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3 years ago

‘debatable’ in “and also that vaccines carry safety risks (debatable, but she has the scientific chops to make a case)” seriously undermines the credibility and value of this article. It should read “irrefutable, and she has the scientific chops to make a case.” Still looking for an honest, evidence-based, left-wing critique of the Covid phenomenon…

Sean Arthur Joyce
Sean Arthur Joyce
3 years ago

I appreciate Haynes’ attempt to walk the tightrope here, not merely creating caricatures that can be easily mocked, as the media normally does. Dan Hitchens’ article about Hiroshima and the way the US government managed the initial reports about the nuclear bombing in Japan makes it clear exactly why the media cannot be trusted and must constantly be questioned on every point. The media has acted as cheerleader for a long history of failed medicines (think Thalidomide, Vioxx, etc. etc.), immoral and illegal coups in foreign countries, and yes”government conspiracies. Journalism has not been in healthy fettle since 100 years ago with the so-called “muckraker” journalists such as Upton Sinclair and Ida Tarbell, who rightly saw their role as using their investigative skills to ferret out the truth, not toeing the line to ensure their pensions remained secure.
When it comes to so-called “conspiracy theories,” I ask people three simple questions: Was Watergate a conspiracy? Was Iran-Contra a conspiracy? Were weapons of mass destruction in Iraq a conspiracy? If you answered “yes” then you are on the side of history. Each conspiracy must be examined on its own merits and in the light of all available evidence. But most journalists today are either too lazy or too pressed for time to do that job properly.

Davy Humerme
Davy Humerme
2 years ago

Brilliant and balanced piece. Obvious those on the wider shores of scepticism will be annoyed that their assertions have not been affirmed. However, the majority of the growing group Lockdown and climate fear sceptics, as well as those who see the trans takeover of human rights, will see it as fair.

Tony Conrad
Tony Conrad
2 years ago

I think there is truth in some of the conspiracy theories. With regard to Covid there are plenty of eminent doctors who have spoken up but have been deleted by the big social media companies and have had to flee to websites which the social media cannot touch. It is true that one can go too far because of strong feelings but that doesn’t change what the true facts are.

Last edited 2 years ago by Tony Conrad
Michael Parkhill
Michael Parkhill
3 years ago

I have read most of these convuluted comments. Wouldn’t it be easier to believe the ‘conspiracy theorists’ which means the doctors who signed the baltimore declaration. And anyone with half a brain who Knows its all rubbish. Elf And Safety Gone mad. Rescind The 1978 Elf and Safety at work Act which culturally marxy wraps us in cotton wool and pours tar on us. It benefits rich lawyers and cripples our industrial effectiveness. No doubt all you talking heads are employed by Government or in the Chattering classes unaffected??? By wealth creation. Just you wait when there’s no money to support your Chattering. You will be starving. Too late to say sorry. What makes you any more special than a starving Biafran. Nothing!!!!

Lee Jones
Lee Jones
3 years ago

You seem as mad as me….