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Chris Wheatley
Chris Wheatley
2 years ago

Just read the essay on feminism and I see the same thing. The writer wants to be special, to be an expert on something. Why not Jewishness or Feminishness, or Blackishness, or Anti-Vaccineishness?

36 years ago, the Times journalist Bernard Levin invented a term, Single Issue Fanatic or SIF. SIFs were people who related everything in their lives to one thought or issue, to the exclusion of everything else. Where I live today, a group of 5 people wanted speed bumps on the main road. They screamed, got arrested by the police (and released, of course), lobbied the local council, stopped council meetings, wrote to newspapers, got onto local television, etc. In the end the council gave in just to shut them up. Today everyone is a SIF. This is great for them and tedious for everyone else.

Jon Redman
Jon Redman
2 years ago

I have a disappointing scraggly beard, I sometimes wear glasses and I can’t stop thinking about Jews.

Are you sure you’re not Jeremy Corbyn?

Lesley van Reenen
Lesley van Reenen
2 years ago

I would have found a way to introduce the HERO Netanyahu if I was writing any piece mentioning the family. Who of a certain age can forget Yoni Netanyahu who lead the elite commando unit that audaciously rescued almost all hostages at Entebbe Airport, Uganda in 1976. This operation was more audacious and successful than any movie script could conceive and had the world transfixed. He lost his life during the rescue at age 30.

2 years ago

Thanks for this fascinating review and the conclusions it draws. I read the book and was alternately amazed and irritated by it. Joshua Cohen is a writer of great brilliance. I am glad to have confirmed what I was pretty sure was the story’s factual basis. But were the Yahus (yahoos) really that socially horrible? Were the boys that feral? Uncomfortable reading in many places. But agree the letter from the Israeli historian was pure genius.