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Galeti Tavas
Galeti Tavas
2 years ago

This article wanders about like a mouse in a maze without ever quite getting to the bait.

“This has left a large void which our over-bloated security state and counter-extremism industry has tried to fill by amplifying the threat of far-Right groups. ** Today, widely respected extremism scholars are sounding the alarm about far-Right online “echo-chambers””

This is 100% incorrect, it is nothing to do with a lack of other terrorism (The entire country was having ‘Shopping Riots’ all last year – not terrorism, and that was brushed under the carpet) – it is totally because the Left/Liberal elites are out to destroy the West – by getting society to destroy its self from the inside by using Neo-Marxism and Biden’s Democrat Party Post Modernists, and his Monetary/Fiscal policy. ( to devalue the Dollar – Insane amounts of Central Bank money printing wile creating inflation and keeping interest zero.)

So to destroy the economy and nation with economic collapse and huge Identity Hate tearing all apart; created by the MSM, is the goal. The MSM, and Tech/Social Media elites have invented this Straw-man of ‘Far Right Extremists’ for that reason. (there are essentially no Far Right – they could not fill a stadium.)

Conservatives by nature are hard working, law abiding, Law and Order followers, politically responsible, moral and just – Naturally you cannot destroy a society and nation with this kind in control. And so – the Neo-Marxists need to attack them every way they can.

That is the entire reason for CRT, BLM, freeing criminals to make for a lawless society, destroy the borders to end Rule of Law, to end the demographic majority of the conservative voters, and the Education industry being ‘Captured by the Post-Modernists. They make Identity war and class war the prime factor in every story, and created the ‘White Paternity’ as the ultimate straw-man problem.

No, the ones out to destroy the West are not terrorists – but as the Roman Cicero said over two millennium ago:

““A nation can survive its fools, and even the ambitious. But it cannot survive treason from within. An enemy at the gates is less formidable, for he is known and carries his banner openly. But the traitor moves amongst those within the gate freely, his sly whispers rustling through all the alleys, heard in the very halls of government itself. For the traitor appears not a traitor; he speaks in accents familiar to his victims, and he wears their face and their arguments, he appeals to the baseness that lies deep in the hearts of all men. He rots the soul of a nation, he works secretly and unknown in the night to undermine the pillars of the city, he infects the body politic so that it can no longer resist. A murderer is less to fear. The traitor is the plague.”

And that enemy within is Neo-Marxist, Post-Modernist, Liberal/Left. They are so Owned by the Elites via their MSM, Tech/Social Media, Political Parties of the Left, the Education industry, and now, because of the success of capturing the education, – their ilk in all Corporations and government roles, – that they are near to being at the point where they can ‘Sack Rome’ from the inside. That it will also destroy themselves does not seem to worry them – that philosophical Pathology produces such outward hate, and Self Hate, they do not mind their own destruction, as long as it destroys everyone else in the West too.

Jon Hawksley
Jon Hawksley
2 years ago
Reply to  Galeti Tavas

they do not mind their own destruction, as long as it destroys everyone else in the West too puzzles me. The left is a very large body of people who like to think they are less selfish than the right. I simply do not think significant numbers of them would get together in a conspiracy to orchestrate destruction of others and themselves. Damage would be inadvertent not deliberate.
On monetary policy the objective is to keep saving and spenders in balance to maintain economic activity and prices. The pandemic has moved income/wealth from the poor, who have to spend, to the more wealthy, who are likely to save. Left on its own this would deflate economies. Getting the correct balance will be difficult, particularly in the UK where supply chain / labour issues means regaining economic activity must be allowed to take time or it goes straight to inflation.

Galeti Tavas
Galeti Tavas
2 years ago
Reply to  Jon Hawksley

“The left is a very large body of people who like to think they are less selfish than the right. I simply do not think significant numbers of them would get together in a conspiracy”

Well, there was Venezuela, China, Russia, Cambodia, Cuba, and so on where they conspired to revolution, and had enough (even if it was under 10%)

then the lesser, say like – Afghanistan in 1973 tried the Communist thing, although a people more unsuited to Socialism would be impossible to find – but they tried, and when losing invited in USSR and its Army into Afghanistan to stay in power, and so 40 years of war, How did they manage that? Did a significant number conspire to make the nation Communist? Well obviously enough did, even though in Afghanistan I guess it was under .001% of the population (it was the King’s Cousin and his corrupt cronies)

And the Neo-Marxists own the MSM/Social Media/Tech, the Parties of the Left, and the gov workers, and all the education and unions and so on.

“Damage would be inadvertent not deliberate.”

Hardly – the damage to the Western Nations is the means of moving to the next stage. There has never been a peaceful and economically successful move to Left Government from Capitalism. They need economic collapse to get the mob going, USA is just too comfortable and too much equality of opportunity.

“On monetary policy the objective is to keep saving and spenders in balance to maintain economic activity and prices. The pandemic has moved income/wealth from the poor, who have to spend, to the more wealthy, who are likely to save.”

You are 100% WRONG. The monetary policy has been to inflate by excess Fiscal money printing (Trillions excess) wile production has been very greatly curtailed by lockdown. Reduced goods and services, vastly increased M2 (money supply), and so Inflation. This with huge Monitary purchasing of bonds and mortage backed securities, inflating equities and hard assets hugely – WILE keeping interests at ZERO.

