by and large, an improvement on most of history, encapsulated in the quote from Thucydides, written 2,500 years ago. The problem isn’t Kissinger, or the United States. It’s humanity.
You think Kissinger is nasty? Try looking in the mirror, mate.
Agreed. It’s easy to point out there is a cancer in the body politic of the USA. It’s harder to accept the cancer is everywhere else in the world too.
For the last 2000 years, the antidote has been available, but for the majority it is too unpalatable, too costly. The realpolitik of the Kingdom of God is driven by the understanding that the corruption of the world lies in every human heart.
“But the line dividing good and evil cuts through the heart of every human being. And who is willing to destroy a piece of his own heart?” (Solzhenitsyn)
That Kingdom is won one heart at a time.
As always, the real battle is unseen: Christ v. Antichrist. The Revelation of the Bible is that in the last days, Antichrist appears to gain the upper hand. For a short season.
Yes, the first step to peace is to examine our own hearts.
Agreed. It’s easy to point out there is a cancer in the body politic of the USA. It’s harder to accept the cancer is everywhere else in the world too.
For the last 2000 years, the antidote has been available, but for the majority it is too unpalatable, too costly. The realpolitik of the Kingdom of God is driven by the understanding that the corruption of the world lies in every human heart.
“But the line dividing good and evil cuts through the heart of every human being. And who is willing to destroy a piece of his own heart?” (Solzhenitsyn)
That Kingdom is won one heart at a time.
As always, the real battle is unseen: Christ v. Antichrist. The Revelation of the Bible is that in the last days, Antichrist appears to gain the upper hand. For a short season.
Yes, the first step to peace is to examine our own hearts.
“The strong do what they like and the weak suffer what they must.”
Kissinger gets a lot of stick, but as as Fazi suggests, his hand was one of many on the American tiller, and only for a short space of time. Kissinger’s main ‘crime’ is that he explains things that we, nice people in rich countries, would prefer to gloss over. There is nothing particularly evil about the last 30 years of American hegemony. It is, by and large, an improvement on most of history, encapsulated in the quote from Thucydides, written 2,500 years ago. The problem isn’t Kissinger, or the United States. It’s humanity.
You think Kissinger is nasty? Try looking in the mirror, mate.
The Kissinger strategy of exploiting divisions between Moscow and Beijing while strengthening relations with the Arab oil producers to undercut Moscow could be a model for how to act now. Instead, the USA is forcing Moscow and Beijing together while pushing the Arabs away. Bold strategy. We’ll see how it works out.
The commie scum that have taken power in Cuba, Venezuela, and now Nicaragua (stop romancing the Sandinista dictatorship, por favor) and Peru have shown complete willingness to use machine guns to keep themselves in power. Anyone criticizing Pinochet without acknowledging this reality is a generation out of date. (In reality, Pinochet saved his nation and Kissinger should be given credit for helping save Chile from decades of communist ruin, but we can’t say that in polite company).
Ignoring (when not effectively hiding) the enforced mass rape and genocide that the Muslim half of the Indian subcontinent underwent due to geostrategic concerns does not look so great in retrospect however. Not that he’s at fault for the event, considering it occurred just a couple decades after Indian independence. What did we all expect from that, really? Lucky they haven’t nuked each other yet.
I agree with second section but I am confused by the last about Muslim genocide etc.
Could you explain, please.
When the British Empire left India they had to divide it up to keep the natives from killing each other over their asinine beliefs. Unfortunately, the Bangladesh half of the Muslim half of that divide had large populations of minorities who the then-Pakistani army ordered to be removed a couple years after the last Brit left. The Pakistanis started a campaign of killings and forced rape of women to encourage them to leave (the numbers of rapes are astoundingly horrific).
The US government was aligned with Pakistan and not the Soviet-adjacent Indians and was happy to let it stay hidden, when not aiding in the coverup.
It was largely former Beatle George Harrison who brought this all to the forefront of the western public (see his song “Bangla Desh”), though it’s never been something the US has been keen to highlight.
