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3 years ago

If everyone is “us” we are nobody (except for elites who are the “somebodies”).
The national narrative is never real it’s an approximation.
Eric Kaufmann uses the term ethno‐traditional nationalist
a variety of nationalism which seeks to protect the traditional preponderance of ethnic majorities through slower immigration and assimilation but which does not seek to close the door entirely to migration or exclude minorities from national membership. “.
In NZ they have been plugging at our history: “Maori wars” became “New Zealand Wars” and now “very violent histories”. Maori Studies departments are kicking up about a lack of recognition when one of our most cited academics says “Scientific research is deeply implicated in the forms of colonialism and has to stop” (stay in it’s lane).

Steve Garrett
Steve Garrett
3 years ago

Marry me, girl, be my fairy to the world, be my very own constellation
Buy me a star on the Boulevard, it’s Californication.
An emerging parallel with a slightly older work of art – is Harry’s life starting to mirror that of Dorian Grey?
We can all speculate, but, to be honest, when you compare a future life of opening supermarkets and village fetes on cold wet afternoons in the back of beyond, with a life of beach leisure and luxury in a warm climate, there’s no contest. Decision made, all that’s needed are some post-hoc rationalisations! And, apart from his Princehood, Harry’s not really much of a catch, is he? Harry has to Go West! Remove his one good move, and one day, Megs might find that, where once was a charming hunk there now lies a slightly weird looking frog. Think Harry 8th and Anne of Cleves!!