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Hersch Schneider
Hersch Schneider
2 years ago

Barack Obama has always been good at bringing Americans together”
A new record for me. I’m out after one sentence.

Billy Bob
Billy Bob
2 years ago

You refused to read it because it doesn’t fit with your predetermined narrative? Do you want to read different views on an array of subjects, or do you simply want an echo chamber full of articles you already agree with?

Hersch Schneider
Hersch Schneider
2 years ago
Reply to  Billy Bob

I didn’t read it because it doesn’t align with reality. Now go grab yourself a cup of coffee Billy Bob, enjoy the birdsong outside

Billy Bob
Billy Bob
2 years ago

Why doesn’t it align with reality? When he was first elected he was very popular with a majority of the population. That popularity declined obviously as time went on as it does with every political leader but for all his faults I don’t believe he was anywhere near as divisive as the two that have followed him

Allison Barrows
Allison Barrows
2 years ago
Reply to  Billy Bob

That one sentence is an outright, provable lie, not a different view. Falsus in uno, and all that.

Mikey Mike
Mikey Mike
2 years ago

I agree. It demonstrates that the author can’t distinguish between what she desires to be true and what is demonstrably so. I actually like a lot of what Kat writes. But on the subject of Barack Obama not being a slimy Democrat politician, she suffers some blind spots.

Last edited 2 years ago by Mikey Mike
Allison Barrows
Allison Barrows
2 years ago
Reply to  Mikey Mike

I didn’t vote for him but I was very hopeful that he and his wife, by virtue of their very unique position, would ask Americans of all races to embrace what we have in common as citizens of this great country. That message should and could have been the main thrust of Obama’s platform, and all would have benefited. He would have gone down in history as a truly great man. But they didn’t do that. They embraced “ism think”, fomenting division for eight years, and continue to this day. Any policy disagreement with BHO was smeared as “racist” and (pick a)phobic.
I never bought that he was a brilliant scholar and it was obvious that his much-touted erudition was merely skilled teleprompter reading, but I didn’t care about that. He and Michelle could have used their powers for Good. It’s a tragedy that they didn’t.

Last edited 2 years ago by Allison Barrows
Mikey Mike
Mikey Mike
2 years ago

Allison, I don’t have enough thumbs for your comment. I had high hopes as well. My biggest fear was that Obama wasn’t actually as brilliant as the PR department was telling us but instead a man of modest talents who could never live up to the hype. The Henry Louis Gates incident (so early in his presidency too) in which our president, the former head of The Harvard Law Review, threw a white cop under the bus before the facts were known was a troubling omen. When faced with the choice between using his unprecedented position of power and influence to further heal the racial divide in America or scoring cheap political points, he reflexively chose the latter. I really resent him for that.

Last edited 2 years ago by Mikey Mike
nigel roberts
nigel roberts
2 years ago
Reply to  Billy Bob

There was no need to continue because the statement is manifestly contradicted by reality. If Obama had successfully brought us together Trump would still be a second-tier property developer.

2 years ago

Thank you for that most interesting essay. That phrase “the sleepy sloth being murdered in a drone strike” was perfect.

However you also say:-“When we look at Barack Obama, we see one of the best things America has ever done”. Are you serious? Obama and George Floyd Esq have done more to retard Black ‘progress’ than virtually anyone else I can think of. The fawning and grovelling that this subject seems to engender is simply revolting, not to say embarrassing.

Jeremy Bray
Jeremy Bray
2 years ago

“When we look at Barack Obama, we see one of the best things America has ever done. When we look at Joe Biden, we see the guy we voted for out of sheer desperation not to weather a second term of Trump.”
The above is a perfectly reasonable opinion from the author who presumable believes these two assertions to be self evident. The problem is that personal opinion pieces are all too often written as if they were true about “our” feelings rather than being peculiar to the writer with a blithe disregard for the fact that enormous sections of the population would likely take a dramatically different view. It is true that in my comments I frequently fail to emphasise that something I claim is just my opinion based on the facts I know but I do think in an article the authors should try to avoid trying to give the impression that everyone thinks like her when it is simply not the case.

Andrew Lale
Andrew Lale
2 years ago
Reply to  Jeremy Bray


Chauncey Gardiner
Chauncey Gardiner
2 years ago
Reply to  Jeremy Bray

I appreciate your point, brother.
I also appreciate most o KR’s essays, but, indeed, beware essays composed in the first person, “I,” “We,” “Ego.”

Julian Pellatt
Julian Pellatt
2 years ago

“Barack Obama has always been good at bringing Americans together, making us feel like we’re on the right track.”
You could have fooled me! Obama is genetically 50%-white and 50%-black; yet he relentlessly pushed a ‘Black’ agenda and identified himself as ‘black’. He thereby missed a unique opportunity to appeal to both sides of the USA racial divide and unite that nation.
And what about his globalist agenda that poured gigantic amounts of capital out of American industry into foreign producers (e.g. China) employing cheap labour at the expense of working-class communities, especially in the ‘Rust Belt’? I bet they didn’t feel their President was bringing them together.