When the British Empire left India they had to divide it up to keep the natives from killing each other over their asinine beliefs. Unfortunately, the Bangladesh half of the Muslim half of that divide had large populations of minorities who the then-Pakistani army ordered to be removed a couple years after the last Brit left. The Pakistanis started a campaign of killings and forced rape of women to encourage them to leave (the numbers of rapes are astoundingly horrific).
The US government was aligned with Pakistan and not the Soviet-adjacent Indians and was happy to let it stay hidden, when not aiding in the coverup.
It was largely former Beatle George Harrison who brought this all to the forefront of the western public (see his song “Bangla Desh”), though it’s never been something the US has been keen to highlight.
I agree with second section but I am confused by the last about Muslim genocide etc.
Could you explain, please.
The Kissinger strategy of exploiting divisions between Moscow and Beijing while strengthening relations with the Arab oil producers to undercut Moscow could be a model for how to act now. Instead, the USA is forcing Moscow and Beijing together while pushing the Arabs away. Bold strategy. We’ll see how it works out.
The commie scum that have taken power in Cuba, Venezuela, and now Nicaragua (stop romancing the Sandinista dictatorship, por favor) and Peru have shown complete willingness to use machine guns to keep themselves in power. Anyone criticizing Pinochet without acknowledging this reality is a generation out of date. (In reality, Pinochet saved his nation and Kissinger should be given credit for helping save Chile from decades of communist ruin, but we can’t say that in polite company).
Ignoring (when not effectively hiding) the enforced mass rape and genocide that the Muslim half of the Indian subcontinent underwent due to geostrategic concerns does not look so great in retrospect however. Not that he’s at fault for the event, considering it occurred just a couple decades after Indian independence. What did we all expect from that, really? Lucky they haven’t nuked each other yet.
Given post-Eisenhower American foreign policy before the influence Kissinger saw the quagmire that was Vietnam and after saw the quagmires of Afghanistan and Iraq, I’m prepared to accept Kissinger was possibly a small moderating influence on the industrial-military complex Eisenhower worried about. It is fair to ask critics of Kissinger to explain what he could have done differently when it is abundantly clear there is a malignancy at the heart of the American state, in an equally malignant world.
Every analysis of Kissinger’s supposed hyperinfluence uses comparisons and alternate histories, which suggests his achievements and failures were heavily influenced by other actors. Men who’ve held real supreme power don’t need comparisons and alternative histories to show that power.
I mostly agree with you, but what about China?
Whatever was Kisinger reasoning at the time, opening to China was terrible mistake.
Hundreds of millions have been lifted out of poverty, material living standards for just about every person on the planet are improved by cheap Chinese goods, and China can’t disrupt, let alone challenge, Western hegemony unless the West continues to self-inflict damage to its own economy, its own demographics and its enlightenment heritage.
“unless the West continues to self-inflict damage to its own economy, its own demographics and its enlightenment heritage.”
Well uh, done, done, and really done.
“unless the West continues to self-inflict damage to its own economy, its own demographics and its enlightenment heritage.”
Well uh, done, done, and really done.
Filthy rich American moguls realised they could be even richer by moving to China to avail of its cheap labour, abandoning the US workers and its industrial base. There was nothing altruistic about it. As you sow, so shall you reap.
Hundreds of millions have been lifted out of poverty, material living standards for just about every person on the planet are improved by cheap Chinese goods, and China can’t disrupt, let alone challenge, Western hegemony unless the West continues to self-inflict damage to its own economy, its own demographics and its enlightenment heritage.
Filthy rich American moguls realised they could be even richer by moving to China to avail of its cheap labour, abandoning the US workers and its industrial base. There was nothing altruistic about it. As you sow, so shall you reap.
I mostly agree with you, but what about China?
Whatever was Kisinger reasoning at the time, opening to China was terrible mistake.
