Let us cut to the chase here- Whilst the media conveniently ignore a global, well funded, organised military organisation, with the one mission to turn the globe into a totalitarian super state based on, dominated by, and subservient to one religion, Islam, we fall over backwards to give additional rights, pass special laws, and to protect members of that religion, in the name of Islamophobia….. I wish it was funny, but it is a ” joke” that is not, to us….. but must be to those waging the war?
Thank God we have the power of India and Israel, and that of the superb Israeli intelligence services to counter this oleaginous, craven, unctuous and sycophantic weakness that is nu britn.
I don’t see what is ‘cutting to the chase’ about your rather confused comments. What do you mean ‘the media ignore’? I’m not aware that anyone is ignoring fanatical political Islam. And with the increasingly violent Sunni Shia split, political Islam is however evil we may consider it, anything but totalitarian.
If you mean that Muslim citizens in the West should be harassed as a group, then I despair. Absolutely nothing could play more into the hands of Al Qaeda and other fanatical anti Western Islamists. The modern Right generally has a poor analysis and understanding of the world.
Are Islamists not extreme right?… or is that left?…Luckily thanks to not being under the likes of The Taliban or Al Quaeda, you are free to express your views?
“Let us cut to the chase here- Whilst the media conveniently ignore a global, well funded, organised military organisation, with the one mission to turn the globe into a totalitarian super state based on, dominated by, and subservient to one religion, ” until this point I thought you might have been referring to the USA. Silly me.
That is what you derived from this article? More proof the best argument against democracy is a 5-minute conversation with a voter.
The article has absolutely NOTHING to do with your personal paranoia at “world domination by Muslims”. Keep reading fear bait articles about that online and drive yourself even further off the deep end.
No, the article had do with the inability of the current US administration to define what its strategic global priorities are. What benefit is gained from being in Ukraine, from provoking in Taiwan.
Up your comprehension and contribute productively by responding to the article’s contents not vomit your own exaggerated biases and spin it as some ‘sensible’ take on foreign policy.
I respect your right and freedom to express your views
Jim Jam
2 years ago
Call me a cynic, but they probably know the exact whereabouts of any number of high ranking terrorists – to be picked off whenever they feel their approval ratings need a boost.
Or perhaps, the Taliban is using them as a piggy bank.
Nell Clover
2 years ago
The US establishment’s belief in the effectiveness of drone strikes as a means of countering terrorism is a mirror of how they view power in the US. Namely, that power is highly centralised, held by just a few influential individuals holding it all together. If that was the nature of power in the US, it would be in a very dark place. The reality is this: as much as the egos of the US establishment think they’re uniquely positioned to lead events, they could all disappear tomorrow and the US would continue and prosper.
Likewise, and by definition, the likes of Zawahiri are high value targets not because they are a lone wolf but because they command or influence very large organisations and groups. Removing Zawahiri from over the horizon leaves the organisations intact and the groups untouched. They aren’t simply going to fade away when the leader is gone anymore than the US would cease if the POTUS was removed. If anything, drone strike assassinations can invigorate organisations much like pruning a rose bush or a democratic vote. In short, drone strikes used in isolation are, at best, useless and, at worst, will prove counterproductive.
They also clear out the old dogs, and allow the young dogs, who always seem to be more extreme and have more energy, to rise.
Whether it is in regard to drug cartels, terror organizations, or crime syndicates, it is really hard to make things better by lopping off the top.
Allison Barrows
2 years ago
Is there a difference between “nation-building” and colonizing? I don’t give a flying if I sound like an “isolationist”: if a country isn’t directly threatening our own, and/or they’re not a significant trading partner, leave them the hell alone.
Tom Watson
2 years ago
An excellent and much-needed article.
Mike Bell
2 years ago
Hmm. So you think that taking out the leader is a good way to end terrorism?
Bin Laden?
I personally think arming Ukraine does help Americas interests. Every day the conflict drags on for weakens Russia, without risking outright war or a single American soldier, and Europe looking for new gas suppliers will help the US fracking industry.
Pelosi’s trip to Taiwan was simply idiotic, and if Biden had any authority within his party she’d be severely demoted for it.
I wonder if the administration believed that Ukraine was serious, and could have stood up for itself as well as it has, that a more forceful support hand would have been offered, sooner.
Tying up Russia, and making China reconsider whether Russia’s tactics and planning are wise could be a good thing, but they will also learn how to not repeat the same mistakes.