Last edited 2 years ago by Julian Pellatt
Vince B
Vince B
2 years ago
Reply to  Julian Pellatt

I didn’t get a “black agenda” from him whatsoever. In fact, he was taken to task by black groups because every time he met with them he would tell them to pull their pants up, stop making babies out of wedlock and take personal responsibility. He seemed to go out of his way to be trans-racial. (Yes, of course he presents himself and identifies as “black.” When you’re that identifiably so, you are “black” whether you want to be or not.)

Andrew Lale
Andrew Lale
2 years ago

Reading this article is like a quick visit into a completely different dimension, where the rules of physics, truth, accuracy and objectivity have been suspended somehow.

Andrew Lale
Andrew Lale
2 years ago

I didn’t hate Barack Obama at the time, and still don’t. But none of the above article chimes with what I remember about the Obama presidency, where the Dems kept on forcing through extreme legislation by the tiniest of margins, and lying desperately to the public to try to make that legislation fly. Also, didn’t Obama cosy up to Putin in a big way, and promise him flexibility? Are we just going to pretend that never happened?

AC Harper
AC Harper
2 years ago

After the Democrats failed to beat Trump in 2016 I saw pictures of Obama on holiday at Necker island, standing with Richard Branson.
I don’t think my opinion of either was improved.

Neil Hollingsworth
Neil Hollingsworth
2 years ago

This article essentially says if we take the Obama pill, everything will be just wonderful. What an absolutely worthless article.

Konstantinos Stavropoulos
Konstantinos Stavropoulos
2 years ago

“When we look at Barack Obama, we see one of the best things America has ever done”.
Are you for real..? What on earth can make someone write such a phrase..!

Mikey Mike
Mikey Mike
2 years ago

Barack Obama is by far the most likeable demagogue of my lifetime. I think he’s trying to follow in the footsteps of Jimmy Carter and become an even worse ex-president than he was a president.

Last edited 2 years ago by Mikey Mike
Bennie History
Bennie History
2 years ago

Say what you want about Trump, but the real divisions in America originated during the Obama administration.
It was during his presidency that the stark contrasts of flyover countries vs urban elites became front and center.
Instead of Republicans and Democrats duking it out over economic policy, Obama rewired the conversation into a much more poisonous one. Social issues including transgenderism, race, and even cancel culture originated in the second half of the Obama administration. He weaponized them and turned them into wedge issues for democrats which worked well at first, but at what cost?
Americans from flyover country to urban elite could at least band together as much as they disagreed on economic policy, but we have now a war of cultures between the two American identities. Many think Trump created the issue, but in reality he was only a microcosm of the issue created by Obama himself.
In the end Obama was never good at bringing Americans together, he was determined to pull them apart.

Vince B
Vince B
2 years ago

I was among the countless of Americans who was so taken, and remain charmed by, President Obama. On a personal level he remains among my favorites. But while he has proven to be a great celebrity and icon of what America could/has become, as a president he was a profoundly mediocre figure.
When he was first running for president I thought he would be something like a Democratic Reagan, who could “go above the head of Congress and speak directly to the American people,” who, by dint of personality could get significant legislation through.
I quickly discovered there was very little there at all. He was not only completely devoid of the inside-baseball political skills required to wrangle, cajole, bully, bribe and butter up senators and congressmen, but was allergic to these things. Early in his first term my old dad put it perfectly: “He needs less JFK and more LBJ.” He was, of course, the polar opposite of Johnson in every way.
And most disappointingly, he had such small gauge ideas for a man who was devoted to Hope. He is a good man, a decent man, but just another fixture of the left-liberal establishment.

Last edited 2 years ago by Vince B
Cantab Man
Cantab Man
2 years ago

As an Independent, I don’t understand the hero cult-like worship from the Left of their presidents.

Bill Clinton and his sexy saxophone on Arsenio Hall, his ability to destroy his sexual assault victims with the explicit approval of the feminists of the day and his stated affinity for Hollywood (and vice versa), Al Gore with his “Inconvenient Truth” Hollywood save-the-world cultish following, Obama and his oozing books, Netflix deals, etc, as well as freezing Biden out at his own White House party the other week with all of Obama’s slavish fans…

…it’s almost like some on the Left find a religious figure with these folks.

At least with Trump almost everyone laughs at him. “Orange Man Bad” memes are just as funny on the Right as on the Left, even if Trump doesn’t like them.

Why so serious about former progressive Presidents?

Nunya Business
Nunya Business
2 years ago

I assume this article is restricted to those over 18 due to the level of Obama fellating.

Ian Thorpe
Ian Thorpe
2 years ago

“Barack Obama has always been good at bringing Americans together”
On reading the first line I though this article was going to be satire, highlighting how Obama, who promised on the campaign trail he would be a unifier and peacemaker, actually turned out to be a divisive and warmongering president whose presidency only benefitted the billionaire psychopaths America seems to produce in such abundance.
My hopes were dashed by the end of the first paragraph.

Helen Malinowski
Helen Malinowski
2 years ago

Let’s see how long it takes for Megan and Harry to take the spotlight off the Queen …