Given post-Eisenhower American foreign policy before the influence Kissinger saw the quagmire that was Vietnam and after saw the quagmires of Afghanistan and Iraq, I’m prepared to accept Kissinger was possibly a small moderating influence on the industrial-military complex Eisenhower worried about. It is fair to ask critics of Kissinger to explain what he could have done differently when it is abundantly clear there is a malignancy at the heart of the American state, in an equally malignant world.
Every analysis of Kissinger’s supposed hyperinfluence uses comparisons and alternate histories, which suggests his achievements and failures were heavily influenced by other actors. Men who’ve held real supreme power don’t need comparisons and alternative histories to show that power.
The good die young.
And the wise die old. There’s an aphorism for every occasion.
And cowards die a thousand times along the way to modify another.
You are correct.
And cowards die a thousand times along the way to modify another.
You are correct.
We also say: You can’t kill a bad thing! ..and another: The devil looks after his own!
And the wise die old. There’s an aphorism for every occasion.
We also say: You can’t kill a bad thing! ..and another: The devil looks after his own!
The good die young.
An article that needed writing. And raises a question which really deserves some thought.
It’s hard to know if America could have done better with different policies during the Cold War. But not entirely clear that America’s policy in Latin America was really that different in the 1970s (under Kissinger) than it was in the preceding decades.
And is was those sort of policies which generated much of the legacy of anti-Americanism that remains today. Support for ugly, anti-democratic regimes, whilst ostensibly supporting democracy around the world.
But as ever with this author, some quite needless, ridiculous assertions are dropped in. So Russia is a “civilisation super-state” ? Get real, Mr Fazi.
But what was alternative to these regimes?
Surely communism (Tupamaros, Montoneros, Sandinistas etc)?
With South Vietnam conquered, Cubans winning in Angola, Mozambique and Zimbabwe lost as well, Cubans medling in Chile, communism looked like the future to many.
If it was not for communism fermenting revolutions all over the globe USA would not intervine in many cases.
Just look at Venezuela now. USA doesn’t care that lefty nutters are destroying the country.
It is not geopoliticaly significant.
But what was alternative to these regimes?
Surely communism (Tupamaros, Montoneros, Sandinistas etc)?
With South Vietnam conquered, Cubans winning in Angola, Mozambique and Zimbabwe lost as well, Cubans medling in Chile, communism looked like the future to many.
If it was not for communism fermenting revolutions all over the globe USA would not intervine in many cases.
Just look at Venezuela now. USA doesn’t care that lefty nutters are destroying the country.
It is not geopoliticaly significant.
An article that needed writing. And raises a question which really deserves some thought.
It’s hard to know if America could have done better with different policies during the Cold War. But not entirely clear that America’s policy in Latin America was really that different in the 1970s (under Kissinger) than it was in the preceding decades.
And is was those sort of policies which generated much of the legacy of anti-Americanism that remains today. Support for ugly, anti-democratic regimes, whilst ostensibly supporting democracy around the world.
But as ever with this author, some quite needless, ridiculous assertions are dropped in. So Russia is a “civilisation super-state” ? Get real, Mr Fazi.
On Ukraine Kissinger recently said only what is almost certainly being discussed privately – that an eventual ceasefire will need a NATO guarantee for Ukraine, and thus almost certain membership.
Kissinger enough of a realist to know Zelensky and Ukraine need the chance first to take back some land as they cannot ‘sell’ the current front-line as an acceptable end to this to their people who have sacrificed so much. But after the coming summer offensive where the line settles will be the ceasefire – and we have Korea 1953 mk 2.
Looking forward too to Fergusson’s sequel. He’s probably re-writing the last chapter now in light of this. Don’t agree with any hagiography about subject matter but first book was really good.
This makes the bold assertion that Ukraine will be able to take any land back rather than losing more land or so many soldiers that they eventually have to sue for peace. Col. MacGregor has a good piece on this possibility in the last week.
Will a cease-fire even hold? I think that both sides may sue for peace, and then reload.
Peace is that brief, glorious moment in history when everyone stands around reloading.