The British and Americans have been arming and training the Ukrainian army ever since Crimea. I doubt they would have bothered unless they believed Ukraine had no chance of holding off Putins animals
Marek Nowicki
2 years ago
I was in Washington when Bin Laden was killed. I remember watching CNN announcing an important news from the. White House. Wolf Blitzer was on the screen for like 1-2 hrs saying that something important is going by to be announced by the W. House. I expected Obama resignation (silly me). His polls were tanking….then Barack O. appeared announcing the assassination of Bin Laden. I couldn’t believe my eyes and ears. This news should be posted on some obscure government website or by low ranking pentagon person. NOT the president of the US. Especially Barrack because he knew that in that very moment he, President of the USA legitimized Bin Laden. He KNEW!…but for political gain, for looking tough he did it anyway. Do you see and parallel with what is going now? I do….
Last edited 2 years ago by Marek Nowicki
M Pennywise
2 years ago
Biden and Pelosi, just two more drones, mindlessly being controlled from over the horizon…
Blah Blah Blah.. The long exercise in hunting down terrorist groups has been a diversion from the core responsibilities of statecraft:
The old adage of you reap what you sow comes to mind. If the USA had kept its nose out of other countries affairs from the begining and not just the last 2 decades. The world would be a safer place. And it would not have the enemies it does today as a result of their.. Quote “The US was actually involved a little before the Soviets invaded. Once they got invaded, then the United States throws its full backing. It goes from meddling and funneling and agitating to outright saying, “Okay, we need to support the mujahedeen,” and allying themselves with the anti-communist resistance movement.” roll on nearly 50 decades. And you still have Old enemies hating the USA for meddling funneling and agitating other countries around the world. But if you have no enemies the right to bare arms would not be valid. So 2 things need to happen. One you need to have enemies. And 2 you create a situtation that causes tension. Then claim its self defence. USA are experts in this second phase. And their spin doctors will have you believe they are the victims when in reality they orcherstarted the whole thing.
I keep saying this. How many days of peace has the USA known since it was founded 246 years ago? What is that in percentages?? Well its only roughly 7% of its current exsistance. Its a nation of war, it exports war to the rest of the world. And You really do reap what you sow!!!
The business of the world throughout history has been war.
Mike Bell
2 years ago
The belief that the leader (or dictator) is responsible for the movement is a widely held fallacy. While people like Bin laden, Gaddafi, Trump, etc are undoubtedly important, they are not the cause – they have simply given voice to a large group of opinion.
‘Taking out’ one Hamas leader, for example, does nothing to remove the anger and frustration they gave voice to.
If we look at a pot-plant, it doesn’t need philosophy to tell you that the plant is not separate from the CO2, water, soil, nutrients etc which allow it to be. If you cut down the plant it just grows back. However, if you take away the water, it will die.
Similarly with terrorism: we need to see what is feeding it and deal with that.
What has been feeding it since the end of WW2 is the nation who claims to have won that war, going round the rest of the World to interfere and bully/boss around.
Augustus Longestaffe
2 years ago
I agree with the author’s argument, and I admire the lean, cogent discourse. Every sentence is telling.
This deserves to be widely read.
William Shaw
2 years ago
Like it or not, Donald Trump will give the USA purpose.
rob clark
2 years ago
“could Biden convincingly explain what the US involvement in Ukraine is meant to accomplish? “
Not likely, neither could the entire US foreign policy establishment!
I would love to hear this explanation. I would also like to witness the cross examination of the explainers.
Rex Pagan
2 years ago
“The American ruling class has no sense of what role it is meant to play in world affairs.” “Meant” by whom?
Jürg Gassmann
2 years ago
The US were never able to solve Pakistan’s unwillingness to drop the Taliban because one of the US’ brilliant ideas was to bring India into the Afghanistan mix, because “secular” India was not Islamic nationalist (Hindu nationalism being irrelevant).
India had never had a role in Afghanistan before, and India’s new prominent presence there raised ever-paranoid Pakistani fears of encirclement.
The fundamental truth about re-canning a can of worms is to use a larger can. If you want to keep the can small, don’t open it.
Frank McCusker
2 years ago
If Trump bumped off this guy, you’d be applauding him.
Ukunda Vill
2 years ago
In the upside-down world we live in, ultimately we’ll find that osama was right and the USA is an evil state he claimed it was.
