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Bryan Elliott
Bryan Elliott
3 years ago

I have never had a FB page (b/c of my job I was barred by US regulators) so I have no direct experience with it. I am a recently retired Yank with an Ivy League graduate degree and a successful career in economic and market forecasting. What little I knew of Q anon (some are saying there are disproportionate numbers of pedophiles among the ruling elite) led me to dismiss it as a crazy joke until…… became clear from recently published documents that some guy named Epstein, with no visibility on where his Billionaire status came from, had actually travelled regularly to a private island with some guy named Clinton, some old world prince with no life, and many many other members of the ruling class. I’m sure they were just discussing how to make the world a better place before enjoying some relaxing downtime with the other guests that happed to also be there…….kind of hard not to connect those dots unless you are a FB “factchecker”.

And shortly thereafter it turns out that some other pile of confirmed documents makes a strong circumstantial case that the new US president is a paid for agent of the CCP……But wait, all this info came from fake news sites according to FB so I’ll just keep assuming its all part of some vast right wing conspiracy – you know, those people who suffer from self sufficiency, make personal sacrifices for child-rearing and other family obligations, delay gratification, worry about punctuality, and all those other markers of white supremacy (at least according to those who take my tax money under threat of prison and use it to open museums accusing me of being racist by actually doing all those horrible things – search “Smithsonian White Culture poster” if this is unfamiliar). But when I point out to people that Obama killed many times more innocent brown people via drones than all the cops in the US during his administration I get accused of all kinds of things but facts are, in fact, facts even if the corporate media oligopoly refuses to disseminate those actual, documented, FACTS.

Especially for those across the pond, I urge you to realize that at least 74 million Americans voted for Trump – many of us (I live in a close state so could not do my normal protest vote this time) did so with great reluctance, but felt it was our only hope to avoid getting steamrolled by the radicals. With Orange Man Bad leaving the scene, the split between the radicals and the rest of us will become more clear every day and we outnumber them significantly. The crazier they go the more they will pay the price at the ballot box (assuming that gets fixed). The real political fissure will be between the empiricists who are part of the unelected permanent government (10 million US gov’t employees and millions more at state and local governments!?!?) and dream of ruling the world while they get extraordinarily wealthy (aka neocons) and those of us who still hold out hope the US constitution will actually be enforced against this horrible killing machine known as the Government of the United States and the “crony crapitalist” system they have created over the past 20 years or so (e.g. sell favors in the tax and regulatory codes to reward their political campaign donators) – that system has certainly contributed to the hollowing out of the middle class here (and its even worse in Europe of course but since I pay for a meaningful chunk of Europe’s defense they can afford to ossify their economies I guess).

We are not as loud nor as destructive as either the radicals or the Neo-cons (we must spy on you despite the constitution and keep droning thousands in the ME in order to keep you safe b/c you have no idea of the imminent threats we are working so hard to overcome) – sound familiar to those of you wondering why lockdowns persist when the data is increasingly clear that lockdowns do little or nothing to stop the spread?

And if the US ballot malarky is not fixed, then I will have lived through the destruction of the greatest experiment in human freedom ever devised – and the bulk of the 7.5 billion souls on the planet will be the victims.

PS – On a happier note, I’m new to your site after getting a recommendation from a friend – Unherd today is what reading monthly commentary magazines used to be – a thought provoking delight. Keep up the great work.