-Thomas Jefferson
Peace is that brief, glorious moment in history when everyone stands around reloading.
-Thomas Jefferson
I was under the impression that offensives could occur in the summer because of the heavy rains.
Problem with your argument is that Russia started the war not to get some land but to extinguish Ukraine as independent nation.
So if Russia allowed Ukraine to join NATO and eventually EU, they would lose strategically big way.
While Ukraine would have to fold if there was pressure from USA to settle, I can not see USA doing it because it effectively means free for all as far as international borders are concerned.
I guess loss of Crimea could be accepted by Ukraine but Putin can not survive such deal.
This makes the bold assertion that Ukraine will be able to take any land back rather than losing more land or so many soldiers that they eventually have to sue for peace. Col. MacGregor has a good piece on this possibility in the last week.
Will a cease-fire even hold? I think that both sides may sue for peace, and then reload.
I was under the impression that offensives could occur in the summer because of the heavy rains.
Problem with your argument is that Russia started the war not to get some land but to extinguish Ukraine as independent nation.
So if Russia allowed Ukraine to join NATO and eventually EU, they would lose strategically big way.
While Ukraine would have to fold if there was pressure from USA to settle, I can not see USA doing it because it effectively means free for all as far as international borders are concerned.
I guess loss of Crimea could be accepted by Ukraine but Putin can not survive such deal.
On Ukraine Kissinger recently said only what is almost certainly being discussed privately – that an eventual ceasefire will need a NATO guarantee for Ukraine, and thus almost certain membership.
Kissinger enough of a realist to know Zelensky and Ukraine need the chance first to take back some land as they cannot ‘sell’ the current front-line as an acceptable end to this to their people who have sacrificed so much. But after the coming summer offensive where the line settles will be the ceasefire – and we have Korea 1953 mk 2.
Looking forward too to Fergusson’s sequel. He’s probably re-writing the last chapter now in light of this. Don’t agree with any hagiography about subject matter but first book was really good.
What Kissinger recognised is that the reality of the world is that there were, and are now even more, bad people out there, and no nation, however principled and decent and kindly, can survive if does not adopt ruthless responses to them.
Which is not to excuse some very bad things that were done especially in Indo-China, which have hugely damaged the USA’s reputation. Even that was an inevitable result of a necessary response, the US should have done much more to try to make amends after.
What Kissinger recognised is that the reality of the world is that there were, and are now even more, bad people out there, and no nation, however principled and decent and kindly, can survive if does not adopt ruthless responses to them.
Which is not to excuse some very bad things that were done especially in Indo-China, which have hugely damaged the USA’s reputation. Even that was an inevitable result of a necessary response, the US should have done much more to try to make amends after.
Dr. Henry Kissinger had an unparalleled career in American public service, of anybody in the 20th century. Will history absolve him for his part in controversies like the Viet Nam War, support of brutal Latin American dictators in the 70s, etc? No. But as with judging anyone else, one ought to think hard and ask what he would have done in his shoes.
Dr. Henry Kissinger had an unparalleled career in American public service, of anybody in the 20th century. Will history absolve him for his part in controversies like the Viet Nam War, support of brutal Latin American dictators in the 70s, etc? No. But as with judging anyone else, one ought to think hard and ask what he would have done in his shoes.
Very acute perspective on the realities we now face. My understanding, though, is that Nixon and Kissinger did jointly push back very successfully against enormous forces within the US political class ranged against detente with China. What they appealed to was the public’s innate desire for peace.
The term “Realist” refers to one who reacts to a currently existing, unchangeable situation by “playing the game”. It is not applicable to the instigator of a new situation who changes it utterly through immoral, cruel and downright evil attacks on decency, morals and accepted principles..
We would not apply the term “realist” to Germany’s fascists would we? The instigators of a “new world order” based on an “ubermench” ideology is not “realism” by any stretch of the imagination.
Kissinger is nothing short of a wicked, evil antichrist, a blight on humanity, a disgusting excuse for a human being and among the worst war criminals in all of history, right up (or rather down) there with Hitler, Stalin, Mao and Pol Pot..
