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Rafael Aguilo
Rafael Aguilo
3 years ago

Let the woke Democrats keep their labeling ideas to themselves. I moved from P.R. to the mainland in 1982 and have NEVER looked back. Now at 69, I have lived most of my life here. I feel more AMERICAN than way too many local born ones. In a nut shell: Too many “Americans” don’t KNOW, UNDERSTAND, or even APPRECIATE what they have. My barber, who happens to be a Russian immigrant, and has his own business, was mystified as to why people here were even considering Socialism. He summed it all up: “People who believe in Socialism are stupid. The BEST thing this country has is OPPORTUNITY.” It will be a very cold day in hell before I listen to the siren song of Socialism. And, just like you, I’m NOT a “LatinX”. I’m a Puerto Rican born AMERICAN. Did i “forget” to mention I’m still a registered Democrat (life long, by the way).

3 years ago
Reply to  Rafael Aguilo

and if they ever manage to get socialism they will (literally) shit themselves -their knowledge is all derived from what they have read and been told-the cold reality is somewhat different.

mike otter
mike otter
3 years ago

Spanish speaking Americans are getting wise to the Democrats inverted racism and their vote will grow as their population increases. African-origin Americans also wising up, perhaps more slowly. Long term the dems can only win if they trash the economy and impoverish those trapped on their planatations. Trump has shown those on the plantation they don’t have to take it any more. If Trump can persuade the courts to strike out the voter frauds in Michigan and Pennsylvania there is a genuine chance the USA will make strides towards equality of class and race that we have not seen since FDR in the 1930s.

Fraser Bailey
Fraser Bailey
3 years ago

This was no surprise to those of us who have been following the #WalkAwayFromTheDemocrats campaign, Blexit (Black Exit From The Democrat Party) and various other trends and podcasters etc. And I congratulate all those who have seem through the Dems. Like the Labour Party here in the UK, they are the party of the woke, white, urban elites i.e. the worst of the worst.

Sadly, I fear that all the work of Candace Owens, Officer Tatum, Larry Elder, Anthony Logan Brown, Bevelyn Beatty and so many others was not enough this time. Apparently Beveyln Beatty, a black Trump supporter whose podcasts I sometime watch, was stabbed last night by Trump-haters who were probably white.

But if they can get the right candidate, I’m sure they can do it next time.

Brian Dorsley
Brian Dorsley
3 years ago
Reply to  Fraser Bailey

Sad to hear about Bevelyn Beatty. I expect there will soon be a #blacklivesmatter protest in her honor.

M Spahn
M Spahn
3 years ago

Democrats increasingly miss the obvious due to their commitment to wokeness

The racial dimension of wokeness is simple. The Dem elite have convinced themselves that a small group of culturally elite Wokehadi Blacks speaks on behalf of everyone who isn’t white. This could not be further from the truth. It is not even close to true just in the Black community. But the Wokehadi bubble is small and airtight, getting more so every day, and the delusions just get deeper and deeper.

The recent neologism BIPOC illustrates this well. Simple POC was suddenly found inadequate. Even though it obviously included Bs already, the Bs needed everyone to know they were driving that bus. (The Is are there as a token gesture, they are all off in North Dakota so lip service for them is cheap.) The only ones left in the POC banner, unworthy of special mention, are Latinos and Asians. They are already under ideological notice by the Wokehadis.

Roger Inkpen
Roger Inkpen
3 years ago

Hilarious. I’ve not come across this term Latinx before. I’ve just googled and seems it was made necessary because – as with most European languages – if you refer to the group as Latino it can refer to men and/or men and women, but for just women it’s Latina.

Is their a politically correct way to pronounce Latinx? I’m aware there is a gender neutral term for men or women – or those who identify as gender neutral, or those who identify as neither, etc, etc – Mx. I think this is pronounced M-X. So maybe Latin-X is similar?

Andrew D
Andrew D
3 years ago

Sorry to labour this point, made slightly differently on another thread today, but many Latinos are Catholic, and don’t like the Democrats’ support for late-term abortion

3 years ago

Social conservatives would stump for Trump.

3 years ago

Well you got that completely wrong. Latinos in Florida are more conservative and didn’t vote for Biden but it was the Latinos in other states who voted in massive numbers and got him over the line. Plus Afric Americans but white Americans and disappointingly women went for Trump