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Alan Hall
Alan Hall
3 years ago

Interesting article and thanks for the quote from Neil Postman, worth a read. Like many societies in the past decadence will be our downfall not politics.

Peter Ian Staker
Peter Ian Staker
3 years ago

Interesting. I think people are more likely to succumb to easy pleasures if the rest of their life isn’t functioning (drug addiction in deprived areas). This is why people need good and meaningful work, but many people don’t have this, and our society doesn’t seem to put much emphasis on this (as in bs jobs, Graeber).

Ian Thompson
Ian Thompson
3 years ago

“the key elements of savage culture included “jealousy, competition, greed, and strife.” She’s not wrong, of course. “
Do you assert that we savages here in the U.S. (the referenced land) have no culture? No sense of legality and morality?
I would offer that you are wrong about the “key” elements; the culture is the part that keeps those self-destructive tendencies in check, and allows for growth rather than decay. But we are speaking fictionally, of course.
Good Postman quote with comparison between Orwell and Huxley. Which one is closer to realization today? Dopes, or prisoners? (Can we consider MSM censorship as “burning books”, which is a fair comparison?)