A realist is a person who does not agree that reality is up for grabs.
A realist is a person who does not agree that reality is up for grabs.
The term “Realist” refers to one who reacts to a currently existing, unchangeable situation by “playing the game”. It is not applicable to the instigator of a new situation who changes it utterly through immoral, cruel and downright evil attacks on decency, morals and accepted principles..
We would not apply the term “realist” to Germany’s fascists would we? The instigators of a “new world order” based on an “ubermench” ideology is not “realism” by any stretch of the imagination.
Kissinger is nothing short of a wicked, evil antichrist, a blight on humanity, a disgusting excuse for a human being and among the worst war criminals in all of history, right up (or rather down) there with Hitler, Stalin, Mao and Pol Pot..
”With his reputation largely (and questionably) untainted by Watergate, Kissinger went on to found, in 1982, his own lucrative geopolitical consulting firm, Kissinger Associates, which he continues to run. We know relatively little of the work it carries out. Several attempts have been made, at the congressional level, to get the company to hand over its secretive “client list” — but all have failed.”
He is the snake our Lizard Masters use to do their dirty deeds. I think Watergate was a CIA Coup replacing Nixon with the tame Ford. I think when you hear the name Kissinger it gives good men a shiver in their spine…..
What the ‘Kissinger Associates’ is really about….not even the completely corrupt Politicians can know – because it inevitably works at the top level, the Hideous Strength level, where the strings which make the world dance are pulled.
From the Guardian on this Odious duo…
”Ferguson trivialises his own book: well before mentioning any serious critic, he cites the conspiracy cultist David Icke, who apparently believes Kissinger is one of the human race’s reptile overlords. “No rational people take such nonsense seriously,” Ferguson writes, who nonetheless uses such nonsense to open Kissinger’s life story.”
That is because rational people not only take our Psychopathic Lizard Overlords seriously – but know 100% it is true (even if as a metaphor – only they are so evil – I think they really must be 5th dimensional alien projections into our dimension as Icke, and even Hunter S. Thompson, describe. Or Demonic.) . And now they bring us AI.
I found it curious that as time went by the utterly crazy rants of David Icke somehow became a bit less crazy.. and I wish people would treat the lizard thing as metaphorical.. a cabal of very rich narcissistic, thoroughly evil (if not fully demonic) deluded megalomaniacs.
I found it curious that as time went by the utterly crazy rants of David Icke somehow became a bit less crazy.. and I wish people would treat the lizard thing as metaphorical.. a cabal of very rich narcissistic, thoroughly evil (if not fully demonic) deluded megalomaniacs.
”With his reputation largely (and questionably) untainted by Watergate, Kissinger went on to found, in 1982, his own lucrative geopolitical consulting firm, Kissinger Associates, which he continues to run. We know relatively little of the work it carries out. Several attempts have been made, at the congressional level, to get the company to hand over its secretive “client list” — but all have failed.”
He is the snake our Lizard Masters use to do their dirty deeds. I think Watergate was a CIA Coup replacing Nixon with the tame Ford. I think when you hear the name Kissinger it gives good men a shiver in their spine…..
What the ‘Kissinger Associates’ is really about….not even the completely corrupt Politicians can know – because it inevitably works at the top level, the Hideous Strength level, where the strings which make the world dance are pulled.
From the Guardian on this Odious duo…
”Ferguson trivialises his own book: well before mentioning any serious critic, he cites the conspiracy cultist David Icke, who apparently believes Kissinger is one of the human race’s reptile overlords. “No rational people take such nonsense seriously,” Ferguson writes, who nonetheless uses such nonsense to open Kissinger’s life story.”
That is because rational people not only take our Psychopathic Lizard Overlords seriously – but know 100% it is true (even if as a metaphor – only they are so evil – I think they really must be 5th dimensional alien projections into our dimension as Icke, and even Hunter S. Thompson, describe. Or Demonic.) . And now they bring us AI.