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Cheryl Jones
Cheryl Jones
2 years ago

I’ve been saying this for years. If the Greens were really green they’d be pro Brexit, pro nationalism, pro borders and anti immigration. They’d be pushing managed population reduction and self sufficiency. Our army would be a beefed up defensive force designed to keep intruders out and to help manage national emergencies like floods or fires. If climate change is coming then the current truckle of illegal immigrants will become a flood – and swamp us entirely. It’s purely about self preservation now and if you think we should sacrifice our families and our nation for the sake of some utopian fantasy of multiculturalism then you need to give your head a wobble.

Douglas McNeish
Douglas McNeish
2 years ago

Open borders will also be the undoing of the socialist utopian dream, since it is evidential that they will attract ever more migration to benefit from it, leading to an eventual collapse of the social cohesion needed to support it. But since the left is guided by ideology rather than experiential knowledge, its adherents will continue to deny the obvious contradiction, and instead blame the selfishness of capitalist “rich” countries for failing to bring about the global socialist dream.

Rob C
Rob C
2 years ago

This is all based on the dubious claim that there is man-made global warming. What if there isn’t What would the author say the future looks like then?

Oliver Wright
Oliver Wright
2 years ago
Reply to  Rob C

Why does it matter, so far as the thesis of this article is concerned, whether global warming is man-made or not?