So middle class and lower cannot save as the real interest is below zero (intrest, (nothing) – inflation = negative real interest), means any savings is shrinking in value! Many say inflation is 10%, so any savings shrink 10% a year! 6 years and you have lost it all! No pensions.

The wealthy get VERY cheap loans and buy ‘Appreciating Assets’ so they are getting very ritch indeed – most have doubled their money during the covid plandemic.

The lower have lost, the top made filthy rich on the monetary policy! The entire covid Monetary policy is to redistribute the wealth from the middle to the top.

Jon Hawksley
Jon Hawksley
2 years ago
Reply to  Galeti Tavas

I commented on a conspiracy to orchestrate destruction of others and themselves. As you cite there have been plenty of organised left wing political movements but I am asserting that their motivation, whether misguided or not, was for a good, in their opinion, of some sort not self destruction. I am not commenting on what the outcomes have been, or might be, but I question the existence of any agency that conspires for the destruction of others and themselves.
On monetary policy in 2008 QE was done, at least initially, to give banks more liquid assets to encourage lending with the Government exchanging some of its long term borrowing to short term borrowing. It bought back its longterm debt expensively because current interest rates were so low. There will be a real loss when it has to renew the shorterm borrowings at higher interest rates in the future. In as much as economic activity returned it can be argued it helped. There was not much inflation for consumers. The downside was, as you say, serious inflation of assets bought by savers that are now, to my mind, seriously over priced. I agree that savers now have extreme difficulty finding assets to invest in. You have mentioned here and elsewhere that the rich have access to Appreciating Assets, what are they? I want to buy some! I did not think QE was needed on such a scale, the problem is always sentiment, greed drives economies and fear stops them dead. Low borrowing costs do not motivate the fearful to borrow and spend.
I think we agree that monetary policy currently risks increasing inflation seriously but for me it is because supply will not keep up with the desire to spend.
We differ in that I ascribe the motivation for monetary policy to be for a good, if misguided, and see no collective agency to achieve a benefit for a particular vested interest. That the outcome might be so is a separate issue.

chris sullivan
chris sullivan
2 years ago
Reply to  Jon Hawksley

Good clear summary thanks Jon.

Julian Farrows
Julian Farrows
2 years ago
Reply to  Galeti Tavas

I read this Wikipedia article recently which seems to aptly describe where we’re at and where we’re going to:
Thought Reform and the Psychology of Totalism.

Galeti Tavas
Galeti Tavas
2 years ago
Reply to  Julian Farrows

Yes – the 8 criteria for thought reform are the exact ones being used by the Neo-Marxist education system, and the MSM.

ralph bell
ralph bell
2 years ago

The Media continues to provide the oxygen of publicity to Terrorists, whilst at the same time hiding the identity/motivations of the perpetrators when it doesn’t suit their narratives.
Another fascinating article by Simon.

Last edited 2 years ago by ralph bell
Alan Thorpe
Alan Thorpe
2 years ago

The new terror is the unnecessary fear bring generated by scientists, politicians and the media about climate and a pandemic. Both created out of nothing. We are now part of the terror because it has taken over our lives. Rational discussion is not possible and so the terror will go on endlessly. With the terror comes the loss of our freedoms.

chris sullivan
chris sullivan
2 years ago
Reply to  Alan Thorpe

Homo sapiens is an anxious creature always on the lookout for new threats. the MSM plus the military industrial complex plus the myriad defense ‘experts’ plus politcians feed this high anxiety because it gives them control and funding to maintain a high level of anxiety in the ‘herd’. It is hard and time consuming to build up an internal ‘locus of authority’ – IE to figure out for yourself what is truth – so the sheep are at the mercy of the forces above – and are often, by nature, predisposed to follow the Judas sheep – of which there are many (good metaphor !) . Thus it has always been and thus it appears that it will always be. All we can really hope for personally is to be mostly free from fear, do our little bit for human and planetary sanity, and get some stimulation from participating in the slow train crash that is contemporary history – or is that too pessimistic ??

Dustshoe Richinrut
Dustshoe Richinrut
2 years ago

When screens were only of a certain size,
character was bright and full of life.
Well, entertainment had been the prize;
the witness to it would have forget his strife

Now screens are ridiculously tiny
But don’t be fooled by their buttons so shiny
They’ll have you entranced
by a sea of violence,
by characters so vain, lame, dull and decrepit
Have such waters ever been so mesmerisingly tepid?
Yes, screens now proliferate small,
A good character is literally diminished.
Are you not appalled?

Deborah B
Deborah B
2 years ago

Good points, well made. But this piece loses its thrust by meandering into discussing the lone operator and right wing extremism.
What I think we still crave to understand is the mindset and emotions that drove Bin Laden and his terrorists. We use sanitised words such as radicalisation instead of brainwashing, which is more accurate. But a brain must be receptive to the washing out of good sense and logic and installing false beliefs.
And the porn in the title … wasn’t adequately explored.
However, part of me is reminded of the way the mind dreams – sometimes terrifying and illogical – yet designed to protect us by overcatastrophising events. Perhaps watching 9/11 and other horrific footage has the same effect as dreaming. And part of us deep inside says, ‘Thank God that isn’t me’