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Eddie Johnson
Eddie Johnson
2 years ago

“There’s always some class of people you’re not permitted to suspect”
Or indeed some class of victim you’re not permitted to show compassion towards.
How many hashtags have you and your fellow British feminists created for the 20,000 or so (source: Independent) traumatised, underage girls (or “white-trash-only-good-for-one-thing”, as they were known by their tormentors), who were preyed upon by the grooming gangs, Ms Ditum?
Answer: Zero.
How many hashtags were created during the wave of #MeToo revelations?
Answer: Thousands
Why the obscene discrepancy?

Last edited 2 years ago by Eddie Johnson
Eddie Johnson
Eddie Johnson
2 years ago
Reply to  Eddie Johnson

Exactly. And the one MP who had the temerity, aka courage, to actually identify the ethnicity of the abusers, Ms Champion, was dismissed from the shadow cabinet by Corbyn (“not helpful”), and vilified as an Islamophobe and racist by her party.
I can’t remember the Left and their fellow activists in the media having had such scruples over the naming and shaming of those accused by the #MeToo movement.
The hypocrisy and double standards exhibited by the wokeist Left and British feminists are simply breathtaking, yet bizarrely they still claim the high moral ground..

Last edited 2 years ago by Eddie Johnson
R S Foster
R S Foster
2 years ago
Reply to  Eddie Johnson

…I suspect much the same dynamic was at play when R Kelly (cool black guy) got away with it very much more openly, than Weinstein (fat Jewish bloke) or Epstein (rich Jewish bloke)…ever tried to…I wonder what it might be?

Andrew Fisher
Andrew Fisher
2 years ago
Reply to  Eddie Johnson

Sarah Ditum did on fact write extensively on the Rotherham scandal. If you want to politicise the issue along ‘woke’ / ‘anti-woke’ lines, you could also point to the sudden interest in sexual abuse of women by right wing commentators on here, but only when the victims are white and the perpetrators are Asian. You don’t know that ‘feminists’ don’t care about the Rotherham cases, so it’s just a slur.

It is a shame so many commentators can’t stick to the subject at hand, if they aren’t interested don’t comment, and have to immediately go through a whole lot of ‘whataboutery’. Or, more simply, two wrongs don’t make a right.

Eddie Johnson
Eddie Johnson
2 years ago
Reply to  Andrew Fisher

I suggest you actually read the article by Ms Ditum again, which, correct me if I’m wrong, discusses the capacity of sexual abusers to commit their abhorrent crimes in “plain sight”.
Thus, surely even you must concede that the rape, torture and, in some cases, murder of some 20,000 underage “white-trash-only-good-for-one-thing”, across our towns and cities over the past decade with the full knowledge of the social services, the police and the local community qualifies as such?
So I’m perplexed as to how anyone could accuse me of “not sticking to the subject at hand”, namely sexual abuse.
“You don’t know that ‘feminists’ don’t care about the Rotherham cases, so it’s just a slur.”
(To which one could add Newcastle, Telford, Huddersfield, Oxford, Doncaster, Rochdale, Manchester, Leigh, Derby, Banbury, Bristol, Leicester, Halifax, Peterborough, Norwich and Plymouth. Ermmm….Did Ms Ditum write about those cases too?).  
As a longtime reader of the left-wing “woke” Guardian and the Independent I can categorically state that the number of articles written by ‘feminists” in these newspapers on the scandal of the grooming gangs was but a fraction of the daily rants and op-eds discussing the revelations emerging from the #MeToo movement over the past 3 years.
And yes, this obscene discrepancy was also mirrored by the number of hashtags feminists created to express their solidarity with the grooming gangs survivors, ie. zero, zilch. A figure which stands in stark contrast to those created for #MeToo victims, ie. tens of thousands.
So where was the Women’s March in London for the survivors of Rotherham, Newcastle, Manchester etc..?
Another striking discrepancy you conveniently ignore. I can guess why.
“you could also point to the sudden interest in sexual abuse of women by right wing commentators on here, but only when the victims are white and the perpetrators are Asian.
So you are claiming that there was no “interest” in the right-wing press in the long and repugnant litany of abuse committed by Saville, Glitter or by carers at a multitude of children homes over the past two decades? Seriously?
The facts prove you wrong. But your evidence-free “slur” is the standard response by ‘feminists’, and insinuates that anyone to the right of centre, many of us parents, have no compassion for the victims of abuse?
Wow. I’ll just let that comment stand for what it is.
But it was arguments like this, ie. exposing the abuse would only lend succour to the (Islamophobic) right, which, of course, ensured that the suffering of thousands of vulnerable underage girls continued unabated for over a decade.

Last edited 2 years ago by Eddie Johnson
Allan Dawson
Allan Dawson
2 years ago
Reply to  Eddie Johnson

Tommy Robinson was right: plenty on the left would rather remain silent instead of calling out the industrial scale of the rapes committed by the Muslim communities in towns all over the country.

Tom Lewis
Tom Lewis
2 years ago

“There’s always some class of people you’re not permitted to suspect: someone who’s too powerful or too respected or just by definition too self-evidently good for their motives to be questioned.”
Sounds suspiciously like how some people, or institutions, ‘perceive’ Islam and Muslims, they’re pious, God fearing, women respecting, law abiding, peace loving individuals after all ?