Let us cut to the chase here- Whilst the media conveniently ignore a global, well funded, organised military organisation, with the one mission to turn the globe into a totalitarian super state based on, dominated by, and subservient to one religion, Islam, we fall over backwards to give additional rights, pass special laws, and to protect members of that religion, in the name of Islamophobia….. I wish it was funny, but it is a ” joke” that is not, to us….. but must be to those waging the war?
Thank God we have the power of India and Israel, and that of the superb Israeli intelligence services to counter this oleaginous, craven, unctuous and sycophantic weakness that is nu britn.
That’s very 2002.
I don’t see what is ‘cutting to the chase’ about your rather confused comments. What do you mean ‘the media ignore’? I’m not aware that anyone is ignoring fanatical political Islam. And with the increasingly violent Sunni Shia split, political Islam is however evil we may consider it, anything but totalitarian.
If you mean that Muslim citizens in the West should be harassed as a group, then I despair. Absolutely nothing could play more into the hands of Al Qaeda and other fanatical anti Western Islamists. The modern Right generally has a poor analysis and understanding of the world.
Are Islamists not extreme right?… or is that left?…Luckily thanks to not being under the likes of The Taliban or Al Quaeda, you are free to express your views?
“Let us cut to the chase here- Whilst the media conveniently ignore a global, well funded, organised military organisation, with the one mission to turn the globe into a totalitarian super state based on, dominated by, and subservient to one religion, ” until this point I thought you might have been referring to the USA. Silly me.
One way or another, both the US and Islam (not to mention China) are bent on world domination. May the worst man win.
That is what you derived from this article? More proof the best argument against democracy is a 5-minute conversation with a voter.
The article has absolutely NOTHING to do with your personal paranoia at “world domination by Muslims”. Keep reading fear bait articles about that online and drive yourself even further off the deep end.
No, the article had do with the inability of the current US administration to define what its strategic global priorities are. What benefit is gained from being in Ukraine, from provoking in Taiwan.
Up your comprehension and contribute productively by responding to the article’s contents not vomit your own exaggerated biases and spin it as some ‘sensible’ take on foreign policy.
I respect your right and freedom to express your views
Call me a cynic, but they probably know the exact whereabouts of any number of high ranking terrorists – to be picked off whenever they feel their approval ratings need a boost.
I can’t get over how much he looks like Bin Laden pulling a Clark Kent. Wear glasses dude! No-one will know that its you!
Ok, if that’s what you want – you’re a cynic.
Cheers Linda : )
No different really to the Saudis murdering that journalist in Turkey or the Russians alledgedly poisoning their traitors in UK.
Or perhaps, the Taliban is using them as a piggy bank.
The US establishment’s belief in the effectiveness of drone strikes as a means of countering terrorism is a mirror of how they view power in the US. Namely, that power is highly centralised, held by just a few influential individuals holding it all together. If that was the nature of power in the US, it would be in a very dark place. The reality is this: as much as the egos of the US establishment think they’re uniquely positioned to lead events, they could all disappear tomorrow and the US would continue and prosper.
Likewise, and by definition, the likes of Zawahiri are high value targets not because they are a lone wolf but because they command or influence very large organisations and groups. Removing Zawahiri from over the horizon leaves the organisations intact and the groups untouched. They aren’t simply going to fade away when the leader is gone anymore than the US would cease if the POTUS was removed. If anything, drone strike assassinations can invigorate organisations much like pruning a rose bush or a democratic vote. In short, drone strikes used in isolation are, at best, useless and, at worst, will prove counterproductive.
They also clear out the old dogs, and allow the young dogs, who always seem to be more extreme and have more energy, to rise.
Whether it is in regard to drug cartels, terror organizations, or crime syndicates, it is really hard to make things better by lopping off the top.
Is there a difference between “nation-building” and colonizing? I don’t give a flying if I sound like an “isolationist”: if a country isn’t directly threatening our own, and/or they’re not a significant trading partner, leave them the hell alone.
An excellent and much-needed article.
Hmm. So you think that taking out the leader is a good way to end terrorism?
Bin Laden?
Probably better to ‘turn’ them – Mandela?
I personally think arming Ukraine does help Americas interests. Every day the conflict drags on for weakens Russia, without risking outright war or a single American soldier, and Europe looking for new gas suppliers will help the US fracking industry.
Pelosi’s trip to Taiwan was simply idiotic, and if Biden had any authority within his party she’d be severely demoted for it.
I think this line says it all in regards to the Biden administration “It acts with reckless senility”
That apposite phrase caught by attention too; perfectly sums up both Biden and Pelosi.
