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Charles Hedges
Charles Hedges
3 years ago

I would suggest that part of the problem with jounalists and academics is the lack of knowledge and experience. The days when a journalist spoke several languages, had deep knowledge of history going back to Greece; lived in countries for decades ( as perhaps his family had ) , had served in combat or been say in the Foreign Office/ICS ( Toynbee ) are long gone. Examples of people with this breadth of knowledge and experience which are long gone are :- Gertrude Bell, T E Lawrence, A Toynbee, GM Trevelyan, John Glubb( RE Officer and had served in Iraq and Jordan from 1920 to 1955 ), Mark Tully( born in India, speaks several languages), Paddy Leigh Fermour, Charles Wheeler( Born in Germany to a father who worked in shipping, lived there and served in 30 Assault Unit ), Northcote Parkinson ( Historian and WW2 staff officer under Monty ).
When it comes to reporting on a riot, especially if there is gunfire, it is difficult to understand what is happening. However, a reporter who has led soldiers in street fighting can judge types of gun fire, distance and direction or know that buildings will cause noise to be altered. Wellington said one could not report on a battle. There is also the gut feeling. If one has certain sensitivity and lives in an area one can feel the change in atmosphere leading up to a disturbance. Good reporters will be picking clues; the waiter who goes from being friendly to civil to hostile over a few days.
The result is that Westerners become used in conflicts within families, between families, clans, tribes, religions, cast and and language. Conflicts can go back hunfdreds or thousands of years. When was the first conflcit recorded between India and Sri lanka? The conflicts between Croatia and Bosnia could be said to back to the divide in Roma in AD 325. The conflict between Saudi Arabia and Yemen goes back to when tribesmen first started raiding northwards which is how many thousands of years ?
There is also the reality of people getting into positions of authority who are utterly clueless. It would be easy to construct a conspiracy theory that Chamberlain, Baldwin and the Labour Party were in the pay of Hitler based upon decisions made from 1933 to 1940.None of these people went to Germany and actually loooked at what Hitler was doing after 1933, understood the history and analysed war production data. There was a journalist from The Time who wrote a book( Insanity Fair, I think ) in about 1938 warning about the Nazis based on his travel but he was sacked and then mocked by everyone.
There are two views of history, the c**k up and conspiracy. The conspiracy hides the c**k up. When was the last time a politician, state employee, academic, reporter, lawyer, activist, etc admit to a c**k up ?
When it comes to a riot ask these questions: when did you start living in the area, do you know people from all walks of life( criminals included), do you speak the languages, understand the divides, where were you, can you identify types distances and direction of gunfire ( difference between 5.56mm, 7.62m AK47 and 7.62mm NATO, 9mm or 0.45 side arm ), cartridge cases found, what could you see at night, who was injured and how, when and where and how do you know, are there blood patterns. but no bodies |( bodies been removed ) Have parties tried to conceal the truth , if so how? If areas were washed evidence was destroyed. The reality is that even reporters with film and sound recording from top teams do not know what is happening, how can they, unless they are a Tully reporting from the Indian sub-continent?

Jos Haynes
Jos Haynes
3 years ago
Reply to  Charles Hedges

Insanity Fair by Douglas Reed. First published April 1938, and by August was on its 16th impression. Reed lived in Vienna from 1937-38

Charles Hedges
Charles Hedges
3 years ago
Reply to  Jos Haynes

Thank you. Read it many years agao and as far as I can remember, outlined nazi threat and was sacked by The Times : am I correct?

Alex Lekas
Alex Lekas
3 years ago

hundreds of incidents of police violence against Black Lives Matters protesters and journalists covering protests in the US,
Hundreds you say? That must be why, well, hundreds of cops have been hospitalized while the same cannot be said of either BLM protesters or journos. Andy Ngo is about the only journo I can think of who saw violence, but it wasn’t the cops who did it.

Colin Macdonald
Colin Macdonald
3 years ago

You mention hundreds of acts of violence against BLM. You’d kinda expect police to come out swinging billy cubs when BLM tries to burn city centres to the ground! What would the Gendarmarie do if “youths” attempted the same on the Champs Elysee?

Fraser Bailey
Fraser Bailey
3 years ago

Exactly. The police and the judiciary etc has been very tolerant of BLM/Antifa when you consider that they killed numerous innocent people and caused tens of billions of damage in terms or rioting, burning and looting etc.

3 years ago

I find reading many Bellingcat articles highly informative. However your coverage of the rioting in America just doesn’t come across as trustworthy and is written by journalists appearing to revel being a part of the riots on other social media instead of neutral commentary.

Derek M
Derek M
3 years ago

I certainly hold no candle for the kleptocratic and thuggish Russian government but it’s noticeable in it’s coverage of non-Russian targets where this organisation’s political bias lies. For example, It’s very keen on ‘exposing’ ‘far-right’ groups in the US but is totally silent on Antifa

Colin Macdonald
Colin Macdonald
3 years ago
Reply to  Derek M

I think their bias must make it pretty straightforward for intelligence services to “play” them. Something that the author completely failed to address. How can he be sure his Russian sources don’t work for MI6?

Benedict Waterson
Benedict Waterson
3 years ago

he said his ‘Russian sources’ were info bought on the Russian black market

Judy Johnson
Judy Johnson
3 years ago
Reply to  Derek M

Does the author not explain his bias when he writes, ‘the best results are produced when people are investigating topics that interest them’?

stephen f.
stephen f.
3 years ago

The statements on BLM/police violence undermine your claim of being disinterested…

mike otter
mike otter
3 years ago

Being fair to the guy he does admit to left wing bias in his article, so its no surprise he’s pro BLM, pro rioting etc etc. Regardless of his student type politics i think Bellingcat has overall been a force for good. Whether or not you have video or still photo evidence geo data can be very useful to corroborate or falsify a theory. You don’t have to agree with their politics to praise their methodology, though i can’t help wondering what the Bellingcat types make of the US election? Videos show official observers being thrown out of poll counts and testimony of the 47 missing USB drives in Delaware County, Penn.

Swiveleyed Loon
Swiveleyed Loon
3 years ago

I noticed this: ‘ oppressive regimes use terror and violence to scare their opponents and get their way, our aim is to ensure that the whole world knows about it.’
Sounds like a pretty good description of the way the UK police forces are dealing with protesters against lockdown, backed by politicians who have found an excuse to turn our long-standing liberal democracy with its bedrocks of free association and free speech into a police state ruled by a cabal of politicians and a secretive set of so-called scientists.

stephen f.
stephen f.
3 years ago

“Think globally-act locally”. Fascinating and instructive how so many governments and regimes around the world have joined hands and jumped on this “never let a good crisis go to waste” opportunity.

David Bottomley
David Bottomley
3 years ago

Police state? You are doing a massive disservice and insult to North Korea, the old USSR, Cuba, Franco’s Spain. Secretive set of so-called scientists? Are you for real? What, in your mind is a ‘real’ scientist?

Dennis Boylon
Dennis Boylon
3 years ago

Bellingcat is a propaganda service for the intelligence agencies. They don’t do intelligence work. They do propaganda. HIggins is a complete fraud who peddles lies.

Roger Inkpen
Roger Inkpen
3 years ago
Reply to  Dennis Boylon

I see the St Petersburg troll factory is working overtime…

David Simpson
David Simpson
3 years ago
Reply to  Dennis Boylon


David Otness
David Otness
3 years ago

Utter codswallop and not worthy of a read. Funded by the Atlantic Council and who knows how many 3-letter/numeral agencies. Higgins has been exposed since like forever. GTFOH