Last edited 2 years ago by Tom Lewis
Jon Redman
Jon Redman
2 years ago
Reply to  Tom Lewis

Yes, my thought on reading that was that most people’s “class of people you’re not permitted to suspect” would not include loutish, foul-mouthed oiks like Kelly in the first place.

Niobe Hunter
Niobe Hunter
2 years ago
Reply to  Jon Redman

But that it what we are supposed to idolise now. Diversity etc….

Allan Dawson
Allan Dawson
2 years ago
Reply to  Tom Lewis

“Sounds suspiciously like how some people, or institutions, ‘perceive’ Islam and Muslims, they’re pious, God fearing, women respecting, law abiding, peace loving individuals after all?”

Law abiding you say…I guess apart from when they are engaging in the mass gang r3pe of children in towns across the UK, apart from when they are killing people on public transport in the UK, apart from when they are killing white boys in Scotland for being white, apart from when they kill news agents for being the wrong sort of Muslim, and of course, apart from when, as Muslims, they massacre little girls at a pop concert.

The Chinese know how to deal with Muslim terrorists and their supporters, pity HMG doesn’t possess the same fortitude to cut out the cancer of Islamic terrorism from the UK.

Islam is a disgusting, vile, totalitarian philosophy that is incompatible with a modern Liberal society.

You can either believe in protection for trans people etc or you can believe Islam has a place in the UK…there is no way to believe that both can coexist in the UK in the long term so long as the mass immigration of those who believe in sharia law continues.

hayden eastwood
hayden eastwood
2 years ago

This case brings to light the pervasive double-think of the left. On the one hand they celebrate transgression as a good in and of itself.
So, for example, they require us to presume that children know themselves well enough to make life changing decisions to have gender re-assignment surgery at age 10.
They require us to celebrate children “twerking” and having graphic sex education.
They require us to accept peoples’ sexual preferences without judging them, because judging is allegedly tyrannical.
They require us to celebrate misogynistic grape music as a legitimate expression of black pain.
The same people, who claim in one breath that the establishment has no business telling people what to do and think in matters of their sexuality, and who celebrate transgressing all boundaries, then throw their hands up in horror that boundaries have been transgressed. Suddenly, when it suits them, children are just children who are too young to give their consent, and in need of protection from the same establishment they wish to dismantle.
The contradiction of this appears to generate no conflict in them whatsoever.

Last edited 2 years ago by hayden eastwood
Andrew Lale
Andrew Lale
2 years ago

An honest article. There are very few people willing to stick their heads above the parapet, and speak the truth loudly when that will make the horribly unpopular. Jews and Christians read the old Testament prophets who were just such men, and benefit tremendously from the example. Not only must you know what the truth is, you must value the truth over all other considerations, and that is a real test of character.

Ben Givens
Ben Givens
2 years ago

Isn’t this just a case of what we ‘know’ versus what can be proven. Absolutely collusion and reticence to call out criminal behaviour is a massive factor in personalities like this getting away with it for years, however we can’t really act on what we know until evidence is forthcoming

Eddie Johnson
Eddie Johnson
2 years ago

Because as a consequence of the Culture Wars, Western societies have been divided into two categories, the oppressors and the oppressed.
Accordingly, the dominant indigenous (white) culture is now demonized as being founded upon racism and exploitative colonialism, whereas the cultures of the Other are valorized, and beyond reproach.

Last edited 2 years ago by Eddie Johnson
Niobe Hunter
Niobe Hunter
2 years ago
Reply to  Eddie Johnson

To be fair, a similarly blind eye was turned to a member of a very famous British rock group marrying a girl the moment she turned sixteen, when it was an open secret that he had been ‘seeing her’ for three years before that.

Eddie Johnson
Eddie Johnson
2 years ago
Reply to  Niobe Hunter

Of course. But my general point stands.
And can you imagine the furore had say Cliff Richards, who was constantly and unjustly hounded by our media – first and foremost the BBC, been black or Muslim?

David Morley
David Morley
2 years ago
Reply to  Eddie Johnson

Anybody investigating Cat Stevens?

Allan Dawson
Allan Dawson
2 years ago
Reply to  David Morley

Seems plenty of Muslims in Northern Towns think its fine to r4pe young women…the silence from the Left / Metooers / All Men Are R3pist Brigade about those Real R3pists has been astounding.

Lesley van Reenen
Lesley van Reenen
2 years ago


Ferrusian Gambit
Ferrusian Gambit
2 years ago

Yes, it is phenomena such as these that are developing in me a growing interest in Girard’s concepts of mimesis.

Allan Dawson
Allan Dawson
2 years ago

Best be banning this then…

Allan Dawson
Allan Dawson
2 years ago

Wasn’t a Rolling Stoner ‘seeing’ a child and rushed to marry her the moment she hit 16?

Jane Purcell
Jane Purcell
2 years ago
Reply to  Allan Dawson

It was Mandy Smith. She was pimped out by her dreadful mother and was apparently having sex with 40s Bill Wyman age 14. I presume he thought she was an ‘old soul’. Wyman spoke to the police in 2013 during the Savile/Glitter scandals and was told there was no case to answer.