I wonder if the administration believed that Ukraine was serious, and could have stood up for itself as well as it has, that a more forceful support hand would have been offered, sooner.
Tying up Russia, and making China reconsider whether Russia’s tactics and planning are wise could be a good thing, but they will also learn how to not repeat the same mistakes.
The British and Americans have been arming and training the Ukrainian army ever since Crimea. I doubt they would have bothered unless they believed Ukraine had no chance of holding off Putins animals
I was in Washington when Bin Laden was killed. I remember watching CNN announcing an important news from the. White House. Wolf Blitzer was on the screen for like 1-2 hrs saying that something important is going by to be announced by the W. House. I expected Obama resignation (silly me). His polls were tanking….then Barack O. appeared announcing the assassination of Bin Laden. I couldn’t believe my eyes and ears. This news should be posted on some obscure government website or by low ranking pentagon person. NOT the president of the US. Especially Barrack because he knew that in that very moment he, President of the USA legitimized Bin Laden. He KNEW!…but for political gain, for looking tough he did it anyway. Do you see and parallel with what is going now? I do….
Biden and Pelosi, just two more drones, mindlessly being controlled from over the horizon…
I like the humor
Best post on this thread, by far.
Blah Blah Blah.. The long exercise in hunting down terrorist groups has been a diversion from the core responsibilities of statecraft:
The old adage of you reap what you sow comes to mind. If the USA had kept its nose out of other countries affairs from the begining and not just the last 2 decades. The world would be a safer place. And it would not have the enemies it does today as a result of their.. Quote “The US was actually involved a little before the Soviets invaded. Once they got invaded, then the United States throws its full backing. It goes from meddling and funneling and agitating to outright saying, “Okay, we need to support the mujahedeen,” and allying themselves with the anti-communist resistance movement.” roll on nearly 50 decades. And you still have Old enemies hating the USA for meddling funneling and agitating other countries around the world. But if you have no enemies the right to bare arms would not be valid. So 2 things need to happen. One you need to have enemies. And 2 you create a situtation that causes tension. Then claim its self defence. USA are experts in this second phase. And their spin doctors will have you believe they are the victims when in reality they orcherstarted the whole thing.
I keep saying this. How many days of peace has the USA known since it was founded 246 years ago? What is that in percentages?? Well its only roughly 7% of its current exsistance. Its a nation of war, it exports war to the rest of the world. And You really do reap what you sow!!!
Yes, somebody once said ‘The business of American is business’. Today, the business of America is war.
The business of the world throughout history has been war.
The belief that the leader (or dictator) is responsible for the movement is a widely held fallacy. While people like Bin laden, Gaddafi, Trump, etc are undoubtedly important, they are not the cause – they have simply given voice to a large group of opinion.
‘Taking out’ one Hamas leader, for example, does nothing to remove the anger and frustration they gave voice to.
If we look at a pot-plant, it doesn’t need philosophy to tell you that the plant is not separate from the CO2, water, soil, nutrients etc which allow it to be. If you cut down the plant it just grows back. However, if you take away the water, it will die.
Similarly with terrorism: we need to see what is feeding it and deal with that.
What has been feeding it since the end of WW2 is the nation who claims to have won that war, going round the rest of the World to interfere and bully/boss around.
I agree with the author’s argument, and I admire the lean, cogent discourse. Every sentence is telling.
This deserves to be widely read.
Like it or not, Donald Trump will give the USA purpose.
“could Biden convincingly explain what the US involvement in Ukraine is meant to accomplish? “
Not likely, neither could the entire US foreign policy establishment!
I would love to hear this explanation. I would also like to witness the cross examination of the explainers.
“The American ruling class has no sense of what role it is meant to play in world affairs.” “Meant” by whom?
The US were never able to solve Pakistan’s unwillingness to drop the Taliban because one of the US’ brilliant ideas was to bring India into the Afghanistan mix, because “secular” India was not Islamic nationalist (Hindu nationalism being irrelevant).
India had never had a role in Afghanistan before, and India’s new prominent presence there raised ever-paranoid Pakistani fears of encirclement.
The fundamental truth about re-canning a can of worms is to use a larger can. If you want to keep the can small, don’t open it.
If Trump bumped off this guy, you’d be applauding him.
In the upside-down world we live in, ultimately we’ll find that osama was right and the USA is an evil state he claimed it was.
keep taking the medication
Osama can be right and still be a worse option.